Jodi Arias Penalty

I think the reposting was in response to people asking where everyone went. It seemed a bit odd. But that must have been the response they wanted to have. Showing that some people didn't want to follow the rules but just bailed. At least that's how I took it. I know better. But I think J & J wanted to show that he/she didn't throw you off, but that you asked to be removed. IDK. JMO.
Yes, been rainy here, too. Getting ready for dinner, had some wine, then time for bed to get ready for tomorrow. I am very excited. Hope there are no more delays.
I think the reposting was in response to people asking where everyone went. It seemed a bit odd. But that must have been the response they wanted to have. Showing that some people didn't want to follow the rules but just bailed. At least that's how I took it. I know better. But I think J & J wanted to show that he/she didn't throw you off, but that you asked to be removed. IDK. JMO.

Meh. That entire thing was bonkers. It doesn't matter. I had already planned to leave there by the end of the trial, but we have bonus time here. I have no stakes there.
There's always another internet site somewhere.

I only wish I could rep drstevej more, it only allows so much toward one person in a day, I guess.

Okay, I'm off too. See you guys tomorrow 1 o'clock, sharp-ish...maybe 2, in case someone gets cold feet.
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Sorry, I was checking my weather and had to come back to post this, cracked me up:

HIGH AT 12:05 AM
Some areas nearby are reporting fog.

Pfft. So much reporting of fog, these days. Okay, I'm really going now.
I only wish I could rep drstevej more, it only allows so much toward one person in a day, I guess.

You can only rep the same person 1 out of 8 times. So you must rep 7 other people before you can rep the same person again. You can rep about 10 times a day.
Usually newbs introduce themselves when joining here and we say our hi and hello's and welcomes. This thread was just ....weird. BAM! New people, all hanging out together all at once. Kinda like walking into your living room and seeing a bunch of people you don't know sitting on the couch and raiding the fridge, lol.

Anyway...welcome to USMB! Hello. Hi. I'm Gracie. :)
Usually newbs introduce themselves when joining here and we say our hi and hello's and welcomes. This thread was just ....weird. BAM! New people, all hanging out together all at once. Kinda like walking into your living room and seeing a bunch of people you don't know sitting on the couch and raiding the fridge, lol.

Anyway...welcome to USMB! Hello. Hi. I'm Gracie. :)

Sorry!! Hey! So glad to be here. We are looking forward to chatting about Jodi the Genius tomorrow for penalty phase.

Thanks for having me/us crash your forum. We were looking for a new home to chat on. Hoping this may be it.
Usually newbs introduce themselves when joining here and we say our hi and hello's and welcomes. This thread was just ....weird. BAM! New people, all hanging out together all at once. Kinda like walking into your living room and seeing a bunch of people you don't know sitting on the couch and raiding the fridge, lol.

Anyway...welcome to USMB! Hello. Hi. I'm Gracie. :)

We defected from another forum all at once. Didn't mean it to look like an invasion.'s cool. I'm just a member here like you are. I was just surprised. Had to do a double take to see if I was in the right board, lol.

I think you guys will like it here. Mods, super mods, admins...all are great. Nice features at your disposal. New folks to meet. Again, Welcome!!
Usually newbs introduce themselves when joining here and we say our hi and hello's and welcomes. This thread was just ....weird. BAM! New people, all hanging out together all at once. Kinda like walking into your living room and seeing a bunch of people you don't know sitting on the couch and raiding the fridge, lol.

Anyway...welcome to USMB! Hello. Hi. I'm Gracie. :)

Sorry!! Hey! So glad to be here. We are looking forward to chatting about Jodi the Genius tomorrow for penalty phase.

Thanks for having me/us crash your forum. We were looking for a new home to chat on. Hoping this may be it.

Welcome aboard to all you WAT newbies!

Chat away, that is what we all do here on whatever subject we want. Mods rarely mess with us here. It is the best hassle-free forum around.
Last edited:'s cool. I'm just a member here like you are. I was just surprised. Had to do a double take to see if I was in the ri
ght board, lol.

I think you guys will like it here. Mods, super mods, admins...all are great. Nice features at your disposal. New folks to meet. Again, Welcome!!

We having been chatting the JA case since the beginning on WAT, then had a new moderator start moving and deleting our posts on a power trip a couple days ago right before penalty so we defected to find another place to chat. That's it in a nutshell.

Looks like a great place for discussions!
Okay, a few things, Hi to the people whose party we crashed. (waving)

Secondly, I had to take a look back at WAT, based on your reports, Testy, NO WAY that is for real, It has to be trolling. Otherwise WAT has Arias guest moderating, or someone out from some kind of halfway house.

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