Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)


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You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.

It isn't coming, Nostradamus.

Just watch what happens this fall. Democrats have not pulled out all their weapons and trump is using his now.

Hopefully your weapon isn’t drunken [emoji3061] Nancy [emoji1787].

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Because I don't buy into your crazy? Sorry, man. The Lizard People aren't running things.
JoeB131: “Donald Trump is the child of Satan and Adolf Hitler. He’s a racist fascist who will destroy civilization”

Also JoeB131: “Government is the solution to all of our problems. It is made up of selfless, benevolent, altruistic saints who sacrifice themselves for the good of society”

Yes folks...he really is the quintessential idiot leftist. :lmao:
Bernie got the most votes in both... that tells me he's doing fine.
He got the most votes in 2016 as well. So the DNC rigged the nomination for Hitlery Clinton because the party looks at their supporters like you as useful idiots and mindless minions who can’t be trusted to choose your own leaders.

And your dumb ass continues to bend over for them. :laugh:
P F Tinmore said:
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Social Policies:
They Both Stand For The Same As Any Of The Others
Any third Party.
The Democrat's Party Has Already Morphed
Into Your Socialist Third Party Now
In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.
The Democrat Field Has NO Winners
The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.
Indeed They Are
But Your Pessimism Is Certainly Appreciated
And So Will Be Your Absence From Clogging The Voting Lines
The question is, is Stop and Frisk really an issue.
You mean other than the fact that it is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution? Idiot.

Your Boy Trump said it was just fine. You guys had no problem with it until Bloomberg turned his billions against Trump.

He got the most votes in 2016 as well. So the DNC rigged the nomination for Hitlery Clinton because the party looks at their supporters like you as useful idiots and mindless minions who can’t be trusted to choose your own leaders.

Um, no, he didn't.

Results of the 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Hillary Clinton - 16,914,722
Bernie Sanders - 13,206,428

She also won more states.


So, yeah Superdelegates put her over the top, but even if the Democrats didn't have Superdelegates, she STILL would have won.
JoeB131: “Donald Trump is the child of Satan and Adolf Hitler. He’s a racist fascist who will destroy civilization”

Also JoeB131: “Government is the solution to all of our problems. It is made up of selfless, benevolent, altruistic saints who sacrifice themselves for the good of society”

Yes folks...he really is the quintessential idiot leftist.

Wow, Poodle, you really can't argue what I am actually saying, so you have to start making shit up.

I get it, buddy, you get your ass kicked so often you are shell-shocked.
Putting your faith in the establishment is akin to a sheep to the slaughter. I’m really disappointed in you Joe.

Because I don't buy into your crazy?

Sorry, man. The Lizard People aren't running things.

That’s not it Joe. You need to face the truth. You put your faith in the establishment, even though it is proven to be corrupt and unjust.

Not smart Joe.
That’s not it Joe. You need to face the truth. You put your faith in the establishment, even though it is proven to be corrupt and unjust.

Not smart Joe.

Again, your paranoia isn't a compelling argument.

Libertarians are like children, they want all the candy, but don't want to pay for it.
You need to accept reality Joe. Hillary hates you. Shed some tears and move on.
Hey I’m not the one with my head up her fat ass.

No, but the fact that is the image you have in your mind says a lot. Seriously, dude, you have some weird wank fantasies.

There are probably 5 hundred million reasons why Bloomberg will get the nomination

By that logic, Tom Steyer should be the frontrunner, as he's been spending millions for years running against Trump, and still can't get over 2%.

I would say judging by the pure level of Right Wing Panic over Bloomberg right now, he might be worth looking into.
Hey I’m not the one with my head up her fat ass.

No, but the fact that is the image you have in your mind says a lot. Seriously, dude, you have some weird wank fantasies.

There are probably 5 hundred million reasons why Bloomberg will get the nomination

By that logic, Tom Steyer should be the frontrunner, as he's been spending millions for years running against Trump, and still can't get over 2%.

I would say judging by the pure level of Right Wing Panic over Bloomberg right now, he might be worth looking into.
Joe! Work with me here. I’m trying to help you.

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