jihad vs zionism. which has killed more and which is the biggest threat now?

since i got red tiled for allowing myself to get sucked into a dick waving match with our resident islamophobic troll, allow me to tie his behavior in with the theme of this thread in an attempt to put the discussion back on track

agent-provacateurs, such as marc39, whether actually employed to perform public relations or doing so independantly because of personal passions, have always played an important role in the mental conditioning of public response to a particular program in a regime's playbook.

i would not personally expend the amount of energy marc39 does on behalf of any government without being paid for my efforts.

to restate my position: peace works.

war only benefits those that like to kill and the people who provide their financing. the zionist warmongers and islamic jihadists are both wrong and innocent arabs and jews will continue to suffer so long as the world allows these madmen to continue to hate each other and train armies to kill each other.

millions of traditional ashkenazi jews were slaughtered in europe to pave the way for the "return" and creation of the state of israel. since then, millions of sephardic jews have been displaced and communities that thrived for thousands of years from morocco to afghanistan have disappeared

violence is the last refuge of the incompetant --- isaac asimov

enough is enough. beat the fucking swords into plowshares already!

You are a bigger moron than the banned poster claimed.
since i got red tiled for allowing myself to get sucked into a dick waving match with our resident islamophobic troll, allow me to tie his behavior in with the theme of this thread in an attempt to put the discussion back on track

agent-provacateurs, such as marc39, whether actually employed to perform public relations or doing so independantly because of personal passions, have always played an important role in the mental conditioning of public response to a particular program in a regime's playbook.

i would not personally expend the amount of energy marc39 does on behalf of any government without being paid for my efforts.

to restate my position: peace works.

war only benefits those that like to kill and the people who provide their financing. the zionist warmongers and islamic jihadists are both wrong and innocent arabs and jews will continue to suffer so long as the world allows these madmen to continue to hate each other and train armies to kill each other.

millions of traditional ashkenazi jews were slaughtered in europe to pave the way for the "return" and creation of the state of israel. since then, millions of sephardic jews have been displaced and communities that thrived for thousands of years from morocco to afghanistan have disappeared

violence is the last refuge of the incompetant --- isaac asimov

enough is enough. beat the fucking swords into plowshares already!

You are a bigger moron than the banned poster claimed.

you need to expound on the reasons for a statement like that to reflect anything more than the contradiction in terms between your screen name and your own level of intelligence.

this will be about the fourth time i have posed the question about the sephardim and nobody do any better than to call me names for bringing it up.
honey? ok sweetcheeks

the majority of the people who have become the citizens of the state of israel are caucasian ashkenazim who immigrated (illegally?) from europe and western asia. prior to 1948, the majority of the jews in the region were darker sephardim who numbered in the millions in communities that had existed for thousands of years across north africa into central asia.

since the partition and founding of the state of israel, those communities have been decimated. in israel, the sephardim take a back seat to the ashkenazim and at the time i was actively involved in support groups, they were being displaced in housing, jobs and access to social services by the incoming russian jews.

shamefully, i admit that i have not looked closely at what is going on with my cousins for over 30 years and don't know the precise numbers and the mechanics of what has been going on since.
honey? ok sweetcheeks

the majority of the people who have become the citizens of the state of israel are caucasian ashkenazim who immigrated (illegally?) from europe and western asia.

Wrong, genius.

The majority of Israeli Jews are the nearly 1 million Mizrahi Jews and their descendants ethnically cleansed from Arab countries in the mid-20th century.

The legally binding Palestine Mandate, ratified unanimously by the League of Nations, encourages Jews from anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel.

Now, even you know.
millions of traditional ashkenazi jews were slaughtered in europe to pave the way for the "return" and creation of the state of israel. since then, millions of sephardic jews have been displaced and communities that thrived for thousands of years from morocco to afghanistan have disappeared

Wrong, again, genius.

The First Zionist Congress formed to establish a Jewish state took place in 1897. Jewish immigration to Palestine commenced in 1880 with the full permission of the Ottoman Turks under whose sovereignty Palestine fell.

The legally binding Palestine Mandate issued by the League of Nations in the early 20th century gives Jews full permission to live in Israel.

Now, even you know. :clap2:
Hey Marc! How did you latest forum ban work out for ya? How long before you find another mod boot up your hebrew ass as you are kicked out the fucking USMB door?
Hey Marc! How did you latest forum ban work out for ya? How long before you find another mod boot up your hebrew ass as you are kicked out the fucking USMB door?

