Jihadists going insane in France.

if you look hard enough------you can always find a DISTANT jewish relative.
Having a jewish relative makes a person JOOOOISH. LONG LONG ago---when I was a wee lassie-----I learned a new word "mulatto" I was about seven. A lady in the neighborhood----widow with two small children was the
object of whispers. The whisper was "she is a mulatto" I asked my mom---"what does mulatto mean"? She explained "the people here are saying that she has a 'colored' grandmother. "so"? I said. "they think it is something to talk about" answered mom. It turns out that there are jooolattos too. All of them a BOLSHEVIKS responsible for massive genocides

Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

How do you date the "beginning of communism"?? Sparta of ancient Greece had a COMMUNIST economy----
have you learned to read yet?. As to genocides-----mostly a ROMAN baby---that grew into a monster with the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE------genocides in the hundreds of millions---the accomplishment is ALL YOURS In fact for style-----muhummad actually stole his system for the emperor of the FIRST REICH-----to wit---filthy pig CONSTANTINE

Karl Marx is rather known as the father of communism and his followers. Hey if the 1st century Jews would of accepted Rome rule, they'd probably still be sacrificing sheep, but no you had to keep battling, even when Herod built the beautiful temple, read about Kitos War, the Jews were uprising all over the empire. First you had Persian, then Greek and then Rome, after the Babylon Exile most of you chose not to return to Jerusalem , so hey it has been a long time since you Jews ever controlled the area. I don't understand what your problem was, pay taxes, (we do today) and have a temple, but no, you had to fight and have been fighting ever since.

wrong again----you disgusting swine of the "HOLY roman empire" insisted on imposing the filth of your disgusting religion and customs on jews. YOU LOST

Penelope is very special but let not discuss the short yellow bus licking the window for snot special.

I am just wondering why she is not outrage about such attacks being done against her people or on her family former homeland?

she, by her own assertion a LAPSED FRENCH CATHOLIC. she has embraced only one aspect of her heritage---as her ONLY religion----anti-Semitism. She is not unique. Her fellow catholic ---albeit german catholic HEINRICH HIMMLER essentially gave up
all aspects of his religion EXCEPT the anti-Semitism part too-----just like penelope
Well good for you, I had better things to do than watch the tube.

Sure, and those things are?

Let me guess you're searching the web to find a site that will blame those evil Jewish overlords for what happen in France?

if you look hard enough------you can always find a DISTANT jewish relative.
Having a jewish relative makes a person JOOOOISH. LONG LONG ago---when I was a wee lassie-----I learned a new word "mulatto" I was about seven. A lady in the neighborhood----widow with two small children was the
object of whispers. The whisper was "she is a mulatto" I asked my mom---"what does mulatto mean"? She explained "the people here are saying that she has a 'colored' grandmother. "so"? I said. "they think it is something to talk about" answered mom. It turns out that there are jooolattos too. All of them a BOLSHEVIKS responsible for massive genocides

Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.
Sure, and those things are?

Let me guess you're searching the web to find a site that will blame those evil Jewish overlords for what happen in France?

if you look hard enough------you can always find a DISTANT jewish relative.
Having a jewish relative makes a person JOOOOISH. LONG LONG ago---when I was a wee lassie-----I learned a new word "mulatto" I was about seven. A lady in the neighborhood----widow with two small children was the
object of whispers. The whisper was "she is a mulatto" I asked my mom---"what does mulatto mean"? She explained "the people here are saying that she has a 'colored' grandmother. "so"? I said. "they think it is something to talk about" answered mom. It turns out that there are jooolattos too. All of them a BOLSHEVIKS responsible for massive genocides

Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.

