Jodi Arias Penalty

LOL I think anyone alive when Clinton was in office knows that sex is not solely penile, vaginal intercourse LMAO

OMG Tink there are still so many that believe penile, vaginal intercourse is sex were everything else is fair game and is not sex. The place I used to work at had so many that would say that. These are grown adults saying this still to this day. They are teaching their kids that also. It is crazy.
Just want to say that I have had my hair donated to "Locks" yeah.

Before: :afro:

After: :sad:

LOL where have you been lately? You've been awfully quiet since our move?

Well hello, Tink! I guess I got a little side tracked with the tornado...other than that I have been catching up on things. Finally have my lawn looking the way I want...I have to compete with my moms every year and shes been giving me a hard time since the beginning of

I will say this...I am very impressed with the way the most recent people have interviewed jodi. Troy slammed her, Mark really slammed her, and then Amy went in and asked some tough questions...loved it. I think they managed to make Jodi feel a little it was pretty obvious she was milking this star thing...its probably what get her through the day.

Have all the interviews come out already?

Pics of your lawn?
Man!!! Did you guys see that meat cleaver murder...they actually interviewed the guy just seconds after he did it...he still had blood on his hands waving the cleaver speaking with a reporter. Holy sheet...what is wrong with the world these days?

What?! Where I haven't heard of this!!! :omg:
LOL I think anyone alive when Clinton was in office knows that sex is not solely penile, vaginal intercourse LMAO

OMG Tink there are still so many that believe penile, vaginal intercourse is sex were everything else is fair game and is not sex. The place I used to work at had so many that would say that. These are grown adults saying this still to this day. They are teaching their kids that also. It is crazy.

I'm a big believer that just because you believe something is true it does not in fact make it true lol
Who the Frell is this Jodi person?
Who the Frell is this Jodi person?

This might help

Man!!! Did you guys see that meat cleaver murder...they actually interviewed the guy just seconds after he did it...he still had blood on his hands waving the cleaver speaking with a reporter. Holy sheet...what is wrong with the world these days?

What?! Where I haven't heard of this!!! :omg:

I just saw it on Hannity...couldnt believe was a black guy that talked like a Jamaican or something...anyway he was rambling on how in his homeland this type of stuff is an everyday occurrence and that for some reason it was important for a woman to see this...whatever that meant...Ill try to find a link for it.
what sex topic are you talking about Tink?

Well we are talking about a few different ones.
Do you think they were having sex before they officially became bf/gf
Do you think other people knew they were having sex?

Yes I do.
And I think people knew --- I think he probably bragged about it

He definitely didn't brag about it. He could have gotten in big trouble with his church for it.
Well we are talking about a few different ones.
Do you think they were having sex before they officially became bf/gf
Do you think other people knew they were having sex?

Yes I do.
And I think people knew --- I think he probably bragged about it

He definitely didn't brag about it. He could have gotten in big trouble with his church for it.

Surely not every single one of his bros was a member of the Mormon church...or were they?:eusa_silenced:
Oh Frell. I wish I could unknow this.

I try to avoid this tabloid garbage.

Hmm I wonder if this qualifies as tabloid garbage since she wasn't a celebrity.

Are you kidding? Tabloids feed off of SENSATIONALISM.

John Wayne Bobbitt, anyone?

HUH? It was a five month live trial...hardly tabloid garbage...this is as real as it gets. I dont think anyone here has received any information from tabs....we have all witnessed it with our own eyes in a court of law.

In fact, I dont think I have seen any tabloids on it.
Yes I do.
And I think people knew --- I think he probably bragged about it

He definitely didn't brag about it. He could have gotten in big trouble with his church for it.

Surely not every single one of his bros was a member of the Mormon church...or were they?:eusa_silenced:

They were when they lived with their grandma but I think some had strayed but what I gathered from the VIS.
Hmm I wonder if this qualifies as tabloid garbage since she wasn't a celebrity.

Are you kidding? Tabloids feed off of SENSATIONALISM.

John Wayne Bobbitt, anyone?

HUH? It was a five month live trial...hardly tabloid garbage...this is as real as it gets. I dont think anyone here has received any information from tabs....we have all witnessed it with our own eyes in a court of law.

In fact, I dont think I have seen any tabloids on it.

I understand what she means. Tabloids do report on this because it is sensationalized.
They feed on this stuff.

And there is not enough brain bleach to cleanse one of the taint.
He definitely didn't brag about it. He could have gotten in big trouble with his church for it.

Surely not every single one of his bros was a member of the Mormon church...or were they?:eusa_silenced:

They were when they lived with their grandma but I think some had strayed but what I gathered from the VIS.

I think he means bros as in friends lol
I'm not sure about that but it seems the majority of his social group was. Many thought he was a virgin.

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