Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
What is your evidence that TG is a russian agent?

that is beyond stupid
Donald Trump Embraces Wider Use of Stop-and-Frisk by Police
By Michael Barbaro, Maggie Haberman and Yamiche Alcindor

Sept. 21, 2016

Donald J. Trump on Wednesday called for the broad use of the contentious stop-and-frisk policing strategy in America’s cities, embracing an aggressive tactic whose legality has been challenged and whose enforcement has been abandoned in New York.

His support for the polarizing crime-fighting policy — which involves officers’ questioning and searching pedestrians — collides with his highly visible courtship of African-Americans, who have been disproportionately singled out by the tactic, data show.

For Mr. Trump, the timing was especially inauspicious: It came as police shootings of black people were once again drawing scrutiny and protest.

Mr. Trump has long championed stop-and-frisk as a crime-fighting tool in his hometown, New York, but on Wednesday he recommended that it be deployed in cities across the country that are struggling to control violence.

Donald Trump Embraces Wider Use of Stop-and-Frisk by Police
As opposed to the republican candidate:

Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
What is your evidence that TG is a russian agent?

that is beyond stupid
Hillary said it, so he believes it. It's as simple as that.
Yep. Hillary does all Joe’s thinking.
And BTW - I'll answer the OP

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is a washed up full bore socialist. He has no chance in a national election today. His biggest fans don't even vote. The only reason he is leading is because everyone below is just that bad.

Peter Buttigeig - He is gay. And minorities won't turn out to vote for a gay man. Blacks especially are homophobic and violent to transexuals. Something Warren alluded to but wouldn't actually say it.

Joe Biden - He had no chance to start with. He has so many problems you could write a novel and only include half of them. He can barely cobble together a coherent sentence, has serious issues with young girls and was past his prime 20 years ago.

Liz Warren - She is fake in so many ways. She sold her opinions to the left hoping that could get her somewhere. It s hard to believe she wrote a quite conservative book not that long ago, that the media has completely blacked out. No one will even talk about it.
And the fake has nothing to do with her weird Indian claims that were bogus. She is a chameleon that forms her opinion on whatever the opinion is of the day.

Amy Klochabar - Gone. She doesn't matter. VP maybe, and perhaps in another election round, but not this one.

Mike Bloomberg - A billionaire. So he has the cash. But he also has a past that does not, at all, follow the leftist script. He has too many issues that both sides of the aisle won't like.

Below this line... who cares.
Tom Steyer -

Tulsi Gabbard -

Your two-minute hate aside, you really underestimate how much Trump is disliked. You are also assuming that the economy will keep chugging along even though there are signs of weakness.

I do think it will come down to Buttigeig, Sanders and Bloomberg, Bloomberg has some fence mending to do, but it's not impossible.

I do think Pete will consider leaving after super Tuesday. Bloomberg may run out of gas. He's got to debate sometimes. Sanders, Biden, Klobachar and Warren are the ones to look at in my view. Bloomberg doesn't have many more out of pocket comments to make on race before he's gone. And Pete, well his record is not good. Neither is Sanders. The reality of this entire thing happens when the 2 finalists go face to face. trump starts losing more votes when that happens. There have only been 2 primaries, we're not even close to the end of the first quarter. But republicans want to come in here making predictions.

So here's mine. trump loses in November. And he's working on his defeat right now by the things he is doing. The majority of Americans do not like a president that has decided to go after the people who did their jobs and who also have the right to oppose him as free citizens. This ain't Russia. People do not go to prison because they object to the president.
Trump is going after criminals and traitors. The majority of Americans believe in justice for the coup plotters.

The majority of Americans know that is not what trump is doing. The majority of Americans know there was no coup. Don't get your 30 percent fact free loons mistaken as the majority of Americans.
How is it that you can read the minds of the majority of Americans?
Because your cult represents 30 percent of all Americans.
LOL, Joe
I love how well USMB'ers read.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

I'm scrolling past all the neenerheads who are obviously illiterate and I will say this:
I'd vote for Biden, even though he's too old and his best chance was in 2016. He would have cleared Hillary by a mile and pounded Trump into the dust where he belongs.
I agree with you about Pete B. I'm not sure the US is ready.
I have never liked Liz.
Klobuchar is reasonable, but I don't like the idea of performing CPR on ObamaCare.
Sanders is the DNC's nightmare and while his support is certainly sending a strong message, we need to figure out just what that message is. Sure, he's likable, but he's far too socialist, "Democratic" or not. He is heavily supported by young people 18-29, who maybe don't know (or don't care) what his underlying message is. He is obsessed about rich people and redistributing wealth and taking half our paychecks to pay for stuff that maybe we don't need or want. He is extremely weak on anything but running the economy.
I'm a firm believer in safety net programs and universal healthcare, and I would accept more coming out of my paycheck to get that, but really, Sanders is way beyond that. That's just my opinion and I may be wrong. Correct me if so.

