Jodi Arias Penalty

I dont understand this juror at all...he didnt know that it would be a mistrial? How is it a mistrial for one? And what did he expect with a hung jury? Hes the damn foreman and he doesnt know the consequence of the decision...he blames it on the instructions...then you leave the courthouse and still arent clear on it. Lord!!! This is why legal experts should be jurors, not plumbers trying to learn the legal system over night. Its what I cant stand about our legal system.

Then he doesnt even say what the split was....geez dude its not like you came to a hung so give the splits.

I agree.

<In an interview Friday, jury foreman William Zervakos provided a glimpse into the private deliberations, describing four women and eight men who struggled with the question: How heinous of a killing deserves a similar fate?

"The system we think is flawed in that sense because this was not a case of a Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson," Zervakos told The Associated Press.

"It was a brutal no-win situation. ... I think that's kind of unfair," the 69-year-old added. "We're not lawyers. We can't interpret the law. We're mere mortals. And I will tell you I've never felt more mere as a mortal than I felt for the last five months." >

He also said he struggled with her two personas--average young woman and brutal killer. In his opinion her life seemed to change inexplicably after she met Travis and he personally felt there had been verbal and mental abuse.

From those remarks I believe he is a person of integrity who did his best to be objective.

I don't know that they will find 'better' jurors--both sides have to come to some sort of agreement.

After reading earlier today that Alan Dershowitz supports LWOP for Tsarnaev I don't know who deserves the Death Penalty.
I agree.

<In an interview Friday, jury foreman William Zervakos provided a glimpse into the private deliberations, describing four women and eight men who struggled with the question: How heinous of a killing deserves a similar fate?

"The system we think is flawed in that sense because this was not a case of a Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson," Zervakos told The Associated Press.

Well, in a way, it was a case like Dahmer's because he wasn't given the death penalty. Manson was given the death penalty, along with some followers, but with law changes in CA, their sentences were commuted to Life. A few of the followers actually received parole. So, in essence, that is an argument for no capital punishment across the board.
Maybe the foreman should have taken a bit of time to digest the enormity of the case, and facts not in evidence during the trial, before speaking, but he certainly has a right to do so, regardless.

Willmott and Nurmi did their jobs well, in spite of all the criticism they faced. The prosecutor faced inherent bias with the gender and appearance of the perpetrator.

Based on what I'm reading, I'm almost surprised that the jurors got to M1.
Consider this.

If this trial had not been on tv, then there would probably little discussion of it here.

It is like the ultimate reality show of life and death.

It reminds me of the Roman's thumbs up/down times in ancient Rome.

But then we are a lot like Romans, imo.

The internet is like one big ass coliseum.

I dont understand this juror at all...he didnt know that it would be a mistrial? How is it a mistrial for one? And what did he expect with a hung jury? Hes the damn foreman and he doesnt know the consequence of the decision...he blames it on the instructions...then you leave the courthouse and still arent clear on it. Lord!!! This is why legal experts should be jurors, not plumbers trying to learn the legal system over night. Its what I cant stand about our legal system.

Then he doesnt even say what the split was....geez dude its not like you came to a hung so give the splits.

I agree.

<In an interview Friday, jury foreman William Zervakos provided a glimpse into the private deliberations, describing four women and eight men who struggled with the question: How heinous of a killing deserves a similar fate?

"The system we think is flawed in that sense because this was not a case of a Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson," Zervakos told The Associated Press.

"It was a brutal no-win situation. ... I think that's kind of unfair," the 69-year-old added. "We're not lawyers. We can't interpret the law. We're mere mortals. And I will tell you I've never felt more mere as a mortal than I felt for the last five months." >

He also said he struggled with her two personas--average young woman and brutal killer. In his opinion her life seemed to change inexplicably after she met Travis and he personally felt there had been verbal and mental abuse.

From those remarks I believe he is a person of integrity who did his best to be objective.

I don't know that they will find 'better' jurors--both sides have to come to some sort of agreement.

After reading earlier today that Alan Dershowitz supports LWOP for Tsarnaev I don't know who deserves the Death Penalty.
When he said, We're not lawyers", I thanked God.
Consider this.

