Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

Aren’t all people God’s people?
Not all people are Godly.
I agree. Most aren't. Especially the ones that think they are.

That doesn't change the fact that we are all his people. Even the one's that don't follow your religion or any religion at all.
Difference between Jewish Scripture and NT...
Eliyahu will tell all nations that Moshiach is coming I 3 days and to get ready.

John is sending all non-believers to the Eternal Lake of Hell.

I don’t know where you get the impression from The Jewish Scriptures that God will damn all non-Jews.
In other other words, “Show me the verse!”.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.
John doesn’t say that?
Holy cow!
Google it.
I don’t need to. Prove me wrong.
I agree. Most aren't. Especially the ones that think they are.

That doesn't change the fact that we are all his people. Even the one's that don't follow your religion or any religion at all.
Difference between Jewish Scripture and NT...
Eliyahu will tell all nations that Moshiach is coming I 3 days and to get ready.

John is sending all non-believers to the Eternal Lake of Hell.

I don’t know where you get the impression from The Jewish Scriptures that God will damn all non-Jews.
In other other words, “Show me the verse!”.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.
The Christians have more interpretations of the NT than Jews have of anything.
You just keep them to yourselves. Sort of like reincarnation and all the other questions you dodged.
I agree. Most aren't. Especially the ones that think they are.

That doesn't change the fact that we are all his people. Even the one's that don't follow your religion or any religion at all.
Difference between Jewish Scripture and NT...
Eliyahu will tell all nations that Moshiach is coming I 3 days and to get ready.

John is sending all non-believers to the Eternal Lake of Hell.

I don’t know where you get the impression from The Jewish Scriptures that God will damn all non-Jews.
In other other words, “Show me the verse!”.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.

Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Difference between Jewish Scripture and NT...
Eliyahu will tell all nations that Moshiach is coming I 3 days and to get ready.

John is sending all non-believers to the Eternal Lake of Hell.

I don’t know where you get the impression from The Jewish Scriptures that God will damn all non-Jews.
In other other words, “Show me the verse!”.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.
The Christians have more interpretations of the NT than Jews have of anything.
You just keep them to yourselves. Sort of like reincarnation and all the other questions you dodged.
I see you never use Google.
Have you ever read anything from the NT?
Difference between Jewish Scripture and NT...
Eliyahu will tell all nations that Moshiach is coming I 3 days and to get ready.

John is sending all non-believers to the Eternal Lake of Hell.

I don’t know where you get the impression from The Jewish Scriptures that God will damn all non-Jews.
In other other words, “Show me the verse!”.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.

Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.
The Christians have more interpretations of the NT than Jews have of anything.
You just keep them to yourselves. Sort of like reincarnation and all the other questions you dodged.
I see you never use Google.
Have you ever read anything from the NT?
If that’s what you want to believe, go for it.

I am not the one who is trying to explain the religion of another. If I were that guy I would be posting the verse verbatim and explaining what I thought it meant.
Eliyahu hasn’t made that announcement yet. And when he does I believe it will be Jesus. What will you do?

I don’t believe John does say that. I believe that is your interpretation. Read the catechism.

I don’t know where you got that last point from. Certainly not from me. I have been trying to understand your beliefs on this subject but you are being coy and not straightforward.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.

Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
The catechism does not state that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

Christianity does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

The New Testament does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.
The catechism does not state that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

Christianity does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

The New Testament does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

yeah------actually it does. Dante told me. He was able to SQUEEZE Daniel in only by
fantasizing that DANIEL ALREADY KNEW CHRIST whilst he was eating spit pea soup in
Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

He doesn’t say it in the spirit of the season
He says it to be a prick

So, now saying Merry Christmas is being a Prick.

What's it like to be mentally retarded, BTW?
Why do you need to ask when you are the archetype retard?

So, says the Jewish retard, who simply just mouths off, and knows nothing outside of the Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah.
There's an increasing push to blame Poles & Poland for the Holocaust, and it's usually by Jews.

Keep in mind the Israel Knesset, called Poland Holocaust Deniers, for daring to secure it's history, with a Law which makes it Illegal to call them Polish Death Camps, or blame the Polish state for the Camps & Nazis.

This shows what anti-Polish trash, Jews are in the Norm, and I certainly don't appreciate this scum.

That doesn't excuse you lying about the Jews causing the Holocaust. That's just dumb.

If there's no excuse for Jews being blamed for the Holocaust, then there should also be no excuse blaming Poles for the Holocaust.

Indeed, the role of both Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Polish Nazi collaborators were minimal, but did in fact exist.

It's either okay to point fingers at the victims of Genocide for their Genocide, or it's NOT.

