Jewish passengers refuse mask on flight

The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.
The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.
I know
I was on one and the passengers refused to follow orders
The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.
I know
I was on one and the passengers refused to follow orders
It’s the Hasidic ones
Correct or the article says Haredi, whatever that is. Maybe the same thing. Pre 9/11 I took a red eye to Vegas with my Cousin and 2 chicks. Plane was 2/3rds empty. Went to the galley and stole like 100 mini booze bottles, and parked our rear ends in first class and had a party. Best flight ever, 4th of July. Had no memory of walking through the airport LOL.
The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.

Are these the same assholes who delay planes because they refuse to sit next to women?
The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.

Are these the same assholes who delay planes because they refuse to sit next to women?
Not sure?
The comments section is a gold mine. Hilarious. One of my uncles was an airline captain and during the last few years before retiring he had the direct route to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. He said those flights were always delayed because nobody would sit the phuck down and buckle up.

Are these the same assholes who delay planes because they refuse to sit next to women?
Yes !!!
Can you imagine being on a 10 hr fight and majority of the passengers refuse a mask ??
They can’t land over an ocean
Very disturbing

Arrest and heavily fine every one of them. Then ban them from that airline for life. Simple. Problem solved.
The Captain should have told them that if they didn't 'mask up' he would take them to Syria instead.
I am sure the healthy Jews are now infected with the virus !!
They should have turned the plane around and had them arrested
Can you imagine being on a 10 hr fight and majority of the passengers refuse a mask ??
They can’t land over an ocean
Very disturbing

Arrest and heavily fine every one of them. Then ban them from that airline for life. Simple. Problem solved.
The Captain should have told them that if they didn't 'mask up' he would take them to Syria instead.
They should be arrested with felony charges and serious jail time
Can you imagine being on a 10 hr fight and majority of the passengers refuse a mask ??
They can’t land over an ocean
Very disturbing

Arrest and heavily fine every one of them. Then ban them from that airline for life. Simple. Problem solved.
The Captain should have told them that if they didn't 'mask up' he would take them to Syria instead.
They should be arrested with felony charges and serious jail time
And beaten with wooden clubs to make them more compliant - I do say that about all deviants,
Haredi peer pressure; if they show any lack of trust in God, their families will be shunned.
I had it out with my Sefardic son-in-law as he kept telling me that God guards us.
I told him the next time I'm with him in a car I'm going to do 100MPH on the closest highway going in the wrong direction because God guards us.
He suddenly saw things my way.
In the meanwhile, the Haredi have been as devastated by COVID as any other group on earth.
Wow. The anti-masker crowd changes their tune when they can attack Jews.

Haredi peer pressure; if they show any lack of trust in God, their families will be shunned.
I had it out with my Sefardic son-in-law as he kept telling me that God guards us.
I told him the next time I'm with him in a car I'm going to do 100MPH on the closest highway going in the wrong direction because God guards us.
He suddenly saw things my way.
In the meanwhile, the Haredi have been as devastated by COVID as any other group on earth.
God must have been on a long holiday during the Holocaust.
Haredi peer pressure; if they show any lack of trust in God, their families will be shunned.
I had it out with my Sefardic son-in-law as he kept telling me that God guards us.
I told him the next time I'm with him in a car I'm going to do 100MPH on the closest highway going in the wrong direction because God guards us.
He suddenly saw things my way.
In the meanwhile, the Haredi have been as devastated by COVID as any other group on earth.
God must have been on a long holiday during the Holocaust.
The assimilation rate was out of control.
Probably 90% of the Jews who lived in Germany wiped out in the Holocaust were on their way to converting to Christianity or had already converted to Christianity.
The historical fact is that Jews who abandon Judaism get wiped out or expelled within 3 generations.
Haredi peer pressure; if they show any lack of trust in God, their families will be shunned.
I had it out with my Sefardic son-in-law as he kept telling me that God guards us.
I told him the next time I'm with him in a car I'm going to do 100MPH on the closest highway going in the wrong direction because God guards us.
He suddenly saw things my way.
In the meanwhile, the Haredi have been as devastated by COVID as any other group on earth.
A fundamentalist is on the roof during a flood. As the waters rise, a National Guard boat comes by. "Quick, Jump in," they yell. No, God will protect me, he yells back. The waters continue to rise and a helicopter comes by and lowers a rope. Grab on, they yell, and we'll save you. My Trust is in God to save me, the fundamentalist yells back. So they fly away, the waters continue to rise and eventually the house is swept away and the fundamentalist drowns. In heaven, the fundamentalist berates God. You said if I trusted in you, you would save me, he fumes. Instead you let me drown. "What more could I do?" God replies." I sent a boat and a helicopter,"

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