Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

Hillary poisoned the DNC ,to the extent that they'll need a very bright star to make a comeback


Hillary poisoned the DNC ,to the extent that they'll need a very bright star to make a comeback



I don't buy that.

First, while guys like Gimper see Hillary hiding under their bed, most Democrats have moved on.

Bernie isn't even the force he used to be... he only got 25% of the vote in NH when he got 60% in 2016?
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

What I find most disappointing and instructive is Little Mike is trying to buy the nomination, and many Ds are happy about it.

Really, folks...

One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk. Trump is going to love him.

The other falls for what has to be the silliest meme on record. For, all the other presidential hopefuls arrive at the competition, not a penny in campaign funds stashed away, and travel the country by foot to find their would-be voters. But Mike "is trying to buy the nomination". "Little Mike", because that standard of debate, as set by Trump, is now ... The Standard.

The truth is, of course, whoever possesses a lick of reason and decency knows that beating Trump as decisively as possible is the order of the day, not only because his policies are catastrophic, but mainly because he is a threat to the Republic. The other truth is, money doesn't buy a nomination - that takes voters. And that's why an unappealing candidate can't "buy the nomination", neither using his own money nor other people's.
One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk.
Not really.
Trump is a dumbfuck loose cannon.
Hillary is a snake.
So I voted for Jill Stein.

The Dems could have had my vote if they didn't rig the election for Hillary. And now they are doing it again. Biden has been pimped in the corporate media since before he threw his hat into the ring. He was "electable." He could beat Trump. Then he came in fourth and fifth. That kicked the ladder out from under that shtick. Biden is a dud. He doesn't have anything else.

The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.
The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.

yeah. Here's the problem.

All those people are nuts... That's why they don't get the nomination.
As a former Progressive I'm wondering how my Progressive brothers and sisters are rationalizing Bloomberg buying the nomination?
Hillary poisoned the DNC ,to the extent that they'll need a very bright star to make a comeback



I don't buy that.

First, while guys like Gimper see Hillary hiding under their bed, most Democrats have moved on.

Bernie isn't even the force he used to be... he only got 25% of the vote in NH when he got 60% in 2016?
Joe I’m not the one jacking off to pictures of Hillary. You are!

Joe this Hillary obsession isn’t healthy my boy.
The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.

yeah. Here's the problem.

All those people are nuts... That's why they don't get the nomination.
Indeed, that is exactly what they tell you to believe.

See, it works.
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

What I find most disappointing and instructive is Little Mike is trying to buy the nomination, and many Ds are happy about it.

Really, folks...

One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk. Trump is going to love him.

The other falls for what has to be the silliest meme on record. For, all the other presidential hopefuls arrive at the competition, not a penny in campaign funds stashed away, and travel the country by foot to find their would-be voters. But Mike "is trying to buy the nomination". "Little Mike", because that standard of debate, as set by Trump, is now ... The Standard.

The truth is, of course, whoever possesses a lick of reason and decency knows that beating Trump as decisively as possible is the order of the day, not only because his policies are catastrophic, but mainly because he is a threat to the Republic. The other truth is, money doesn't buy a nomination - that takes voters. And that's why an unappealing candidate can't "buy the nomination", neither using his own money nor other people's.
One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk.
Not really.
Trump is a dumbfuck loose cannon.
Hillary is a snake.
So I voted for Jill Stein.

The Dems could have had my vote if they didn't rig the election for Hillary. And now they are doing it again. Biden has been pimped in the corporate media since before he threw his hat into the ring. He was "electable." He could beat Trump. Then he came in fourth and fifth. That kicked the ladder out from under that shtick. Biden is a dud. He doesn't have anything else.

The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.
Agreed. It is apparent what the establishment is doing but we have too many gullible voters like Joe, who still believe the establishment.

The establishment desperately wants another corporatist warmonger like O or Hillary, winning the D nomination. Their transparent smears of Bernie and Tulsi make this evident, but many still can’t see it.
Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.

Humm, I guess the college where you allegedly got your history degree not only failed to teach you real history but also failed to teach you basic English: The possessive form of "it" is "its"--no apostrophe. "It's" is a contraction of "it is."