I made a boatload of money shorting the market. :clap2:

Even more for you to be jealous of, psycho loser. :cuckoo:
Hey Marc! How did you latest forum ban work out for ya? How long before you find another mod boot up your hebrew ass as you are kicked out the fucking USMB door?

I made a boatload of money shorting the market. :clap2:

Even more for you to be jealous of, psycho loser. :cuckoo:


you used that lame ass line the LAST TIME, you dumb bastard!


so, how long before we have your ass banned again, fuck monkey? One week? Two? How long should we let you stay this time? Be sure to reply with small increments of time.
Hey Marc! How did you latest forum ban work out for ya? How long before you find another mod boot up your hebrew ass as you are kicked out the fucking USMB door?

I made a boatload of money shorting the market. :clap2:

Even more for you to be jealous of, psycho loser. :cuckoo:


you used that lame ass line the LAST TIME, you dumb bastard!


so, how long before we have your ass banned again, fuck monkey? One week? Two? How long should we let you stay this time? Be sure to reply with small increments of time.

You even catalog my posts, you self-loathing psycho loser. :cuckoo:
I made a boatload of money shorting the market. :clap2:

Even more for you to be jealous of, psycho loser. :cuckoo:


you used that lame ass line the LAST TIME, you dumb bastard!


so, how long before we have your ass banned again, fuck monkey? One week? Two? How long should we let you stay this time? Be sure to reply with small increments of time.

You even catalog my posts, you self-loathing psycho loser. :cuckoo:

You are repetitive enough, and your repertoire narrow enough, that we all know what you are going to post practically before you hit the submit button.

so, again, how long should we let you stick around before banning your ass AGAIN?


you used that lame ass line the LAST TIME, you dumb bastard!


so, how long before we have your ass banned again, fuck monkey? One week? Two? How long should we let you stay this time? Be sure to reply with small increments of time.

You even catalog my posts, you self-loathing psycho loser. :cuckoo:

You are repetitive enough, and your repertoire narrow enough, that we all know what you are going to post practically before you hit the submit button.

so, again, how long should we let you stick around before banning your ass AGAIN?


The psycho loser catalogs my posts :cuckoo:
You even catalog my posts, you self-loathing psycho loser. :cuckoo:

You are repetitive enough, and your repertoire narrow enough, that we all know what you are going to post practically before you hit the submit button.

so, again, how long should we let you stick around before banning your ass AGAIN?


The psycho loser catalogs my posts :cuckoo:

Nope, I just busted your ass lying is all. Not that I am shocked any more than anyone else familiar with your blather. But hey.. you know what they say about sheisty jews...

so, again, marc... How long before we show you another week of DAS BOOT!
You are repetitive enough, and your repertoire narrow enough, that we all know what you are going to post practically before you hit the submit button.

so, again, how long should we let you stick around before banning your ass AGAIN?


The psycho loser catalogs my posts :cuckoo:

Nope, I just busted your ass lying is all. Not that I am shocked any more than anyone else familiar with your blather. But hey.. you know what they say about sheisty jews...

so, again, marc... How long before we show you another week of DAS BOOT!

Yep. You catalog my posts. You are a self-hating psycho loser :cuckoo:
shogun, did you have to pick a fight? marc's posts have been on topic and mostly non-confrontational.

personal vendettas belong in the flame zone.

marc, for some background. my professional training is in biochemistry and fine arts. i am not a historian by any stretch. i was involved with the JDL in the 60's and 70's and since getting locked out in the 80's by raygunomics, i have been involved with domestic human rights issues and i'm not at all up to speed on current events in israel.

when i was active, one of the sensitive issues was what was happening to the ancient communities in the region as a result of the arab-israeli conflict. the other was the discrimination of the sephardim and their displacement in the queues for social services by incoming russian jews.

also, if you don't mean egyptian by mizrahi, i'm afraid that i'll need you to define that term better. in my education, the main bodies of jews in the world were called ashkenazic and sephardic
shogun, did you have to pick a fight? marc's posts have been on topic and mostly non-confrontational.

personal vendettas belong in the flame zone.

marc, for some background. my professional training is in biochemistry and fine arts. i am not a historian by any stretch. i was involved with the JDL in the 60's and 70's and since getting locked out in the 80's by raygunomics, i have been involved with domestic human rights issues and i'm not at all up to speed on current events in israel.

when i was active, one of the sensitive issues was what was happening to the ancient communities in the region as a result of the arab-israeli conflict. the other was the discrimination of the sephardim and their displacement in the queues for social services by incoming russian jews.

also, if you don't mean egyptian by mizrahi, i'm afraid that i'll need you to define that term better. in my education, the main bodies of jews in the world were called ashkenazic and sephardic

The Arab-Jewish conflict is based on one factor: Islam.

