Jimmy Carter Speaks Out for the Dems

Bully even hardcore Demos here in Montgomery County, MD....a highly Demo county acknowledge that Bush will go down as a hero when its all said and done because he at least had the balls to do something unlike every other pres in the last 20 years. Kind of like Golda Meir whom I have a newfound respect for after watching Munich last night, she said damn public and world opinion i'm sending the Mossad after these assholes to kill them. Bush is doing these same things........and despite what you say out loud, you know that links to Iraq and Al Qaeda and international terrorism have been well established

Yeah, Chimpy has balls, but an excess of testosterone often leads one to do things one later regrets. BTW, you wanna cite just where those "hardcore Demos" think Chimpy will "go down as a hero"? The only thing going down is his poll numbers.
Had JC reacted properly to the hostage crisis and took a complete and final agressive assault to the Iranians say at about the two day point of negotiations, I assure you the kooks who plot these insane assaults on innocent folks around the world would have thought twice about it.

e.g. - Kadaffy vs, Mr Reagan, all he did was run that mouth a little and wa-lah.

The answer to the Iran problem, and make no mistake, it IS an Iran problem, is in a metal fireproof box aboard the USS Ronald Reagan. It contains 7 digits and requires the confirmation of the XO by the Captain before executing. Coffee is on the house.
Yeah, Chimpy has balls, but an excess of testosterone often leads one to do things one later regrets. BTW, you wanna cite just where those "hardcore Demos" think Chimpy will "go down as a hero"? The only thing going down is his poll numbers.

History will regard him as a hero Bully, you know this. Poll numbers don't mean shit.

Wish I could get you a link to the original pancake house in Bethesda but suffice it to say at 7:30 a.m. its chalk full of Demos young and old who hate Bush more than life itself........only because they can't beat him and it irks the hell out of them that their shining knight in armour, Bubba, didn't do shit on this issue.

Let me ask you 1 serious question without all the bullshit that I usually add to my posts regarding you: what do you believe is the main reason that Demos lost in '04?
From what I have seen, he has a firmer grasp on reality than our current POTUS. And I voted for Reagan.

Your view of reality seems to suffer the same problem Carter's does .... it's obscured by your extremist ideology.

Carter did not, and does not have a clue. He was in over his head from the word go.
Your view of reality seems to suffer the same problem Carter's does .... it's obscured by your extremist ideology.

Carter did not, and does not have a clue. He was in over his head from the word go.

Carter might as well be Iranian or Saudi Arabian, via his pov.
Carter might as well be Iranian or Saudi Arabian, via his pov.

Actually, the Bush Clan is in AWFULLY tight with House Saud. Jimmy Carter's pov is that of an American concerned for his country, and the misguided and ill-concieved policies of the current administration.
"you need to spread some rep around"

Man, this is right up there with Affirmative Action, Redistribution of Reputation.
History will regard him as a hero

Ronald Reagan was a hero. Douglas MacArthur was a hero. Odysseus was a hero.

Bush Jr. functions at a level just above mental retardation. The fact that Jimmy Carter can speak out against him and be taken seriously is proof of that!
"Frat house initiations..."? You've been listening to that drug addled gas-bag, Rush Limbaugh, too much. For concrete examples, I suggest you visist the website of the <a href=http://www.icrc.org/Web/Eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList322/7EE8626890D74F76C1256E8D005D3861>International Committee of the Red Cross</a>. They have a very detailed accounting of these issues.

Ah, yes, that famous International Red Cross report--another great p.r. opportunity for the terrorists. Just who was it that the IRC interviewed to make their report? Wasn't it the imprisoned terrorists? And you're naive enough to believe what they have to say? Ah, Bully, Bully, Bully...you're beyond hope. Most people recognized long ago that the Islamofacists are very good at using the p.r. value of politics to blind the world.
Let me ask you 1 serious question without all the bullshit that I usually add to my posts regarding you: what do you believe is the main reason that Demos lost in '04?

I don't think you're going to get an answer to that, OCA. It would require the ability to think outside the Democrat talking points. ;)
Let me ask you 1 serious question without all the bullshit that I usually add to my posts regarding you: what do you believe is the main reason that Demos lost in '04?

Where the fuck is my answer Bully? Quit dodging.............
Ronald Reagan was a hero. Douglas MacArthur was a hero. Odysseus was a hero.

Bush Jr. functions at a level just above mental retardation. The fact that Jimmy Carter can speak out against him and be taken seriously is proof of that!

Where is J.C. being taken seriously?

Mentally retarded? Why, because he is not for racial seperation or doesn't believe the Jews are the root of all evil? Could you please provide some concrete proof of his cognitive skills being damaged irrepairably?

He WILL BE REGARDED AS A HERO when its all said and done.
Where is J.C. being taken seriously?

Mentally retarded? Why, because he is not for racial seperation or doesn't believe the Jews are the root of all evil? Could you please provide some concrete proof of his cognitive skills being damaged irrepairably?

He WILL BE REGARDED AS A HERO when its all said and done.

OCA you have to remember something about libs. If you are a total failuire at what you do, libs will elevate you to hero status.

Pres Peanut was a miserable failure. Notice not a single lib has commented about his economic record I posted. Nothing on his solution to the energy crises he had - were a sweater.

Not one lib commented on the fact Americans were held hostage for 444 days under Pres Peanut. Peanuts solution - a humilating defeat in the desert where the bodies of our troops were left behind.

Facts to a liberal is like Holy Water to the devil
Bully does live in a great state, Ohio, smart people there, they banned queer marriage.

Thank you Ohioans.
I used to think that Carter was an ineffectual man with his heart in the right place. I no longer think he has his heart in the right place. What surprises me is that he even has an audience.

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