So you have no one to vote for?

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My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

Hillary got the most delegates and the most votes in the general election.
Or maybe the republican candidate is this guy.

Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
Not all Democrats are progressives, why didn't you tell them to stay away too?
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
What is your evidence that TG is a russian agent?

that is beyond stupid

Because he heard Hillary say that on CNN or MSNBC.

That is doubly beyond stupid.
So what you are saying, is that impeachment means nothing, because dims failed to present a case and he was acquitted? So he utilized legal representation, to defend against miscreants and came out victorious? And he remains in the White House, mocking his accusers? I don’t know anyone who voted for him before, that isn’t laughing at the socialist party and not going to vote for him again. “Would have “, is a frustrating losing battle cry [emoji22].

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I'm saying that republicans helped trump cover up a crime.

What "crime?"


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You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.
I'm saying that republicans helped trump cover up a crime.
What "crime?"


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.

It isn't coming, Nostradamus.
What "crime?"


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.

It isn't coming, Nostradamus.

Just watch what happens this fall. Democrats have not pulled out all their weapons and trump is using his now.
Once again, this thread has had to undergo a massive cleanup - 44 posts derailing the thread.

Is the topic the Mueller report? No.
Is the topic impeachment? No.

Thread bans and infractions have been handed out.
Once again, this thread has had to undergo a massive cleanup - 44 posts derailing the thread.

Is the topic the Mueller report? No.
Is the topic impeachment? No.

Thread bans and infractions have been handed out.
Herds of cats...
LOL, Joe
I love how well USMB'ers read.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

I'm scrolling past all the neenerheads who are obviously illiterate and I will say this:
I'd vote for Biden, even though he's too old and his best chance was in 2016. He would have cleared Hillary by a mile and pounded Trump into the dust where he belongs.
I agree with you about Pete B. I'm not sure the US is ready.
I have never liked Liz.
Klobuchar is reasonable, but I don't like the idea of performing CPR on ObamaCare.
Sanders is the DNC's nightmare and while his support is certainly sending a strong message, we need to figure out just what that message is. Sure, he's likable, but he's far too socialist, "Democratic" or not. He is heavily supported by young people 18-29, who maybe don't know (or don't care) what his underlying message is. He is obsessed about rich people and redistributing wealth and taking half our paychecks to pay for stuff that maybe we don't need or want. He is extremely weak on anything but running the economy.
I'm a firm believer in safety net programs and universal healthcare, and I would accept more coming out of my paycheck to get that, but really, Sanders is way beyond that. That's just my opinion and I may be wrong. Correct me if so.

So you have no one to vote for?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

What I find most disappointing and instructive is Little Mike is trying to buy the nomination, and many Ds are happy about it.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.

Sanders could not win Iowa and barely won New Hampshire, so your words about Sanders is you living with your head in the sand as usual.
My choices:
Tulsi Gabard
Bernie Sanders
Any third Party.

In 2016 the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than to win with Bernie.

The Dems are setting themselves up to lose again. So be it.

What I find most disappointing and instructive is Little Mike is trying to buy the nomination, and many Ds are happy about it.

Really, folks...

One insists he either gets what he wants, or he's going to throw the toys out of the pram and sulk. Trump is going to love him.

The other falls for what has to be the silliest meme on record. For, all the other presidential hopefuls arrive at the competition, not a penny in campaign funds stashed away, and travel the country by foot to find their would-be voters. But Mike "is trying to buy the nomination". "Little Mike", because that standard of debate, as set by Trump, is now ... The Standard.

The truth is, of course, whoever possesses a lick of reason and decency knows that beating Trump as decisively as possible is the order of the day, not only because his policies are catastrophic, but mainly because he is a threat to the Republic. The other truth is, money doesn't buy a nomination - that takes voters. And that's why an unappealing candidate can't "buy the nomination", neither using his own money nor other people's.
I'm saying that republicans helped trump cover up a crime.
What "crime?"


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You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.

Based on? Can’t be history or your pool of loser candidates. Laugh while you can. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What "crime?"


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You ain't winning.

Apparently your party's fallen and it can't get up.

That's a guy laughing at republicans. trump is about to get pounded and you guys can't see it coming.

It isn't coming, Nostradamus.

That’s IM2.

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