Jodi Arias Penalty

I will miss you WAT-ergaters at the conclusion. Can I get a TM? Or an Amen?
I don't know if I can take listening to Consonant Queen on the blame blitz. Enough is enough.

I thought of this when she was talking about book clubs during her allocute.

Shes a strange cat...shes weird. Travis was an idiot for latching onto her...he had to know better...she says stuff and you get the feeling everyone is saying "okay, did this just get weird?"

Her last interview with Troy is going to be classic. She is all prettied up for him and then he makes an idiot out of her.

Is it worth watching for schadenfreude alone? I don't know if I can take it.

Thank God Troy is out of the web. Another JoJo "betrayer".
I don't know if I can take listening to Consonant Queen on the blame blitz. Enough is enough.

I thought of this when she was talking about book clubs during her allocute.

Shes a strange cat...shes weird. Travis was an idiot for latching onto her...he had to know better...she says stuff and you get the feeling everyone is saying "okay, did this just get weird?"

Her last interview with Troy is going to be classic. She is all prettied up for him and then he makes an idiot out of her.

That's the trademark sociopath creepy vibe. All charm and then comes that wtf? moment.
I don't know if I can take listening to Consonant Queen on the blame blitz. Enough is enough.

I thought of this when she was talking about book clubs during her allocute.

Shes a strange cat...shes weird. Travis was an idiot for latching onto her...he had to know better...she says stuff and you get the feeling everyone is saying "okay, did this just get weird?"

Her last interview with Troy is going to be classic. She is all prettied up for him and then he makes an idiot out of her.

Is it worth watching for schadenfreude alone? I don't know if I can take it.

What the heck is that fancy word? Should I get the tm'er out?
Much better, thanks.

JECTION! Shirt fraud! Goes to the level of your client's delusion and antisocial self entitlement.

She survived. Travis Alexander did NOT survive. There's truth in that shirt, but it is far more sinister and it has nothing to do with DV.

I'm going to stab29times/shootinhead/chopheadoff and then I'm going to parade around in and sell shirts that I survived it.

Just how #psychosauce is that?

That was the her shining JodiMercial moment for the jurors - wait! see my Survivor t-shirt? You can buy one on my "guaranteed authentic" website for 15 bucks! All proceeds go to... um... go to, I'll just keep that money for now.
I was just reading on Websleuths, and someone there watched a different interview where Arias called the reporter a "Hater". Pfft. Now it's almost comical. Supposedly she told one reporter that she had her attorneys' blessings for this clusterf*ck of media pounding. Anyone buy that?

TW she said this to the GMA reporter, it was so funny. She got her face slapped by Troy and the gma reporter (sorry forgot to note his name) I think the reporters were upset they had drawn the short straw and had to interview her last night :) they were snippy with her.
Oh Goodie.... A Book Club!


First Book: Thirty Shades of Cray
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I will miss you WAT-ergaters at the conclusion. Can I get a TM? Or an Amen?

I'm not tm'ing you if you keep on with that farewell and goodbye stuff.

She's getting dp and auto-appeal.

We're not missing the auto-appeal so we can hear DENIED! one more time before she skips off to her new life of 23 hour a day solitary confinement.
I will miss you WAT-ergaters at the conclusion. Can I get a TM? Or an Amen?

I'm not tm'ing you if you keep on with that farewell and goodbye stuff.

She's getting dp and auto-appeal.

We're not missing the auto-appeal so we can hear DENIED! one more time before she skips off to her new life of 23 hour a day solitary confinement.

Who said it was the end of us on here just because the trial is nearly over?
I don't know if I can take listening to Consonant Queen on the blame blitz. Enough is enough.

I thought of this when she was talking about book clubs during her allocute.

Shes a strange cat...shes weird. Travis was an idiot for latching onto her...he had to know better...she says stuff and you get the feeling everyone is saying "okay, did this just get weird?"

Her last interview with Troy is going to be classic. She is all prettied up for him and then he makes an idiot out of her.

That's the trademark sociopath creepy vibe. All charm and then comes that wtf? moment.

Shes that kind of person that tells her lies and causes her damage and then when caught, she just leaves the room and moves onto her next gig. She did this with her parents, boyfriends, friends. She leaves sitting there shaking their head.

For the first time in court and being restricted to jail, she could not run away when her gig was up. She was stuck and left to just keep making up lies. Shes never been great a manipulating, IMO....she would just move to a new gig when she got caught. Her gig was up with Travis and she was forced to move to her miserable life in yreka...she had no friends, except while with Travis.

His lifestyle was an improvement over hers and I think she was really upset that it didnt work out for her and that there wasnt a way to recover it. Some of her arguments with Travis were proof that their relationship was unrecoverable. She tried her manipulating and threats I believe and he blew her off like she does so many people.

Ive dated people like this chick and they are downright creepy when they dont get what they want. Thats about as far into that as I will

she says she can do a lot of good for

"those people" in prison if she gets life

Did she say that in her '12 yr old' girl voice?

She was talking in her 12 yr old manipulating voice with Troy H. It didnt work...he slammed her. I cant wait to hear his whole interview. She had herself convinced that ole Troy was on her side...she got all her makeup on and then he made her look like a fool just clamouring to the cameras again. She thinks she is a star.
I thought of this when she was talking about book clubs during her allocute.

Shes a strange cat...shes weird. Travis was an idiot for latching onto her...he had to know better...she says stuff and you get the feeling everyone is saying "okay, did this just get weird?"

Her last interview with Troy is going to be classic. She is all prettied up for him and then he makes an idiot out of her.

Is it worth watching for schadenfreude alone? I don't know if I can take it.

What the heck is that fancy word? Should I get the tm'er out?
Nah, it's already a real word, we can't take credit:
Schadenfreude - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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