Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

nonsense. They ignored you because you are a jackass who disrespected them.

Go cry about it somewhere else.

It's not your Jew nation, if you don't like Christian Christmas, you're disrespecting the Christian majority.

P,lain & Simple.

Thats like saying if you don't walk around with a coconut on your head in a land where everyone else does, you are being disrespectful.

Are you really that dumb?

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things eating the flesh and blood of Jesus has done for you.

You don't get it, just another Forum Jew which proves to be Intellectually & Morally bankrupt.


whats not to get? You are miserable and so you have resorted to hating the Jews for not being as stupid as you are for professing to believe that God was wearing diapers.

You can hate Christmas, but don't expect to be respected.

I don't hate Christmas you doofus.

And don't worry, I would never expect to be respected by someone like yourself who has no self respect.
It's not your Jew nation, if you don't like Christian Christmas, you're disrespecting the Christian majority.

P,lain & Simple.

Thats like saying if you don't walk around with a coconut on your head in a land where everyone else does, you are being disrespectful.

Are you really that dumb?

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things eating the flesh and blood of Jesus has done for you.

You don't get it, just another Forum Jew which proves to be Intellectually & Morally bankrupt.


whats not to get? You are miserable and so you have resorted to hating the Jews for not being as stupid as you are for professing to believe that God was wearing diapers.

You can hate Christmas, but don't expect to be respected.

I don't hate Christmas you doofus.

And I would never expect to be respected by someone like yourself who has no self respect.

Most people wouldn't think that saying Merry Christmas to random people, which may include random Jews, is offensive, or rude.

Rather most people would think that giving Mean Stares in response to saying Merry Christmas, was in fact the offensive & rude ordeal.

someone says it in the catechism-----Dante INSISTS-----at the very best-----languid limbo
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.

Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

He doesn’t say it in the spirit of the season
He says it to be a prick

So, now saying Merry Christmas is being a Prick.

What's it like to be mentally retarded, BTW?
Why do you need to ask when you are the archetype retard?

So, says the Jewish retard, who simply just mouths off, and knows nothing outside of the Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah.
Calm and logical.
I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

He doesn’t say it in the spirit of the season
He says it to be a prick

So, now saying Merry Christmas is being a Prick.

What's it like to be mentally retarded, BTW?
Why do you need to ask when you are the archetype retard?

So, says the Jewish retard, who simply just mouths off, and knows nothing outside of the Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah.
Calm and logical.

I'm merely responding to your obnoxiousness, you simply Chimp out, over & over again.
He doesn’t say it in the spirit of the season
He says it to be a prick

So, now saying Merry Christmas is being a Prick.

What's it like to be mentally retarded, BTW?
Why do you need to ask when you are the archetype retard?

So, says the Jewish retard, who simply just mouths off, and knows nothing outside of the Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah.
Calm and logical.

I'm merely responding to your obnoxiousness, you simply Chimp out, over & over again.
Remember...Pollacks are Calm and Logical.
But, then again, you’re a mixed breed.
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.
GOD don't choose.
Yeah right, and random people have the right to ignore you fucking with them

You are crying about getting mean stares from people that you disrespected for fun after waking up one morning still drunk from the night before.. So what. Now you are here disrespecting everyone.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age cursing the Jews with your last breath before you drown and sink to the bottom of the sea, and no one is lending you a hand, no one gives a shit.

Aren't you having fun anymore?

Anyone who is insulted by Merry Christmas is a Jerk.

It's not disrespecting ANYBODY to say Merry Christmas.

You think so because you're a Vile & Bitter Jew.

You admitted knowing they were Jewish and then intentionally fucking with them with your holiday cheer.

You said they just ignored you, gave you a mean stare, and walked away.

Now you are crying about it allover the internet. They probably haven't given you a moments thought ever since. Seems like you were the one who was insulted after being an asshole.. Thats a shame.

You do have my condolences.

I think you are right-----Sobie claims (I think) to live in upstate NY----where Chassidic people
live. Saying "merry Christmas" to a person all dressed up in chassid costume would
actually be a bit gross if their background was eastern Europe----which it probably would
be. Christmas was a big WIND UP for pogroms over there. It would be like wishing a

He doesn’t say it in the spirit of the season
He says it to be a prick

So, now saying Merry Christmas is being a Prick.

What's it like to be mentally retarded, BTW?
Coming from you to someone who is obviously Jewish

Yes, you are a prick
Who are these “many Jews” you refer to?

I can think of maybe one in Debbie Schlussels.

The majority of Jews I've dealt with online have in fact blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

So, to be spiteful, you lie and blame them. Do you not realize how stupid that is?

It's actually not a lie that there were Jewish Nazi collaborators.

You think so, because of your low IQ.

And there were Polish Nazi collaborators. By your standards, that means we can blame Poland for the Holocaust. That's the road you're walking.

The Jewish Nazi collaborators & Polish Nazi collaborators were both rare, and yet still had existed.

Yet, even though by your own admission they were rare, you use them to excuse your blaming them for the Holocaust.
The catechism does not state that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

Christianity does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

The New Testament does not teach that only Christians will be eternally united with G-d.

yeah------actually it does. Dante told me. He was able to SQUEEZE Daniel in only by
fantasizing that DANIEL ALREADY KNEW CHRIST whilst he was eating spit pea soup in
You have an active and vivid imagination.
If you want to understand the interpretation of Christian beliefs, it makes sense to ask a Christian organization.

Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
Dante wrote his "COMEDY" in accordance with the catholic model of DA INFERNO and
PURGATORY and PARADISO of his time-------even such goodnicks like virgil ended
up in Limbo. Are you suggesting UNIVERSAL acclamation------YAAYYYYY JESUS at the
glorious advent?
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are ignorant beyond belief but I’m happy you are happy with your beliefs.
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are ignorant beyond belief but I’m happy you are happy with your beliefs.
^ dunning effect
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are ignorant beyond belief but I’m happy you are happy with your beliefs.
^ dunning effect
Ding effect...Verse Cherry Picker.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are ignorant beyond belief but I’m happy you are happy with your beliefs.
^ dunning effect
Ding effect...Verse Cherry Picker.
I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that. :smile:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Sure you can! Maybe you could even fly right up into hebbin!

And and I am a lowly and contemptible creature who believes in an unknown God and thinks he has more power in his pinky finger than your three in one edible mangod and every other false god that never existed combined.

Woe is me. I must be crazy!
Last edited:
I’m suggesting you should read the catechism.
Jews don’t read opinions without first reading the source material.
Jews follow the teachings of their rabbis.

Think of the catechism as an online rabbi.
We spend many years studying the text of the Torah and Prophets before we study Talmud.
In other words, first we study the source material.
Apparently you didn’t study the NT enough.

As for the Jewish beliefs you did study beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are ignorant beyond belief but I’m happy you are happy with your beliefs.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Sure you can! Maybe you could even fly right up into hebbin!

And and I am a lowly and contemptible creature who believes in an unknown God and thinks he has more power in his pinky finger than your three in one edible mangod and every other false god that never existed combined.

Woe is me. I must be crazy!
Just subversive.

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