Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Looks like someone is in love.... lol
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Looks like someone is in love.... lol

Well..not really.

But I do like when we have a President that moves the country in the right direction.
Good news! We need a good news thread!

I do think Obama has to stop trying to cozy up to Republicans.

It's a little late in the game.

Coming..having over 7 Republicans in his cabinet?

WTF good did that do?
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Only trillions upon trillions upon trillion in a indefinite stimulus.... If the economy were booming, then I guess Obama can tell the FED to stop the printing press?

Yeah, didn't think so. Leave it to far left nutters to cheer Obama handing rich people money to gamble with as long as it makes the markets look good.

RED INK ALARMISTS: Despite GOP warnings, the deficit is already going DOWN - NY Daily News

WASHINGTON — Despite constant budget wrangling and finger-pointing by the nation's policy-makers, the government's short-term fiscal outlook isn't all that bad. It's actually getting better — at least for now.

Washington is borrowing about 25 cents for every dollar it spends, down from over 40 cents just a few years ago.

The federal budget deficit will drop to $845 billion this year after topping $1 trillion for four straight years, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects. Even if Congress does nothing further to cut spending or raise tax revenues, deficits will continue to shrink — to $430 billion by fiscal 2015, the CBO said.

Read more: RED INK ALARMISTS: Despite GOP warnings, the deficit is already going DOWN - NY Daily News

This isn't a paper in the pocket of Obama either..

The hopes of those days went unfulfilled.

Achingly slow job creation has left the U.S. with 4.3 million fewer positions than provided incomes to Americans in 2007. Half the new jobs have been part-time, lower-wage slots, a trend that has ruinously sped a hollowing of the middle class.

The official unemployment rate stands at 7.9%, marking only the second month below 8% after 43 months above that level. Worse, add people who are working part-time because they have no better choice and the rate leaps to almost 15%. Still worse, add 8 million people who have given up looking for employment and the number who are out of jobs or who are cobbling together hours to scrape by hits some 23 million people.

Only America’s social safety net, record deficits and the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented low-interest policies have kept the label Great Depression II on the shelf.

New Yorkers have fared no better. The state is alone among the 50 in suffering significantly rising unemployment over the last 12 months, with the rate now at 8.9%. The city’s pain index is 8.8%, and the five boroughs have been trading down in salaries.

Read more: Our choice for America?s future: The Daily News endorses Mitt Romney for president - NY Daily News
The Obama lovers can brag about Obama as much as they like.
Don't understand the constant attack on Bush...but it's their right.

If they feel this economy is booming right now....


I think rational people know better.
Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Fake scandals that's funniest thing I have heard all week.
The economy is pure shit... And Obama-bots ask, "IS OBAMA THE BEST ECONOMIC PRESIDENT IS US HISTORY??????!!!!"

How do these people not see they are the 2013 version of a Bush bot?
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

7 million jobs? Where did you get that fiction?

From your own link:

By the time of Obama's second inaugural in January, the economy had added a net total of 1,208,000 jobs since he was first sworn in four years earlier, according to current figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That beats George W. Bush's eight-year total of 1,083,000. And so far, Obama is extending his lead over Bush. Counting jobs added in February, his total now stands at a net gain of over 1.5 million jobs.

Read more: More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Out of 7 million jobs, only half a million created in manufacturing. Why exactly is it a good thing that majority of the jobs being created are low skill, low paying, non-productive service-sector jobs?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Corporations have record profits, but are shifting those profits offshore in more business friendly countries?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Wall Street has more cheap money to play with? Granted, I work in Wall Street, so I'm very happen to have more cheap money to play with.

Other than this post being pure flamebait, I don't see how any of these things are good for the economy. Only if you've scummed to the painful cabaret of low expectations is this actually good.

Then again, what can one expect from Affirmative Action.
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When Bush was president stock market highs were evil corporate enterprises taking advantage of the little guy.

You jackasses switch gears faster than a teenager learning to drive a stick shift.
The Obama lovers can brag about Obama as much as they like.
Don't understand the constant attack on Bush...but it's their right.

If they feel this economy is booming right now....


I think rational people know better.


Yes..they are the same people who think the answer to gun violence is more guns, that the earth is 4k years old, that all our economic troubles started in 2009 and that 9/11 happened under Clinton's watch.
When Bush was president stock market highs were evil corporate enterprises taking advantage of the little guy.

You jackasses switch gears faster than a teenager learning to drive a stick shift.

When Bush was President..I was working at the NYSE.

Where were you at?
From another one of your links:

“The CBO projects a $642 billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013, down more than $200 billion from its February estimate and the smallest annual shortfall since 2008.

$600 Billion is higher than all but the last one of the Bush deficits, and Obama supported Bush's last deficit.

Actual numbers:

Government Spending MultiYear Download for United States 2001-2018 - Federal State Local


You do remember that the two wars were considered "Emergency Supplemental Spending" and not counted into the Deficit until Obama was elected..right?



Probably not.

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