Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

As I recall, the stunningly beautiful Foster (a waste as a Lezbean) was outed without her consent by some Mafia Fag group years ago. Really who fucking cares that she married a fellow carpet muncher?

She seems by most accounts like an outstanding person. The fact that she was born demented also is nothing to celebrate, but nothing to insult her over either. Leave her the fuck alone, it seems she prefers it that way.
Whatever floats her boat. Oh, that's right. I forgot. Homonazis want to force everyone into their boat via legal marriage. We now all must acquiesce to, endorse, embrace and subsidize their muff-diving. We must allow them to adopt children and deprive those kids of a father and thereby contribute to crime and failed schools.
Nazis deluxe.
Good for her. I loved her in Silence Of The Lambs.
As I recall, the stunningly beautiful Foster (a waste as a Lezbean) was outed without her consent by some Mafia Fag group years ago. Really who fucking cares that she married a fellow carpet muncher?

She seems by most accounts like an outstanding person. The fact that she was born demented also is nothing to celebrate, but nothing to insult her over either. Leave her the fuck alone, it seems she prefers it that way.

She outed herself at the Oscars last year. Dumbfuck bigot.
If they adopt, will it be a Foster child?

She already has two lovely children.

Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Not if it was in California she didn't. Not legally. You can try to overthrown democratic rule until the cows come home but the law on the books there says and applies that marriage in that state is only "between a man and a woman". No lower court judge at any time can overturn Windsor's assertions that states have a sovereign constitutionally-protected right to define marriage, under the question of gay marriage, by consensus.

Sorry Jodie if you were married in California, you aren't married. Try one of the three states where it is legal.

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