Jodi Arias Penalty

Did he really think the hose shot his wife and all that other crap he cooked up was going to fly?
Sentencing later I guess. Pros is seaking hard sentencing it says. She said hard 50 what does that mean no parole for 50 years? Do they not have LWOP. 50 at this age is pretty much that anyway I guess
Wonder why she was crying.

It's possible it's about the kids. They didn't lose just one parent; they lost both. Add to that the nightmare they had to go through when their father commited the crime, watching their house burn, etc. If I were a juror on that trial, that's who I'd be crying for.
Good point Aye. My feed went out I don't know why the sentencing will be I think they asked for 60 days.
The difference in the demeanor of Arias & Seacat as opposed to Zimmerman is very telling. Arias & Seacat gave the impression everyone would believe them regardless of what lies they wove and neither appeared upset or bothered by what they were accused of. Zimmerman has so far looked the opposite; he looks scared at times, worried at others. Anyone else notice the differences?
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My feed died too, refresh the page. There's a lot of family/prosecutor hugging.

I think sentencing is in 50 days.
I agree for the most part but I think there were times where Arias definitely looked scared.
The difference in the demeanor of Arias & Seacat as opposed to Zimmerman is very telling. Arias & Seacat gave the impression everyone would believe them regardless of what lies they wove and neither appeared upset or bothered by what they were accused of. Zimmerman has so far looked the opposite; he looks scared at times, worried at others. Anyone else notice the differences?

Yes. Very distinct.
I agree for the most part but I think there were times where Arias definitely looked scared.

Not until the end. I don't think she got it until about the 4th juror said "guilty", 1, 2 and 3 there was still hope in her eyes one of them would say DANG! I meant not guilty! Sorry, my bad.
Yeah but while she was awaiting it she seemed a bit nervous at times. She would come in and out of it.

Anyway Seacat sentencing 8/5
The only thing Arias is afraid of is not being the center of attention and not getting her way. She could care less about anyone or anything else unless it's someone or something she can use to get her way.

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