you are inventing history-----the original "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was that of CONSTANTINE----and included Rome and Palestine and ---in fact,, Turkey. Rome also conquered GAUL which was
a very large area of land including what is today FRANCE ---and lots of western Europe. Rome conquered the British Isles and incorporated that land into the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" The "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was huge -----including
any lands which were "catholic" including the Iberian Penninsula. Your "impressions" are kinda ludicrous Martin Luther did his thing in the 16th century---there was more than 1000 years of the stink and filth of the HOLY ROMAN empire before he did his OBJECTIONS to the catholic church. Sheeeeh ----did you graduate the sixth grade?
if you look hard enough------you can always find a DISTANT jewish relative.
Having a jewish relative makes a person JOOOOISH. LONG LONG ago---when I was a wee lassie-----I learned a new word "mulatto" I was about seven. A lady in the neighborhood----widow with two small children was the
object of whispers. The whisper was "she is a mulatto" I asked my mom---"what does mulatto mean"? She explained "the people here are saying that she has a 'colored' grandmother. "so"? I said. "they think it is something to talk about" answered mom. It turns out that there are jooolattos too. All of them a BOLSHEVIKS responsible for massive genocides

Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.

you are inventing history-----the original "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was that of CONSTANTINE----and included Rome and Palestine and ---in fact,, Turkey. Rome also conquered GAUL which was
a very large area of land including what is today FRANCE ---and lots of western Europe. Rome conquered the British Isles and incorporated that land into the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" The "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was huge -----including
any lands which were "catholic" including the Iberian Penninsula. Your "impressions" are kinda ludicrous Martin Luther did his thing in the 16th century---there was more than 1000 years of the stink and filth of the HOLY ROMAN empire before he did his OBJECTIONS to the catholic church. Sheeeeh ----did you graduate the sixth grade?

There is a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire.
Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.

you are inventing history-----the original "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was that of CONSTANTINE----and included Rome and Palestine and ---in fact,, Turkey. Rome also conquered GAUL which was
a very large area of land including what is today FRANCE ---and lots of western Europe. Rome conquered the British Isles and incorporated that land into the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" The "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was huge -----including
any lands which were "catholic" including the Iberian Penninsula. Your "impressions" are kinda ludicrous Martin Luther did his thing in the 16th century---there was more than 1000 years of the stink and filth of the HOLY ROMAN empire before he did his OBJECTIONS to the catholic church. Sheeeeh ----did you graduate the sixth grade?

There is a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire.

Pope Leo the III and Charlemagne were the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire ( around 800 AD ) and it ended in 1806.

So your beloved empire was founded by a Roman Catholic Pope that spoke the teaching of a Jewish Carpenter, so again how does it feel to support the religion based on the words of a Jewish man?
Don't put your genocides on others, take responsibility, be proud of your ancestors accomplishments, as not many can claim the beginnings of communism.

Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.

you are inventing history-----the original "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was that of CONSTANTINE----and included Rome and Palestine and ---in fact,, Turkey. Rome also conquered GAUL which was
a very large area of land including what is today FRANCE ---and lots of western Europe. Rome conquered the British Isles and incorporated that land into the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" The "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was huge -----including
any lands which were "catholic" including the Iberian Penninsula. Your "impressions" are kinda ludicrous Martin Luther did his thing in the 16th century---there was more than 1000 years of the stink and filth of the HOLY ROMAN empire before he did his OBJECTIONS to the catholic church. Sheeeeh ----did you graduate the sixth grade?

There is a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire.