Islam demonized Jews.
Islam villainizes Jews.
Islam curses Jews.

Each day, 5x/day, 35x/wk, over one billion Muslims curse the Jews, and, the Christians, in their prayers.
shogun, did you have to pick a fight? marc's posts have been on topic and mostly non-confrontational.

personal vendettas belong in the flame zone.

marc, for some background. my professional training is in biochemistry and fine arts. i am not a historian by any stretch. i was involved with the JDL in the 60's and 70's and since getting locked out in the 80's by raygunomics, i have been involved with domestic human rights issues and i'm not at all up to speed on current events in israel.

when i was active, one of the sensitive issues was what was happening to the ancient communities in the region as a result of the arab-israeli conflict. the other was the discrimination of the sephardim and their displacement in the queues for social services by incoming russian jews.

also, if you don't mean egyptian by mizrahi, i'm afraid that i'll need you to define that term better. in my education, the main bodies of jews in the world were called ashkenazic and sephardic

The Arab-Jewish conflict is based on one factor: Islam.

Islam demonized Jews.
Islam villainizes Jews.
Islam curses Jews.

Each day, 5x/day, 35x/wk, over one billion Muslims curse the Jews, and, the Christians, in their prayers.

whether that is true or not i wouldn't want to speculate, but somehow i think there is a whole lot more to it than that.

also, you say nothing about what has happened to jewish communities in the arab world that had been doing reasonably well until the partition and you say nothing about the discrimination in israel directed at the sephardim.
Last edited:
shogun, did you have to pick a fight? marc's posts have been on topic and mostly non-confrontational.

personal vendettas belong in the flame zone.

marc, for some background. my professional training is in biochemistry and fine arts. i am not a historian by any stretch. i was involved with the JDL in the 60's and 70's and since getting locked out in the 80's by raygunomics, i have been involved with domestic human rights issues and i'm not at all up to speed on current events in israel.

when i was active, one of the sensitive issues was what was happening to the ancient communities in the region as a result of the arab-israeli conflict. the other was the discrimination of the sephardim and their displacement in the queues for social services by incoming russian jews.

also, if you don't mean egyptian by mizrahi, i'm afraid that i'll need you to define that term better. in my education, the main bodies of jews in the world were called ashkenazic and sephardic

The Arab-Jewish conflict is based on one factor: Islam.

Islam demonized Jews.
Islam villainizes Jews.
Islam curses Jews.

Each day, 5x/day, 35x/wk, over one billion Muslims curse the Jews, and, the Christians, in their prayers.

whether that is true or not i wouldn't want to speculate, but somehow i think there is a whole lot more to it than that.

also, you say nothing about what has happened to jewish communities in the arab world that had been doing reasonably well until the partition and you say nothing about the discrimination in israel directed at the sephardim.

Read the Quran. al-Fatiha, Surah 1, Ayah 7.
shogun, did you have to pick a fight? marc's posts have been on topic and mostly non-confrontational.

personal vendettas belong in the flame zone.

marc, for some background. my professional training is in biochemistry and fine arts. i am not a historian by any stretch. i was involved with the JDL in the 60's and 70's and since getting locked out in the 80's by raygunomics, i have been involved with domestic human rights issues and i'm not at all up to speed on current events in israel.

when i was active, one of the sensitive issues was what was happening to the ancient communities in the region as a result of the arab-israeli conflict. the other was the discrimination of the sephardim and their displacement in the queues for social services by incoming russian jews.

also, if you don't mean egyptian by mizrahi, i'm afraid that i'll need you to define that term better. in my education, the main bodies of jews in the world were called ashkenazic and sephardic

The Arab-Jewish conflict is based on one factor: Islam.

Islam demonized Jews.
Islam villainizes Jews.
Islam curses Jews.

Each day, 5x/day, 35x/wk, over one billion Muslims curse the Jews, and, the Christians, in their prayers.

whether that is true or not i wouldn't want to speculate, but somehow i think there is a whole lot more to it than that.

also, you say nothing about what has happened to jewish communities in the arab world that had been doing reasonably well until the partition and you say nothing about the discrimination in israel directed at the sephardim.

All Israeli citizens are constitutionally guaranteed equal rights. Anyone with a grievance can petition the courts.

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