It seems Jews in general just like to get theirs at all costs, and don't give a damn flying f*ck about the Goyim.
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.

Many Jews are trying to rewrite history, as Poland did the Holocaust.

This simply cannot be tolerated.

Who are these “many Jews” you refer to?

I can think of maybe one in Debbie Schlussels.

The majority of Jews I've dealt with online have in fact blamed Poland for the Holocaust.
Yeah right, and random people have the right to ignore you fucking with them

You are crying about getting mean stares from people that you disrespected for fun after waking up one morning still drunk from the night before.. So what. Now you are here disrespecting everyone.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age cursing the Jews with your last breath before you drown and sink to the bottom of the sea, and no one is lending you a hand, no one gives a shit.

Aren't you having fun anymore?

Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

They weren't dressed up as Jews, but in response to "Merry Christmas" they gave mean stares, and they had a big hook noses & glasses.

What else could they be, besides Jewish Grinches?????????

the only people who have big noses and glasses are joooos? Is that what
you very nearsighted catechism whore said? I am reminded of an elderly
patient on being asked if he wears glasses said INDIGNANTLY ------
"NEVAH my eyes are perfect" doc asked---"you can read the newspaper
without any glasses or magnification" ??? The patient answered "I can't read"
<<<<< true story

No, but if someone is offended by Merry Christmas, and has a Big Nose & Glasses, there's a 99.9% chance they're Jewish.
Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

They weren't dressed up as Jews, but in response to "Merry Christmas" they gave mean stares, and they had a big hook noses & glasses.

What else could they be, besides Jewish Grinches?????????

the only people who have big noses and glasses are joooos? Is that what
you very nearsighted catechism whore said? I am reminded of an elderly
patient on being asked if he wears glasses said INDIGNANTLY ------
"NEVAH my eyes are perfect" doc asked---"you can read the newspaper
without any glasses or magnification" ??? The patient answered "I can't read"
<<<<< true story

No, but if someone is offended by Merry Christmas, and has a Big Nose & Glasses, there's a 99.9% chance they're Jewish.

the patient THAT TIME----was not polish----He was Ukrainain eastern orthodox
Argh. You are so full of shit it isn't funny. How is everyone supposed to know they were Jewish but you knew they were Jewish. Right.

So you admit that you were just fucking with them when you said merry Christmas and then have the audacity to act all insulted and surprised here because they blew you off as just another low class low IQ idiot.

Does this really shock you?

they gave you mean stares? Those bastards! Were your feelings hurt? Aww, poor


People should be able to say Merry Christmas to random people, without low IQ Jewish vermin having an OCD panic attack.

Yeah right, and random people have the right to ignore you fucking with them

You are crying about getting mean stares from people that you disrespected for fun after waking up one morning still drunk from the night before.. So what. Now you are here disrespecting everyone.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age cursing the Jews with your last breath before you drown and sink to the bottom of the sea, and no one is lending you a hand, no one gives a shit.

Aren't you having fun anymore?

Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

The Chassidic Jewish peoples aren't in Putnam & Dutchess, much at all, they're mostly on the OTHER Side of the Hudson River, the cheaper side of the River, in the counties of Orange, Rockland, Ulster, and Sullivan.

Most of the Jews in Putnam & Dutchess are Secular transplants from Westchester, escaping the high expenses of Westchester.
Although not exclusively Westchester, I've also met Jews from the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & Rockland here & there too up here.
People should be able to say Merry Christmas to random people, without low IQ Jewish vermin having an OCD panic attack.

Yeah right, and random people have the right to ignore you fucking with them

You are crying about getting mean stares from people that you disrespected for fun after waking up one morning still drunk from the night before.. So what. Now you are here disrespecting everyone.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age cursing the Jews with your last breath before you drown and sink to the bottom of the sea, and no one is lending you a hand, no one gives a shit.

Aren't you having fun anymore?

Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

The Chassidic Jewish peoples aren't in Putnam & Dutchess, much at all, they're mostly on the OTHER Side of the Hudson River, the cheaper side of the River, in the counties of Orange, Rockland, Ulster, and Sullivan.

Most of the Jews in Putnam & Dutchess are Secular transplants from Westchester, escaping the high expenses of Westchester.
Although not exclusively Westchester, I've also met Jews from the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & Rockland here & there too up here.

Lucky man------so many jews in your life
That doesn't excuse you lying about the Jews causing the Holocaust. That's just dumb.

If there's no excuse for Jews being blamed for the Holocaust, then there should also be no excuse blaming Poles for the Holocaust.

Indeed, the role of both Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Polish Nazi collaborators were minimal, but did in fact exist.

