Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

"Intentional" is the word you are looking for.
I think the violent destruction of the Middle East became inevitable after the fall of the Soviet Union

Once the threat of nuclear war between rival superpowers vanished, it was only a matter of time before the US and its puppets in the region began redrawing the borders western imperialists imposed a century ago.

The New Middle East That’s Coming - Militarist Monitor

"The Middle East that is emerging from the current crisis may be very different than the one that existed before those cruise missiles and drones tipped over the chessboard.

"The Yemen war might finally end. Iran may, at least partly, break out of the political and economic blockade that Saudi Arabia, the U.S., and Israel has imposed on it. Syria’s civil war will recede.

"And the Americans, who have dominated the Middle East since 1945, will become simply one of several international players in the region, along with China, Russia, India, and the European Union."
Did you accept the 1999 Clinton accords
Every problem Israel has comes from being soft. Had they dealt with the Arabs properly, this would not be an issue.
Every problem comes from the Nazis being too soft. Had Hitler dealt with them properly the trouble in Palestine would not be an issue.
Glas is an old Nazi bastard that should have died decades ago
Originally posted by Quasar44
Do you accept any Jewish nation in the lands ??

I'm not surada but you're question is too good to be left unaswered.

I will strongly support any jewish homeland built on any uninhabitated place or established with the consent of the native population.

A jewish homeland that does not confine the native population in ethnic enclaves and keept it there under the threat of death is 100% fine by me. Who in his right mind could possibly be against that?

Zionism's original idea: a safe haven for a minority ethnic group has always been and continues to be totally legitimate today and I can't even imagine any serious objection against it.

Oppose the practical, historic implementation of an idea is not the same as opposing the concept itself.

There's a world of difference between opposing a homeland for the Afrikaner, jewish people, etc... and opposing supremacist states like SA, Rodhesia, Israel, etc...
Originally posted by Quasar44
Do you accept any Jewish nation in the lands ??

I'm not surada but you're question is too good to be left unaswered.

I will strongly support any jewish homeland built on any uninhabitated place or established with the consent of the native population.

A jewish homeland that does not confine the native population in ethnic enclaves and keept it there under the threat of death is 100% fine by me. Who in his right mind could possibly be against that?

Zionism's original idea: a safe haven for a minority ethnic group has always been and continues to be totally legitimate today and I can't even imagine any serious objection against it.

Oppose the practical, historic implementation of an idea is not the same as opposing the concept itself.

There's a world of difference between opposing a homeland for the Afrikaner, jewish people, etc... and opposing supremacist states like SA, Rodhesia, Israel, etc...
Zero point in having a nation anywhere else ?? It is their homeland ??
Sorry most Palestinians are living under Palestinian rule
Israel is a far stronger and safer nation than any in Europe or USA
You can’t just walk over and stay
They have massive walls, land mines , drones and snipers
Not even the cartels can get through the Israeli border
Originally posted by Quasar44
Zero point in having a nation anywhere else ??

Why zero point?

A powerful, well-armed jewish state would protect its population as well as Israel does... even if it was located in Antarctica. And that's the whole point of sanctuaries, of safe havens.

Physical survival trumps religious significance.

Hell... even the absence of ethnic conflict with the majority ethnic groups of their host nations trumps religious significance!!

Even the nascent zionist movement recognized this fact when they seriously considered the possibility of a jewish homeland in Africa or South America.
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In reality, this jewish state would protect Jews even better than Israel does because it wouldn't be mired in a perpetual state of war with the subjugated native population.
Do you accept any Jewish nation in the lands ??
You didn't ask me but I'm going to tell you anyway. The Nazis were a bunch of murdering thugs and I didn't "accept" them. But the Nazis are gone and I most definitely accept the Germans in Germany today.

I "accept" Jews as a whole but I do not "accept" the "Jewish" state of Israel as it stands today. If Israel were to stop their land-grabbing and return what is fair to the Palestinians I will then "accept" Jews in Israel ..... or wherever they settle to build a "Jewish" state.

But Israel is a Nazi state and I feel the same about it as I did the Third Reich.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
total babble crap obviously don't know MEast history
Do you accept any Jewish nation in the lands ??
You didn't ask me but I'm going to tell you anyway. The Nazis were a bunch of murdering thugs and I didn't "accept" them. But the Nazis are gone and I most definitely accept the Germans in Germany today.

I "accept" Jews as a whole but I do not "accept" the "Jewish" state of Israel as it stands today. If Israel were to stop their land-grabbing and return what is fair to the Palestinians I will then "accept" Jews in Israel ..... or wherever they settle to build a "Jewish" state.

But Israel is a Nazi state and I feel the same about it as I did the Third Reich.
a nazi state???? the JEWS!!!!??? hahahahhahahahahahahahahah
Why zero point?

A powerful, well-armed jewish state would protect its population as well as Israel does... even if it was located in Antarctica. And that's the whole point of sanctuaries, of safe havens.

Physical survival trumps religious significance.

Hell... even the absence of ethnic conflict with the majority ethnic groups of their host nations trumps religious significance!!

Even the nascent zionist movement recognized this fact when they seriously considered the possibility of a jewish homeland in Africa or South America.

The Jews have a home, the same one for 5,000 years. Why should the Muslim supremacists drive them from it just because their filthy god Muhammad cannot tolerate others?

Jordan is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Yemen is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Syria is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Egypt is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Pakistan is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens - Hindus are murdered outright
Iran is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Afghanistan is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens - Hindus are murdered outright
Iraq is an Apartheid state - Jews and Christians are second class citizens
Originally posted by Uncensored2008
Why should the Muslim supremacists drive them from it just because their filthy god Muhammad cannot tolerate others?

You have lots of strongly religious people in Palestine (Jews, Muslims, Christians).

But being religious is not the same as favoring a religious state.

Most of them are not theocrats.

They are the children and grandchildren of the peasants and urban workers who lived in just about every israeli city before 1948.
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And even palestinians who really don't believe in secular states like Sheikh Yassin, they too have a right to live in their homeland.

Can you imagine anyone in America denying Pat Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell and millions of anonymous american citizens, their right to live in the US just because they oppose secularism?
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I was born in Ashkhelon.

My entire family is from Ashkhelon.

What am I doing here in Gaza City?

I don't belong here.


Ahmed Yassin
And even palestinians who really don't believe in secular states like Sheikh Yassin, they too have a right to live in their homeland.

Can you imagine anyone in America denying Pat Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell and millions of anonymous american citizens, their right to live in the US just because they oppose secularism?
Jordan is their homeland.
Jordan kicked them out because they were nomads.

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