Jodi Arias Penalty

Getting back to the trial --- during all the coverage it seemed to me like the media was heavily touting TA as some great guy who everyone liked and never even stepped on an ant. But from what was shown, I dont think I would have wanted to hang around with him nor would I have liked him. IMO someone with that many shoes stacked so perfectly is someone with issues of orderliness and control and having to have things a certain way. And he likely would have hated me. If myself, JA, and TA were sitting around a table I think I would have found JA far more down to earth and dare I say it, more like myself in some ways. Out of all the aspects of the coverage, it was how it became a black and white case of good vs evil and if you didnt hate JA you were a horrible person. That said, I dont think she deserves to ever see freedom again.
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Getting back to the trial --- during all the coverage it seemed to me like the media was heavily touting TA as some great guy who everyone liked and never even stepped on an ant. But from what was shown, I dont think I would have wanted to hang around with him nor would I have liked him. IMO someone with that many shoes stacked so perfectly is someone with issues of orderliness and control and having to have things a certain way. And he likely would have hated me. If myself, JA, and TA were sitting around a table I think I would have found JA far more down to earth and dare I say it, more like myself in some ways. Out of all the aspects of the coverage, it was how it became a black and white case of good vs evil and if you didnt hate JA you were a horrible person. That said, I dont think she deserves to ever see freedom again.

i think they both had issues

and fed off each other
Oh I agree with that Tink. Its more the ones that are clearly deranged. Like that guy in Cleveland --- SURELY he gave signs that he wasnt all there....:eusa_whistle:

The guy in Cleveland is nuts. His family did not see it because he always had locks on doors and areas of the house they were not to go into. This nut would beat his wife and lock her in a refrigerator box for days at a time. His wife was also never to leave the house. No one realized just how sick he really is. His own daughter is completely upset with him partly because 1 of the girls was a friend of hers from school. This nut even showed at the candle lite services for her.

Up here at least that case has pretty much disappeared already. I just hope the girls come out of it relatively ok. There has to be a shitload of mental and physical/medical issues.
Getting back to the trial --- during all the coverage it seemed to me like the media was heavily touting TA as some great guy who everyone liked and never even stepped on an ant. But from what was shown, I dont think I would have wanted to hang around with him nor would I have liked him. IMO someone with that many shoes stacked so perfectly is someone with issues of orderliness and control and having to have things a certain way. And he likely would have hated me. If myself, JA, and TA were sitting around a table I think I would have found JA far more down to earth and dare I say it, more like myself in some ways. Out of all the aspects of the coverage, it was how it became a black and white case of good vs evil and if you didnt hate JA you were a horrible person. That said, I dont think she deserves to ever see freedom again.

I can understand why TA would have is personal items so neat and orderly. Her grew up with nothing not even food to eat what cloths any of the kids had were dirty and worn. They had cockroaches running all over the house. So once he could get nice things he took care of them at least that is IMO.
Hey I am so out of the loop. Been at work all day and haven't been home really long enough to catch up. You guys have been busy today. Plus I had to watch the new Nashville episode real quick. So they still have no word yet from jury huh?. Thought they would be done by this afternoon honestly. So is it true that if she doesn't get the dp that she could be up for parole after 25 yrs?
The guy in Cleveland is nuts. His family did not see it because he always had locks on doors and areas of the house they were not to go into. This nut would beat his wife and lock her in a refrigerator box for days at a time. His wife was also never to leave the house. No one realized just how sick he really is. His own daughter is completely upset with him partly because 1 of the girls was a friend of hers from school. This nut even showed at the candle lite services for her.

Up here at least that case has pretty much disappeared already. I just hope the girls come out of it relatively ok. There has to be a shitload of mental and physical/medical issues.

Michelle Knight is still have issues. She is in hiding because she has so many issues. I think it will take a long time for her to feel safe again if ever.
Hey I am so out of the loop. Been at work all day and haven't been home really long enough to catch up. You guys have been busy today. Plus I had to watch the new Nashville episode real quick. So they still have no word yet from jury huh?. Thought they would be done by this afternoon honestly. So is it true that if she doesn't get the dp that she could be up for parole after 25 yrs?

Word was they were hung. The judge talk to them and they went back to deliberate.
I will watch this because you have me curious but when I go throw up after hearing Hannity speak I will be cursing you!

Omg I haven't seen anything about that till now. What craziness.
He did look like he was wearing red gloves..Dang

And one question...25 are you really Troy? Lmao :D
I will watch this because you have me curious but when I go throw up after hearing Hannity speak I will be cursing you!

Omg I haven't seen anything about that till now. What craziness.
He did look like he was wearing red gloves..Dang

And one question...25 are you really Troy? Lmao :D

LOL...thanks alot tink for blowing my cover! Yes I am Troy...but I am not and never was "rick" for cryin out
I will watch this because you have me curious but when I go throw up after hearing Hannity speak I will be cursing you!

Omg I haven't seen anything about that till now. What craziness.
He did look like he was wearing red gloves..Dang

And one question...25 are you really Troy? Lmao :D

LOL...thanks alot tink for blowing my cover! Yes I am Troy...but I am not and never was "rick" for cryin out

Lmao...that's so freakn hilarious. I always had a feeling it was you. And trust me I know your not "rick" because, what was it CC always said, that's "reRickulous" hahaha
were did everybody go?

I heard they had a question and then heard it wasn't a question but the judge left something out during jury instructions and had to go over it...

Huh? So they had a question and didnt come back "do not agree"? Or am I missing something here?

No you probably didn't miss anything, I did because I was at work all day and only got to check in once and missed most of todays info.
I will watch this because you have me curious but when I go throw up after hearing Hannity speak I will be cursing you!

Omg I haven't seen anything about that till now. What craziness.
He did look like he was wearing red gloves..Dang

And one question...25 are you really Troy? Lmao :D

LOL...thanks alot tink for blowing my cover! Yes I am Troy...but I am not and never was "rick" for cryin out

Troy I could tell you were Troy when you started to type under this name lol It was clinched when J&J called you Troy lol

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