It's either okay to point fingers at the victims of Genocide for their Genocide, or it's NOT.

It seems Jews in general just like to get theirs at all costs, and don't give a damn flying f*ck about the Goyim.
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.

Many Jews are trying to rewrite history, as Poland did the Holocaust.

This simply cannot be tolerated.

Who are these “many Jews” you refer to?

I can think of maybe one in Debbie Schlussels.

The majority of Jews I've dealt with online have in fact blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

I never heard anyone blame Poland for the holocaust. maybe people like you, but not Poland.
If there's no excuse for Jews being blamed for the Holocaust, then there should also be no excuse blaming Poles for the Holocaust.

Indeed, the role of both Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Polish Nazi collaborators were minimal, but did in fact exist.

It's either okay to point fingers at the victims of Genocide for their Genocide, or it's NOT.

It seems Jews in general just like to get theirs at all costs, and don't give a damn flying f*ck about the Goyim.
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.

Many Jews are trying to rewrite history, as Poland did the Holocaust.

This simply cannot be tolerated.

Who are these “many Jews” you refer to?

I can think of maybe one in Debbie Schlussels.

The majority of Jews I've dealt with online have in fact blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

I never heard anyone blame Poland for the holocaust. maybe people like you, but not Poland.

sobie is not paranoid------he got a GUILTY CONSCIENCE
Yeah right, and random people have the right to ignore you fucking with them

You are crying about getting mean stares from people that you disrespected for fun after waking up one morning still drunk from the night before.. So what. Now you are here disrespecting everyone.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age cursing the Jews with your last breath before you drown and sink to the bottom of the sea, and no one is lending you a hand, no one gives a shit.

Aren't you having fun anymore?

Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

The Chassidic Jewish peoples aren't in Putnam & Dutchess, much at all, they're mostly on the OTHER Side of the Hudson River, the cheaper side of the River, in the counties of Orange, Rockland, Ulster, and Sullivan.

Most of the Jews in Putnam & Dutchess are Secular transplants from Westchester, escaping the high expenses of Westchester.
Although not exclusively Westchester, I've also met Jews from the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & Rockland here & there too up here.

Lucky man------so many jews in your life

Not really, this area isn't particularly Jewish, although I did at times frequent regions in Westchester with a lot of Jews, for Art classes & Summer Camp.
(They tended to be very Liberal & Hypocritical)

I got annoyed, when a Jew in Art class years back, was talking about Vacationing in Vietnam an insult to our country & Veterans, and likewise was complaining about Gentrification pushing people out of their neighborhoods, (But, I doubt they'd complain about the Ghettoization that pushed a lot of Whites out of the Bronx & Brooklyn, and else where back in the day)

I almost LOL'd, when a British lady in Art class years back, said the Regular Media sucks & she watches the BBC, and then a Jew got offended & said the regular Media is great.

Dutchess County was 3.4% Jewish & Putnam County was 3.9% Jewish in 2011, now it's probably higher, my guess is more like 5.0, or even 6.0%.

American Jews - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.

Many Jews are trying to rewrite history, as Poland did the Holocaust.

This simply cannot be tolerated.

Who are these “many Jews” you refer to?

I can think of maybe one in Debbie Schlussels.

The majority of Jews I've dealt with online have in fact blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

I never heard anyone blame Poland for the holocaust. maybe people like you, but not Poland.

sobie is not paranoid------he got a GUILTY CONSCIENCE
Thats Ok. Our dear Jew hating friend will work it out.. All he has to do is go to confession and then to show God just how sorry he is for his sins he can celebrate the torture and death of Jesus, worship a cracker made by human hands, and then eat it.

I'm sure that God will be very impressed and then give him an amazing reward!
Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

They weren't dressed up as Jews, but in response to "Merry Christmas" they gave mean stares, and they had a big hook noses & glasses.

What else could they be, besides Jewish Grinches?????????

the only people who have big noses and glasses are joooos? Is that what
you very nearsighted catechism whore said? I am reminded of an elderly
patient on being asked if he wears glasses said INDIGNANTLY ------
"NEVAH my eyes are perfect" doc asked---"you can read the newspaper
without any glasses or magnification" ??? The patient answered "I can't read"
<<<<< true story

No, but if someone is offended by Merry Christmas, and has a Big Nose & Glasses, there's a 99.9% chance they're Jewish.

how do you know WHAT offended your victims? or if the REASON was "MERRY CHRISTMAS"?
Did anyone threaten to punch you in your tiny polish nose?. Maybe it was the fact that you \
were staggering, drooling and swigging WODKA

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