Joe Biden claims vaccinated people cannot get or spread Covid

why, that's the stat. show me different numbers. again, you move goal posts because you got nothing to back your nonsense.
I can give you a dozen different numbers from a dozen different countries, and you would claim that only one of them could be true.
In areas where the infection rate is so low that they can't become infected.
The human immune system is activated by..... Wait for it...... BECOMING INFECTED.... Everyone vaccinated or not will become infected over and over again.... The only difference is how their bodies respond to that infection... MORON!
A statement is only false if it is proven false.
You said:
"...there is a 94% chance you can't get the virus if vaccinated..."
Vaccination does not prevent you from getting the virus, and thus, your vaccination status can not reduce your probability of getting the virus by 94%
Your statement: False. Proven.
"Can't become infected" is not the same as "Likely won't become infected".
You know this, right?
Actually the common vernacular makes them equivalent.

Even pure gold, contains other elements. But we still call it pure gold.
The human immune system is activated by..... Wait for it...... BECOMING INFECTED....
And the more often your immune system is exposed to a contagion, the stronger it becomes.
We walk in a sea of covid; those who have had, it and those who are vaccinated, grow more and more immnune to its effects.
I can give you a dozen different numbers from a dozen different countries, and you would claim that only one of them could be true.
i don't need other country's numbers I want the one's here. boy that's good ice you're moving those goal posts on.
And the more often your immune system is exposed to a contagion, the stronger it becomes.
We walk in a sea of covid; those who have had, it and those who are vaccinated, grow more and more immune to its effects.
Each time you are reinfected the B and T cells are formed during healing. that long term immunity has been shown ACTIVE 20 some years later for COVID. People who have had SARS 17-20 years ago have had little problem with this current strain.

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