Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

My parents are both Jewish. I am Jewish. In terms of religion I am not overly religious. My ancient ancestors are from Israel but recent ancestors are from the old Soviet Union. My grandmother had a sister in Germany and one in Israel. We are quite diverse.
How's your Hebrew?
georgie---what is there about that ^^^ silly article that impresses you? What does the "ROCK AND A HARD PLACE" represent? Do you recognize THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN as "islamic" ? how about THE ISLAMIC
REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN? There are non-muslims living there-----not so well.
Are they living better than Palestinians in Gaza? If the Jews of Israel were held to the same human rights standards as Muslims in Iran and Pakistan, Jews and non-Jews living in Palestine would decide their one-state future at the polls.
There were no arab or even christian "PALESTINIANS" at that time. ALL
"PALESTINIANS" were so identified on citizen
only if they were JEWS. Try to get your nomenclature straight
Are you SURE about that?
When were only Jews identified as PALESTINIANS?
so? you are describing a subset of the stench and filth of British oppression of jews since the genocide of jews carried out by Richard "the lion hearted"
What's your spin on "The Hunting Season"?

The Saison - Wikipedia

"The Saison (Hunting Season) (Hebrew: הסזון‎, short for French: la saison de chasse) was the name given to the Haganah's attempt, as ordered by the official bodies of the pre-state Yishuv to suppress the Irgun's insurgency against the government of the British Mandate in Palestine, from November 1944 to February 1945."
The problem here is that the U.S. (the worst culprit of them all) is an anti-Democratic entity both in domestic matters as well as international ones where the U.S. conducts itself in strict Mafia modus operandi
There's also a financial aspect to how the US Empire controls its allies and enemies:

De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire | Michael Hudson

"The result is a circular flow of military spending recycled by foreign central banks.

"After 1971 (when Nixon abandoned the gold standard) the United States continued to spend abroad militarily, and in 1974 the OPEC countries quadrupled the price of oil.

"At that time the United States told Saudi Arabia that it could charge whatever it wanted for its oil, but it had to recycle all its net dollar earnings.

"The Saudis were not to buy gold.

"The Saudis were told that it would be an act of war if they didn’t recycle into the American economy the dollars they received for their oil exports.

"They were encouraged to buy U.S. Treasury bonds but, could also buy other U.S. bonds and stocks to help push up the stock and bond markets here while supporting the dollar."

They buy U,S, bonds because they have so much cash they have no place to put it all, and it's a safe haven in one of the few economies that can absorb it all.
The problem here is that the U.S. (the worst culprit of them all) is an anti-Democratic entity both in domestic matters as well as international ones where the U.S. conducts itself in strict Mafia modus operandi
There's also a financial aspect to how the US Empire controls its allies and enemies:

De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire | Michael Hudson

"The result is a circular flow of military spending recycled by foreign central banks.

"After 1971 (when Nixon abandoned the gold standard) the United States continued to spend abroad militarily, and in 1974 the OPEC countries quadrupled the price of oil.

"At that time the United States told Saudi Arabia that it could charge whatever it wanted for its oil, but it had to recycle all its net dollar earnings.

"The Saudis were not to buy gold.

"The Saudis were told that it would be an act of war if they didn’t recycle into the American economy the dollars they received for their oil exports.

"They were encouraged to buy U.S. Treasury bonds but, could also buy other U.S. bonds and stocks to help push up the stock and bond markets here while supporting the dollar."
Yes, and introducing alternative currencies to the petro-dollar is (it seems) what lies behind the wars and/or war-like conditions with Irak, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, China, etc. As I said, the U.S. conducts its business by Mafia principles. :blues:
I see. I understand your mindset now. Thank you. Six million "losers" during
the Holocaust and generations of their decedents being "whiners" ever since.
Like you. :poke:


Glasnost's strategy is fantastic.

He is deliberately taking all the dehumanization of the palestinian people we see here and projecting it on the jewish people to show how painful the dehumanization of a group of people really is.

Anyone with 3 or 4 functional neurons understand perfectly he's talking with tongue in cheek.

He's merely holding a mirror in front of the racist jews and super patriotic american clowns of the Board to show them how ugly they really are.

But I guess the prerequisite to understand his post (3 or 4 functional neurons) automatically disqualifies half the Board.
He is a miserable old Commie bastard that should have died decades ago. He is the descendants of the Nazis

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