Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

Black unemployment rate hits record low

Last month, the Trump administration set another good record regarding black unemployment. It set a record low of 5.9% back in May 2018. August's rate beat that with a 5.5% rate, lowest in US history.

Adding to that, Trump's record-setting highest median income ($61,400/yr), Democrats will have a hard time trying to tackle Trump in 2020, on the economy. For the stuff that really matters to American workers, no president has ever had better numbers. Perhaps that's why Democrat candidates are talking about just about every subject you could think of, other than the economy.

Sanders, Warren, Biden, et al are hoping for the economy to turn bad, to give them some strong talking points, but instead things keep on getting even BETTER.
unemployment has been trending down for around a decade.
Obama inherited his own economy, Dem's controlled congress from 2006-2008 I keep having to remind you libs. I think we all know why you accidently forget this.

That is exactly right. The crash was the doing of the Democrats, not Bush.

Dem's desperately tried to crash the economy to improve their chances in 2008, just as they are praying for a recession now. There's plenty of government land in Nevada lets round up the left and build prison camps for them.
the right wing keeps trying to take credit for Continuing Trends.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

I wonder if any of the lefty loons ever consider the fact that everyone who wants a job, has a job.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

I wonder if any of the lefty loons ever consider the fact that everyone who wants a job, has a job.
Why do we still have a homeless problem, even in Right to Work States?
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
all that Hard Work, for nothing?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
why are we still running massive deficits if soo many people are working and paying taxes?
People have jobs, but they don't have enough income to push the needle.

That's what happens when we gut the middle class and cut taxes too far.

Nobody gut the middle-class except the American consumer. They won't support the price of their product.
why are we still running massive deficits if soo many people are working and paying taxes?
People have jobs, but they don't have enough income to push the needle.

That's what happens when we gut the middle class and cut taxes too far.

Nobody gut the middle-class except the American consumer. They won't support the price of their product.
if Capitalists can Only make it on the back of (cheap) Labor, they deserve to fail in our First World economy.
Very wrong answer Ray. Totally wrong. The end result GM became profitable. That’s a fact that you keep ignoring. Obama did a very good job.

I did not say anything about oil prices and bail out. You did.

GM is profitable? Humorous, to say the least!

General Motors Company (GM) Profitability | Seeking Alpha

You have to come up with that link? are you serious?

What is

You said that GM was very profitable. They still owe taxpayers.


And the Auto Workers Union...

Former UAW Official Pleads Guilty in Federal Probe of Union Corruption--2nd Update
7:55 pm ET September 4, 2019 (Dow Jones) Print
By Nora Naughton

A former top aide at the United Auto Workers union pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy charges, as part of a federal investigation into corruption within UAW leadership ranks that recently expanded to the union's president and his predecessor.

Michael Grimes, a retired official who was assigned to the UAW's General Motors Co. division and once served as an administrative assistant to a union vice president, stood accused of wire fraud and money laundering. Those charges carry a maximum of 20 years in prison. Under his plea deal, federal prosecutors will recommend he serve a sentence of no more than four years and nine months.

Oh...and from my stockbroker

Did you read what the link say? Why are you questioning me? Why not question the link I provided? Ask CNN..

This corrupt UAW leader Michael Grimes. Is that supposed to be Obama’s fault? What is that anything to do with the topic?

If you want to bring up corruption. Trump just paid millions to settle Trump university.
Last edited:
Let me fix my wedgie.

Do me a favor Ray. Please stop posting your personal notes because I don’t believe you anyway. It’s just a waste of my time. You are only doing that to justify your dishonesty.
But let me entertain you.

I am far far more advanced than you or anybody here about cellphone and communication but I will not waste any more of my time than needed.

Nextel is one of the earliest cellphone technology. I also used Nextel because I didn’t have a choice but when new technology came up I scrapped the whole Nextel cellphone program.
Nextel is only good for truck drivers if you are alone in your cabin or construction workers. It’s impossible to use inside the offices,hospitals, labs, groceries etc etc etc. It’s just very irritating to use and people around you.

