Joe Biden claims vaccinated people cannot get or spread Covid

And the more often your immune system is exposed to a contagion, the stronger it becomes.
We walk in a sea of covid; those who have had, it and those who are vaccinated, grow more and more immnune to its effects.
why do the vaccinated grow more immunity? Explain that.
This is a lie, as everyone understands the difference between "can't" and "likely wont".
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Actually they're pretty much the same, as in our universe nothing is absolute. Quantum mechanics means that absolutes don't exist. Just ask Heisenberg.
Each time you are reinfected the B and T cells are formed during healing. that long term immunity has been shown ACTIVE 20 some years later for COVID. People who have had SARS 17-20 years ago have had little problem with this current strain.
The body's immune response to Covid is a better defense the vaccine -- the vaccine just makes it less likely you will suffer symptoms, to whatever degree.

Thus, the vaccinne isn't a necessity, it simply serves to increase the level of comfort of those who might otherwise fall ill.
Each time you are reinfected the B and T cells are formed during healing. that long term immunity has been shown ACTIVE 20 some years later for COVID. People who have had SARS 17-20 years ago have had little problem with this current strain.
covid has been around for centuries. Demofks move goal posts like it just got here.
why do the vaccinated grow more immunity? Explain that.
The vaccinated only grow further immunities if they become infected by COVID and the body has to respond. IF the vaccinated get the illness, while the antibodies are high, they get a very mild case and in many instances never have to recover. This is why they do not create long term immunities. Once those antibodies subside, their bodies act as if they have never seen the virus as they did not create long term immunities (B and T cells in bone marrow).

Its a bit more complex than that but that is the general description.
The vaccinated only grow further immunities if they become infected by COVID and the body has to respond. IF the vaccinated get the illness, while the antibodies are high, they get a very mild case and in many instances never have to recover. This is why they do not create long term immunities. Once those antibodies subside, their bodies act as if they have never seen the virus as they did not create long term immunities (B and T cells in bone marrow).

Its a bit more complex than that but that is the general description.
not what Xiden said. BTW, you know that, I know that, but the science following president says otherwise.
Actually they're pretty much the same,....
"Pretty much" = you admit they are not the same, and thus, make my point.

I learned the difference between "can't" and "probably won't" before I went to Kindergarten.
Thus, anyone with that level of comprehension or better understands they are - not- the same, under any degree of formality.

You choose to lie.
Actually what I said was: It's true in a lot of blue states, but false in a lot of red states. It all depends what the local COVID infection rate is
Either way, your statement is false -- unless infection rate is 0, people "can" (and likely will) still be infected,
The infection rate, even with herd immunity, will likely never drop to 0.
You confuse the common vernacular. They use the term can't get, when in actually they mean there is a 94% chance you can't get the virus if vaccinated, and 98% chance of not being hospitalized if you get it.

Don't listen to what the Vegetable In Chief actually said, listen to what I tell you he meant to say. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
As I said, that statement is both true and false, based on the local infection rate. And since the science is statistically based, the statement is certainly more true than not. And you're taking a statistical probability as being an absolute.
As I said, that statement is both true and false,

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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