Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

If Carter would have went 4 more years, and Reagan never ran again... it is entirely possible that the Soviet Union still would exist.
Too bad the Carter's didn't bother to pass judgement on Jim Jones.
Well....in retrospect....he did admit that he had lusted in his heart.

Has this been mentioned?

A terrible legacy left by Carter, giving effective proxy control of the canal to Communist China.

A bit more complicated.

President Carter announced the end of our control coming in the future. It was President Clinton who put his thumb on the scale to allow Communist China to take control of the ports at both ends of the canal and the canal itself with a long-term lease.

Many of the convictions during the Clinton administration were from Communist China.
Jimmy Carter, as president, was ineffectual at best.

But he is far and away the best ex-president this country has ever seen. He and Rosalynn have helped, hands-on, building 4,300 houses for people who had none.
Yep....and Sadat was assassinated because of this.

He was assassinated because a lot of his own people felt he sold the country out to the Zionists. In turn, the Zionists assassinated Rabin for giving back Arab land.

So why are we so invested in this?

Trump did the same thing during his presidency and nobody gave him any credit for it.

Because what he did was ultimately meaningless. He got a peace agreement between the Zionist Entity and countries that had never been at war with them. Essentially, a non-event.

Especially since the parties involved were working together to fight Iran's terrorist regime. A huge legacy left behind by Jimmy Carter.

Um, yeah, about that. Iran has a government that is elected by it's people. True, the Ayatollahs have veto power over who can run (Kind of like Wall Street does with our elections) but at the end of the day, we created that regime by propping up the Shah to start with. That's not Jimmy's fault.
If Carter would have went 4 more years, and Reagan never ran again... it is entirely possible that the Soviet Union still would exist.


It's unlikely the USSR would have continued because the fundemental flaw of most empires is that the people who aren't in charge get fed up at a certain point. The USSR was 150 million Russians lording over 200 million not-Russians.

One of the most pernicious lies of American politics was that Reagan brought down the USSR. In fact, the USSR was doing just fine when he left, and continued on until 1991, when it became untenable, and our leaders were more surprised by it than the Soviets themselves were.
He was assassinated because a lot of his own people felt he sold the country out to the Zionists. In turn, the Zionists assassinated Rabin for giving back Arab land.

So why are we so invested in this?

Because what he did was ultimately meaningless. He got a peace agreement between the Zionist Entity and countries that had never been at war with them. Essentially, a non-event.

Um, yeah, about that. Iran has a government that is elected by it's people. True, the Ayatollahs have veto power over who can run (Kind of like Wall Street does with our elections) but at the end of the day, we created that regime by propping up the Shah to start with. That's not Jimmy's fault.
It took Sadat courage to do what he did. Egypt was taken the brunt of the Israeli beatdowns in the wars. It was not like he was pro-Israel in his Ife. Menachem begin could have made it easier.
Willie Nelson campaigned for Jimmy Carter in 1976 They became friends. Willie visited President Carter at the White House on several occasions. Including the infamous visit where Willie smoked a joint on the White House roof. As recently confirmed by President Carter himself.

"The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices." ~ Jimmy Carter

It's unlikely the USSR would have continued because the fundemental flaw of most empires is that the people who aren't in charge get fed up at a certain point. The USSR was 150 million Russians lording over 200 million not-Russians.

One of the most pernicious lies of American politics was that Reagan brought down the USSR. In fact, the USSR was doing just fine when he left, and continued on until 1991, when it became untenable, and our leaders were more surprised by it than the Soviets themselves were.

The cracks were showing when he left office and yes took c couple more years but he did engineer it

That is historic fact
It took Sadat courage to do what he did. Egypt was taken the brunt of the Israeli beatdowns in the wars. It was not like he was pro-Israel in his Ife. Menachem begin could have made it easier.
Did it, though? He just realized he could get more money out of America than Russia by recognizing the Zionist Entity.

If it was put to a vote of his people, it would have been a resounding no.

The only time they let the people of Egypt vote, they elected a radical Muslim.

So now we've strapped ourselves to el-Sisi, another petty tyrant.


The cracks were showing when he left office and yes took c couple more years but he did engineer it

That is historic fact

You mean historic legend.

Our own CIA missed it.

In a speech to the Foreign Policy Association in New York, Mr. Gates, the Director of Central Intelligence, said that although the agency wrote many assessments describing a growing crisis in the Soviet Union, it was not until 1989 that agency analysts began "to think that the entire edifice might well collapse."

Mr. Gates also acknowledged that the agency's statistical analysis portrayed a stronger and larger economy than the one that existed in reality. "From a personal standpoint," he added, "I would contend also that our quantitative analysis always considerably understated the real burden economically of the Soviet military."

During his confirmation hearings last fall, Mr. Gates was widely criticized for having promoted a view of an expansionist, invulnerable Soviet Union in more than a dozen speeches and articles between 1986 and 1988, when he was a senior C.I.A. official. The agency was also faulted for exaggerating the economic and military strength of the Soviet Union.

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