there is a difference between reality and the shit that emanates from Penelope----did someone here suggest that the ROMAN EMPIRE -----was the SAME POLITICAL entity as was the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE? -----oh-----ok----no one did -----she is just diverting ---a typical islamo Nazi bitch ploy. For the record THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----became "holy" and FORMALLY DECLARED---around 800 AD as a CATHOLIC KINGDOM by the POPE----but its reality it was established by CONSTANTINE as emperor and the shortly thereafter imposition of the JUSTINIAN CODE ---(circa sixth century AD) which IMPOSED CATHOLICISM by law on all the lands which had been conquered by Rome. The Justinian code was based on Roman law and on the Nazi notions of Constantine----thus the real establishment of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE goes back to the ascendancy of the Constantine (grandfather of Justin) in the fouth century
AD. THE FORMAL declaration of the entity which actually started its existence with CONSTANTINE circa 300 AD---was a big time POPE pomp and circumstance
thing around 800 AD sorta like the USA was FORMALLY declared as such in
1776---centuries after north America became settled and CONTROLLED by
settlers from Europe------ie it as a FAIT ACCOMPLI for centuries before its FORMAL BIRTH DAY. The legal code of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE preexisted that formal declaration by about 400 years------thus Catholicism had already been imposed on the vast empire making the area functionally under the rule of THE POPE ---(infallible guy that he was) with the very same set of laws---JUSTINIAN CODE that had been the brain child of CONSTANTINE and the basis of the INQUISITION and the forerunner of the NUREMBERG LAWS (third reich aka third holy roman empire) Thus the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE was a project in development for more than 1000 years.
The monster born out of the fall of the PRE-POPE roman empire (the not yet
"holy" ----ie not yet Catholic---entity)
Dear Clueless wonder,

This thread is about the attack on a American company in France, so what are you writing about?

Seeing you are Canadian French according to you then you should be upset about that horrible attack, or are you waiting for one of your wonderful sites to find that evil Jewish Overlord connection?

FRENCH---France was (in some sense still is) part of the genocidal "holy" roman empire. Penelope is still upset that even the jews of 2000 years ago refused to lick the stinking asses of her
ancestors of the "holy" roman empire-----as did many of the American natives the French invaders ecountered in the Americas----so the scum MURDERED them in a MASSIVE GENOCIDE poor Penelope-----so disappointed

I was more under the impression from history that the Holy Roman Empire boiled down to the Holy Roman German Empire, and France was Gaul. Then along came Luther and started his protestant revolution.

you are inventing history-----the original "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was that of CONSTANTINE----and included Rome and Palestine and ---in fact,, Turkey. Rome also conquered GAUL which was
a very large area of land including what is today FRANCE ---and lots of western Europe. Rome conquered the British Isles and incorporated that land into the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" The "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was huge -----including
any lands which were "catholic" including the Iberian Penninsula. Your "impressions" are kinda ludicrous Martin Luther did his thing in the 16th century---there was more than 1000 years of the stink and filth of the HOLY ROMAN empire before he did his OBJECTIONS to the catholic church. Sheeeeh ----did you graduate the sixth grade?

There is a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire.

Pope Leo the III and Charlemagne were the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire ( around 800 AD ) and it ended in 1806.

So your beloved empire was founded by a Roman Catholic Pope that spoke the teaching of a Jewish Carpenter, so again how does it feel to support the religion based on the words of a Jewish man?

Martin Luther objected-----so he decided that the way to DE-JEW JESUS was by way of the HOLY MASS which is actually based on the very simple ceremony in which jews engage world wide to this day-------to wit ----sanctification of bread and wine. over and over and over and over and over (I tried to explain to hubby that the bread last nite was the "body of Christ"----but when I got to the part that the wine is his blood-----he just rejected
the whole idea)
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?
Dear Clueless wonder,

1806 was just a FOR THE BOOKS thing----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE actually began when CONSTANTINE decided to
impose Catholicism on what was then the 'Pre "holy" roman empire. The originator of catholic CANON LAW --was also CONSTANTINE ------and the originator of the genocidal policy of the
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH
Penelope, I'm wise to the Jew; but this was planned and executed (forgive the pun) by sand maggots. End of.
Swagger , What is "wise to the Jew" supposed to mean? I haven't heard this term before.

It means I'm a Judeo-sceptic, in that I'm wary of the power and influence they exercise in their favour. But sometimes conspiracy theorists need to give the bong a rest. I sincerely doubt this was a false flag mission by Mossad, like Penelope seems to be insinuating.