Sprint took over Nextel. Sprint scrapped Nextel technology. That has NOTHING to do with Obama. NOTHING.
Sprint is a profitable company.
So your post about Nextel is totally disgustingly dishonest.

The rest of your link is totally totally just a pile of cow dung.
So if Obama is that bad..... the way you portrayed it.
Why is the unemployment so low in 2015 and beyond. The economy did not or will not miraculously recover overnight. That is just impossible without the investment of 2014.

If you have invest a truck for delivery today September 2019. You have to compete with the market that exist out there. How long do you think before you will see your profit kicks in? October 2019? A pile of cow dung.

I don't think I would ever invest in a delivery operation because it is cut throat. But as to Nextel. They discontinued service because delivery companies had to get rid of them thanks to the cell phone regulations under DumBama. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. Or read this link and take note of the article date.

Interstate truck drivers face cellphone ban on Jan. 3

Yes, Sprint bought out Nextel and destroyed the service. It's what we have today, and last week, it became impossible to use. Sprint was nowhere near the perfection that Nextel was, and it's been nothing but problems since they bought the company. We even went to Verison for a year, and same problems. Nobody had a service like Nextel and based on my experience, I doubt there will ever be one.

You asked how businesses were affected, and I gave you a personal example, and I'm sure others can as well. And what investment in 2014 are you talking about?

Now, to your problem. You are a liberal, as such, your mind blocks out things you don't wish to see. Truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. That's why when I post the truth, you pretend you never seen it. But again, for the fourth time: The economy improved in 2015 because of lower fuel prices. Now you probably won't see what I wrote because you didn't the last several times, but you will see this. So I suggest you get somebody to read this post, and let them explain it to you and try not to black out while it's being explained.

I gave you an example about investments because profits does not come in overnight or next week. That’s a fact. The same with Trump when he took over. That’s a fact. Not because of fucking Trump.

Nextel will not survive in the current market of communication. That’s a fact. You are an old guy try to hang on to old technology. It’s impossible for people like me to use. It’s only good for truck drivers like you alone in your cabin. That has NOTHING to do with Obama.

You are shooting your own foot. If I use your excuses or blame Obama about cellphone business ...... Look how good is the current cellphone technology and business. Cellphone carriers and manufacturers are booming. It’s awesome. Good job Obama. That is why I keep saying it’s Obama’s economy.

Mind block? It’s you who is applying mind block of Obama’s contributions to booming economy. With your hatred it makes you blind and deaf. And what truth you posted?

Obama's contributions to the economy, yet you cannot site one.

Yes, Obama has everything to do with Nextel because after the new regulations began, that's when Nextel got out of business. How can you ignore cause and effect? Are you saying it was coincidence that Nextel went out of business after the new regulations kicked in; it was just dumb luck? Without those regulations, Nextel would still be in bushiness today because trucking is a huge industry. Just because it didn't meet your needs doesn't mean it didn't meet others. As for standard cell phone usage, DumBama had nothing to do with that either. It was all market driven and still is.

Now if you're talking about GM investments and not Obama's investment into the economy, GM does not control the economy; just one small sector.

Oh! I can name you tons of Obama’s accomplishments but that is not the point we are talking here Ray.

You’ve been spreading your propaganda that Obama was anti business for a long time.
I asked you a simple question. What are Obama’s anti business policies?

You only came up with Nextel and a news media criticizing Obama. With all your energy and oxygen that’s all you came up with? Really? I mean REALLY? That is VERY WEAK.

Sprint bought Nextel because of customer ( millions) base. Nothing more. Sprint shut down Nextel right after the acquisition. Sprint was just a long distance carriers before that.
Nextel technology is a push talk walkie talkie.
Nobody wants to use that except people like you or construction workers.
It’s very irritating or impossible to use inside an office, restaurants, hotel lobby, seminars, hospitals ..... it’s just an obsolete technology.