If this trial had not been on tv, then there would probably little discussion of it here.

It is like the ultimate reality show of life and death.

It reminds me of the Roman's thumbs up/down times in ancient Rome.

But then we are a lot like Romans, imo.

The internet is like one big ass coliseum.

Since I was never calling for death, I have to disagree there. If Arias had never had an interview with 48 Hours, I would have never even heard of this case. She called attention to it, herself. I probably would have never known the details of the case, or items not in evidence, however, if not for media coverage, so you may be right there, in that there would have been scant information to discuss.
I would like to add that she had more than a fair trial. The judge bent over backwards in leeway for the defense. One thing is for certain, it would have been over much sooner had it not gotten so much attention.
I'm disgusted with everything about this fiasco....
BUT....if I were to pick what bothered me the most.....
It would be how little time was put in every single day.
WTF? The heat of AridZona cooks attention spans, I guess.
THAT'S why this trial took so long.
I firmly believe that, in murder trials....ALL juries should be sequestered AT LEAST for deliberations.

HEADS - Jodi gets her head chopped off
TAILS - She sits on Death Row the rest of her life in solitude.
Alternate juror tweets, interesting:

She was the one who asked Arias,"Why should we believe you now?".

Tara Kelley &#8207;@tarakelley320 28m
@RealOldHouswife definitely not happy with what is being said! Keep an eye out, there will be other jurors talking soon!!

I dont understand this juror at all...he didnt know that it would be a mistrial? How is it a mistrial for one? And what did he expect with a hung jury? Hes the damn foreman and he doesnt know the consequence of the decision...he blames it on the instructions...then you leave the courthouse and still arent clear on it. Lord!!! This is why legal experts should be jurors, not plumbers trying to learn the legal system over night. Its what I cant stand about our legal system.

Then he doesnt even say what the split was....geez dude its not like you came to a hung so give the splits.
He probably didn't know it would be declared a mistrial because in most other states at that point the judge decides. For some reason the judge didn't want them to know that wasn't a case here that's not his or the rest of the juries fault. He and the other jurors promised each other not to say what the split was or who wanted what. I think that is a good plan because of all the crazies out there. It's really no ones business anyway.
Alternate juror tweets, interesting:

She was the one who asked Arias,"Why should we believe you now?".

Tara Kelley &#8207;@tarakelley320 28m
@RealOldHouswife definitely not happy with what is being said! Keep an eye out, there will be other jurors talking soon!!
I really don't understand what she is so disgusted with him saying I think he gave a very fair and rational interview. I think it's disgusting she is talking badly about him.
I don't have an opinion one way or the other, I said it was interesting. Supposedly they all agreed to wait and speak until after the weekend, so there will definitely be more. Perhaps she is upset that he stepped out front. Who knows? I don't know enough about either of them to form an opinion. I just know that none of them were exposed to all of the info that people outside the jury box have seen.

Maybe she wasn't disgusted with him, per se, but disagreed strongly with his opinion. Actually, I'll have to go back, later, to see where she said she was disgusted with him. I don't remember reading that.
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The only place I saw where she wrote, "disgusting", was in response to a tweet about the forged letters.
[MENTION=30570]TaraK[/MENTION]elley320 him and I were together from day 1 of jury selections! I'm definitely disgusted and upset in the awful things he is saying!
Tara Kelley &#8207;@tarakelley320 3h
As an alt on this trial, I am very disgusted with what our "foreman" has said! Please know that we didn't all feel this way!!! #jodiarias
Tara Kelley &#8207;@tarakelley320 3h [MENTION=35964]Marke[/MENTION]iglarsh I was an alternate in this trial and I am disgusted and outraged with the interviews our "foreman" has done! He needs to stop!
It's weird that he talked before they agreed to that I agree with. I think he has been very diplomatic and I liked him. I am not liking what I am seeing of this girl so far. She immediately sought out the facebook page and now is on twitter with all the haters. It just seems off to me. But whatever.
Okay, so she's disgusted, lol. I have noscript and couldn't open the entire thread. It's a case where people are very passionate about about their own opinions, I would imagine that counts doubly for those who had to sit through it. I don't like or dislike either of them.

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