And I don't even wanna know the reasons for your idiotic claim that Tulsi Gabbard is some kind of Russian agent. Your reasons for this absurd claim are probably right up there in stupidity with your reasons for claiming that Mao Tsetung brought prosperity, stability, and respect to China after he took over, and that as a result of his murderous reign, which included the killing of some 30 million people, China "broke free."
The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.

yeah. Here's the problem.

All those people are nuts... That's why they don't get the nomination.
Indeed, that is exactly what they tell you to believe.

See, it works.
See? Joe dutifully believes whatever the D party establishment and MSM tells him. He’s a brainwashed drone. Sadly, there are millions of Americans just like him.
The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.

yeah. Here's the problem.

All those people are nuts... That's why they don't get the nomination.
Indeed, that is exactly what they tell you to believe.

See, it works.
See? Joe dutifully believes whatever the D party establishment and MSM tells him. He’s a brainwashed drone. Sadly, there are millions of Americans just like him.

Joe needs the dems to lead him around by the nose.
Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.

Humm, I guess the college where you allegedly got your history degree not only failed to teach you real history but also failed to teach you basic English: The possessive form of "it" is "its"--no apostrophe. "It's" is a contraction of "it is."

And I don't even wanna know the reasons for your idiotic claim that Tulsi Gabbard is some kind of Russian agent. Your reasons for this absurd claim are probably right up there in stupidity with your reasons for claiming that Mao Tsetung brought prosperity, stability, and respect to China after he took over, and that as a result of his murderous reign, which included the killing of some 30 million people, China "broke free."
He got it from Hillary and he believes every word she has ever spoken, even though she’s a known liar.
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

What I find most disappointing and instructive is Little Mike is trying to buy the nomination, and many Ds are happy about it.

Really, folks...

One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk. Trump is going to love him.

The other falls for what has to be the silliest meme on record. For, all the other presidential hopefuls arrive at the competition, not a penny in campaign funds stashed away, and travel the country by foot to find their would-be voters. But Mike "is trying to buy the nomination". "Little Mike", because that standard of debate, as set by Trump, is now ... The Standard.

The truth is, of course, whoever possesses a lick of reason and decency knows that beating Trump as decisively as possible is the order of the day, not only because his policies are catastrophic, but mainly because he is a threat to the Republic. The other truth is, money doesn't buy a nomination - that takes voters. And that's why an unappealing candidate can't "buy the nomination", neither using his own money nor other people's.
One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk.
Not really.
Trump is a dumbfuck loose cannon.
Hillary is a snake.
So I voted for Jill Stein.

The Dems could have had my vote if they didn't rig the election for Hillary. And now they are doing it again. Biden has been pimped in the corporate media since before he threw his hat into the ring. He was "electable." He could beat Trump. Then he came in fourth and fifth. That kicked the ladder out from under that shtick. Biden is a dud. He doesn't have anything else.

The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.
Agreed. It is apparent what the establishment is doing but we have too many gullible voters like Joe, who still believe the establishment.

The establishment desperately wants another corporatist warmonger like O or Hillary, winning the D nomination. Their transparent smears of Bernie and Tulsi make this evident, but many still can’t see it.
Indeed, it is more than just rigging the vote. It is rigging public opinion. Most people do not research candidates. They just believe what they are told to believe.

If I remember correctly, Obama was being pimped by the media before he threw his hat in the ring. My first thought was that there is something wrong with this guy as it turned out to be.

I remember an interview with Dennis Kucinich. The first question was: You know you can't win. Why are you running? WTF!
Trump's approval among African Americans has gone from 9% at his election in 2016, to 34% in two current major polls. Even at 20%, the Democrats would have a severe problem beating him.

You yourself know damned well that he's going to win the 2020 presidential race. Just quit pretending already, ok?

No it has not. It's been 10 percent during his entire presidency. Only in republican biased polls is does he reach 34 percent. Minorities are not sup[porting trump. I think I know that since I am a minority, speak to minorities every day and definitely are in contact with more minorities than you are. I am a member of a black discussion forum that has over 300,000 members, which is four times the membership here and you would be lucky to see 10-20 trump supporters in that membership.

COMMENTARY: New polls show surging black support for Trump

And the funniest part? You're going to be stuck with a rich, white, racist like Mike Bloomberg to vote for in 2020.