Penelope labels all Islamic terrorism
MOSSAD It's nothing new-----I came into contact with muslims from south east
asia ------more than 45 years ago-----they murmured "MOSSAD" every time one of their political leaders was assassinated -----which at that time was like every other day.. Penelope is not an original thinker
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

My theory is that the mecca monkeys wanted to make a BIG BANG-----so they decided to explode a gas canister company-----which could be the ONLY reason that they targeted that particular factory. It's the simplest explanation so
far. --------the decapitation was so elegant a FINAL TOUCH -----like a cherry atop
an ice cream sundae
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

You do realize false flags usually are real happenings don't you? Like 911, just was made to look and be blamed on others. Of course I'm a US citizen, my grandparents moved to the US from Canada. (the little boy was so cute, what happened)
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

My theory is that the mecca monkeys wanted to make a BIG BANG-----so they decided to explode a gas canister company-----which could be the ONLY reason that they targeted that particular factory. It's the simplest explanation so
far. --------the decapitation was so elegant a FINAL TOUCH -----like a cherry atop
an ice cream sundae

Well according to the story, he worked there. They didn't target anything, it was an employee, so the story goes. Van or car, was the van blown up and then the body found in the back of it , the story is really different everywhere you read it. they suspected the guy was involved in terrorism since 2006, and this is 2015, I doubt it.
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

You do realize false flags usually are real happenings don't you? Like 911, just was made to look and be blamed on others. Of course I'm a US citizen, my grandparents moved to the US from Canada. (the little boy was so cute, what happened)

Of course----I know and you know that the 9-11 attack on the WTC was a machination of the Pope and a couple of
canuck whores -------those canuck bitches have been farting up the world for decades-----actually a few centuries
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

My theory is that the mecca monkeys wanted to make a BIG BANG-----so they decided to explode a gas canister company-----which could be the ONLY reason that they targeted that particular factory. It's the simplest explanation so
far. --------the decapitation was so elegant a FINAL TOUCH -----like a cherry atop
an ice cream sundae

Well according to the story, he worked there. They didn't target anything, it was an employee, so the story goes. Van or car, was the van blown up and then the body found in the back of it , the story is really different everywhere you read it. they suspected the guy was involved in terrorism since 2006, and this is 2015, I doubt it.

turns out he was a canuck pimp-----
I think we're getting sidetrack here, and I am still wondering if Penelope has found any website that can shift the blame of the attack on the US company in France from Islamic Jihadist to those evil Jewish Overlords she fears so much?

there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

My theory is that the mecca monkeys wanted to make a BIG BANG-----so they decided to explode a gas canister company-----which could be the ONLY reason that they targeted that particular factory. It's the simplest explanation so
far. --------the decapitation was so elegant a FINAL TOUCH -----like a cherry atop
an ice cream sundae

Well according to the story, he worked there. They didn't target anything, it was an employee, so the story goes. Van or car, was the van blown up and then the body found in the back of it , the story is really different everywhere you read it. they suspected the guy was involved in terrorism since 2006, and this is 2015, I doubt it.

turns out he was a canuck pimp-----
there are other people who post on these boards you can do that-------Freddie can---
muslims never chop off heads and stick them on fences other than IN RESPONSE TO JEWISH AGGRESSION and the WILL OF ALLAH

I am sure there are some more on here but I prefer to watch for her responses because of the humor or is it humorless value?

Just love it when someone proclaims to have French Canadian blood and then write off the attack and also claim to be a U.S. citizen because if both were true then I know for me I would want to know more about what happen in France but it seem Penelope is more concern if those evil Jewish Overlords were involved and if not then it is a non-story to her...

My theory is that the mecca monkeys wanted to make a BIG BANG-----so they decided to explode a gas canister company-----which could be the ONLY reason that they targeted that particular factory. It's the simplest explanation so
far. --------the decapitation was so elegant a FINAL TOUCH -----like a cherry atop
an ice cream sundae

Well according to the story, he worked there. They didn't target anything, it was an employee, so the story goes. Van or car, was the van blown up and then the body found in the back of it , the story is really different everywhere you read it. they suspected the guy was involved in terrorism since 2006, and this is 2015, I doubt it.

turns out he was a canuck pimp-----

the Canuck pimp

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