Now you are crying because Obama change the technology from (maybe) analog to digital? If Obama shut down Nextel to new technology. Then look at the current cellphone business right now. Business is booming with no end insight. Obama did a very good job. With all the new digital cellphone and other technology sales in billions & billions added to the booming economy from 2009 to 16 to 17 to 18. It’s Obama’s economy. Obama was awesome.

Did the trucking industry went out business when Nextel was shut down? I don’t think so.

If Sprint sticks with the Nextel technology. I guarantee you 100% that Sprint coulda/woulda out of the cellphone business years ago.

Look at blackberry cellphone. They did not adopt to new style or technology. Almost don’t exist.

Maybe I should blame Obama about the the 8 tracks too?

Obama bailed out GM. They became profitable 5 years after the bail out. That’s a fact that you are trying to deflect.

Out of all the bloggers on this site, you have the biggest comprehension (or memory) problem I have ever seen.

Nextel got out of business because their main drive was the two way radio function on their phones. Many local trucking companies used Nextel. It was our main way of communication between base and road units.

When the new regulations came out, we could no longer use that feature of Nextel which was the two way communication. So like my company, they got rid of Nextel thanks to the new regulations that prohibited us from using that function on the phone.

Nextel obviously sold the system to Sprint, and they screwed it all up. It's nowhere near as good as it was under Nextel.

If the government left us the hell alone, Nextel would still be used by all those companies including ours. It has nothing to do with technological advancements because you couldn't create a better system than Nextel had for this particular line of work. You didn't have to punch in numbers, you could use the phone while still focusing all your attention on the road, and you could easily call dispatch without looking at the phone at all. It was perfect.

As for the other businesses and regulations, I posted several sites that you obviously didn't look at. Had you looked at them, they explained the job killing regulations DumBama incorporated, and they even included hyperlinks.

So don't keep posting that you're asking questions I or others are not addressing. We did address them, but again, it must be some sort of comprehension problem with you.

Wrong again Ray. Very wrong.

I asked you a very simple question. What are Obama’s anti business policies? You keep spreading this nonsense propaganda for a while and this is all you have. Funny.

You only gave me Nextel. Pathetically very very weak.

Nextel walkie talkie is the most piece of shit telecommunications system I ever seen. You can cry however and whatever you want. If you want to blame Obama because of new technology? Go ahead.
Your hatred is making you confused of the advancement of the new technology.

With new cellphone today. You can make a call without even touching your cellphone while driving. Called voice commands. I’m sure you have not heard that before the way you keep talking about your walkie talkie Nextel.

So let me repeat what I said previously. Sprint bought Nextel because of customer base ONLY. To gain the cellphone marketing business. Nothing more. After the acquisition Sprint killed Nextel.

I asked question because of the nature and part of the topic. Also to question the fairness of a post. Apparently you and most of your friends avoided my questions. Asking a question is a sign of strength and intelligence. Sadly you have a problem with me asking a question.

So let me asked you again.
Did the trucking industry went out of business because Sprint cancelled Nextel?? So let me answer it for you. The answer is NO.
If sprint sticks with walkie talkie. Sprint is out of the cellphone business a long time ago. That’s a fact.
I also gave you a real example of that is the blackberry.

What other business regulations you posted?

And if you have a problem with my comprehension or memory. Why don’t you point it out instead of keep BITCHIN. If someone misses my post or avoided my post. I tell them the post number so there’s no excuse.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

I wonder if any of the lefty loons ever consider the fact that everyone who wants a job, has a job.

Thank you Obama and the rest of America.

Trump approval is at 38% today.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. is

You are lying BIG TIME.
How the hell you can say something so foolish like that?
Trump popularity is at 38% proved Trumpits is piece of shit.

6 out of 10 Trumpits does not deserve second term.

He only represents liars like you.

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