Be sure to hold your nose when you cast your ballot. :laughing0301:

Even better, Bloomy is far more rich and white and anti-minority than Trump EVER was! :dance:

I won't be voting for Bloomberg during the primary. And since Bloomberg has not claimed a black president was not American, called Mexicans rapists, gut civil rights, appoint white racist judges, call black countries shitholes, banned travel to only non white nations and did help blacks in many ways while mayor of NYC, I will vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee.

Congratulations. Now you know how I felt when I got stuck with Romney and McCain for the choices in 2008 and 2012.

Which Republicans did you prefer?
No it has not. It's been 10 percent during his entire presidency. Only in republican biased polls is does he reach 34 percent. Minorities are not sup[porting trump. I think I know that since I am a minority, speak to minorities every day and definitely are in contact with more minorities than you are. I am a member of a black discussion forum that has over 300,000 members, which is four times the membership here and you would be lucky to see 10-20 trump supporters in that membership.

COMMENTARY: New polls show surging black support for Trump

And the funniest part? You're going to be stuck with a rich, white, racist like Mike Bloomberg to vote for in 2020.

Be sure to hold your nose when you cast your ballot. :laughing0301:

Even better, Bloomy is far more rich and white and anti-minority than Trump EVER was! :dance:

I won't be voting for Bloomberg during the primary. And since Bloomberg has not claimed a black president was not American, called Mexicans rapists, gut civil rights, appoint white racist judges, call black countries shitholes, banned travel to only non white nations and did help blacks in many ways while mayor of NYC, I will vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee.

Congratulations. Now you know how I felt when I got stuck with Romney and McCain for the choices in 2008 and 2012.

Which Republicans did you prefer?

You want me to to look up who was running against them? They were all so non-memorable I don't even remember.
I like Sanders. He would be my first choice, but I think he's too far too fast for most folks.

There's also the simple fact that the nation may not survive 4 more years of a spoiled child as president. As it is it will take decades to undo all the damage he's done, rebuild the experience and institutional knowledge he has thrown out, and deprogram all his rabid followers..

Mayor Pete has a similar issue. The nation just isn't ready for a gay president.

Styer isn't really going anywhere fast.

Warren isn't going anywhere fast.

Klobuchar does seem to be angling for a VP spot.

That leaves Bloomberg, who really does seem to have the best chance right now. Both more money and brains that tRump, all he lacks is the legions of brain-dead followers. But I don't think he's a zombie king kinda guy. He seems to atract folks with a higher IQ than the average tRumpling.

I'm gonna hafta say he's the favorite, at the moment at least.

You have the nerve to talk about Trump followers being "brain dead" and you support Sanders. Talk about someone who will destroy the US quickly.

I would still like to think that there is no way there are enough ignorant, teenage, loser, Socialists in this country for Sanders to be elected President.
I once believed we'd have a more representational government if instead of elections we drew names out of a phone book. Now we have no phone books.
Not really.
Trump is a dumbfuck loose cannon.
Hillary is a snake.
So I voted for Jill Stein.

The Dems could have had my vote if they didn't rig the election for Hillary. And now they are doing it again. Biden has been pimped in the corporate media since before he threw his hat into the ring. He was "electable." He could beat Trump. Then he came in fourth and fifth. That kicked the ladder out from under that shtick. Biden is a dud. He doesn't have anything else.

The thing is that there are some candidates that the political elites don't like. They are ignored, smeared, and more. People like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders, and now Tulsi Gabbard. These people are a threat to the power establishment and must be stopped. It is interesting that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul endorse Tulsi Gabbard.

Oh my...

Hillary, the most vilified woman in history, is "a snake." No less.

Biden has been "pimped". By the evil "corporate media".

Then you seem to look to "candidates" the "political elites don't like" (as if "like" were a political category"), and come up with a list of crackpots (partly excepting Sanders) you "like". Because "establishment" bad, and that's why you envision to vote third party, thus enabling Trump, the "dumbfuck loose cannon."

Look, there is a place for the folks you mention, not least because unorthodox ideas tend to enliven debate, even for folks like Gabbard and Trump, but that place is nowhere near the levers of power. And that is why insisting on ideological purity and an anti-establishment stance is a losing proposition, because Trump, the "dumbfuck loose cannon", stands to gain from it.

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