Jobless claims skyrocket under Biden.

Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?
Typical Dimwinger.....try to blame someone else.
PROGS just tarded I think. I don't know, I'm trying to meditate into a position I'd vote for a fraud turned dementia, but I'm not feeling it.

Thing is, we really can't blame Biden right? He was NEVER his own guy to begin with, he's always been useless, and now he's an old fuck with dementia to boot. Most of all the cretins are running shit now, we are really fucked.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?
Typical Dimwinger.....try to blame someone else.

To todays PROGS, Democrats are best suited to DISRUPT economic recovery, just as Obama did with unaffordable health care act, which clearly stagnated growth, and put the resources into useless govt., I saw it first hand. The reality of this country today is what Obama did isn't a 10th what the Xiden team has in store for us, we're fucked.

And it just got A LOT more expensive to live, wholly fuck. Gas, goods, taxes, services in a slow service economy, rising interest rates. Fucking housing prices, California invasion, a 550K home one year ago is 750K today. I know the country is OVER POPULATED & CORRUPT, but I still wonder what's preventing the next housing crash. In fact it's happening so fast Zillow is showing values of 550K on homes selling for over 700K. The PRIMARY cause is the Demonicrats destroyed California, now we're fucked too, it's just the beginning.

Same with the stock market, I don't get it. Have we really steered so far corporations & over-seas it doesn't matter small business is failing? Fuck I've had parts on order for months, some expected to take six months for delivery. How the FUCK did that happen? Here's a hint, we were potty-trained not to work so preferences succeed (Amazon/Netflix) and small business FAILS.
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Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Jobless claims in my county are up 79% over last year at this time.
Obamatime Redux, on steroids, with greater risks.

I really wonder if the Americans will simply disconnect, sit on their asses and tolerate what the Democrats are doing. I'm beginning to think so.

Fuck yeah they do. The Demonicrats sold them Russia, Ukraine, COVID, Riots, racism and a destruction of the USA, BLUNTLY. It was all a lie and the fucking PROGS soaked it in anyway. Now from what I've seen many on the left are wondering gee, did I fuck up? Fuck yeah you did, and that's only the one's who MIGHT be maturing.

Careful what you wish for. We replaced a competent America first outsider with shit poured into rivers.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?
Hahahahahahaha snorting that CO2 again? Pinochijoe cant even get a good report despite restaurants and hotels opening up again in red states to try and help this decrepit demented old bag. His elimination of jobs is faster than reopening can keep pace with.
Fucking housing prices,
No need to concern yourself with those. Eviction moratoriums are just the start. When the gov't takes control of your possessions and doles them out--prices will mean nothing. Free gov't money from an insolvent treasury. Sounds like communism to me. Everyone gets guaranteed minimum income but if they don't work where the gov't wants them--it's off to the work camps with you. Arbeit Macht Frei. I pity the younger folks of this country--they are truly FUCKED.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
More than two months are required to undo four years of damage.
Fucking housing prices,
No need to concern yourself with those. Eviction moratoriums are just the start. When the gov't takes control of your possessions and doles them out--prices will mean nothing. Free gov't money from an insolvent treasury. Sounds like communism to me. Everyone gets guaranteed minimum income but if they don't work where the gov't wants them--it's off to the work camps with you. Arbeit Macht Frei. I pity the younger folks of this country--they are truly FUCKED.

It's a shame what our children are facing. And as for the very young, OMG what a shame. Just their tolerances to disease, allergies & society alone, they're simply not going to have the tolerances those before them, from snowflakes to little or no immunity. Then kids have to face what, 4K a month housing loans & that's assuming the govt. doesn't do as you suggest. Bad times man, some real shit taking place.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Only a prog slave couldnt see this shit coming....

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
Does this help?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
More than two months are required to undo four years of damage.
And what new job bills for job creation has Pinochijoe been signing looneytunes? Oh thats right, he ELIMINATED jobs.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
Does this help?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

Yeah right, I've studied that a pinch because of a long relationship since ended. Dude is a full blown psychopath & half sociopath, and his wife is a half blown sociopath with bits of psychopath. A match made in hell really, after 30 years they shared their skills with one another. The psychopath would be in prison if not for the sociopath, no shit.

According to the "experts" these traits are becoming far more common in society. Well yeah, there's a blue wave isn't there, 24/7 misinformation, bad intentions & social media will do that.

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