Joe Biden highlifgts threat to American democracy

Oh yes he did.

You thugs rioted in Florida as you did your endless recounts.

What "2000 riot?"

You mean when protester demanded that democrats count votes in front of observers instead of trying to hide in secret bunkers?

Riots involve violence, you mindless little fuck. There was no violence by Republicans in Palm Beach - you fascists on the other hand....

I know that nature abhors a vacuum, and that idiot is an intellectual vacuum of world class proportions, and as nature lovers we try to fill it.

But good god, sometimes there is just nothing that can be done.
They shouldn’t hate the Trumpsters. They created them with their inaction and ineffectual lazy leadership.

Exactly. If the Establishment Republicans had delivered to the voters when they had a chance, Donald J. Trump would have never got off the escalator to run for President. And even if he did, JEB! would have pointed to his record of achievement in politics as a high energy governor, and defeated him in quick order.

The BBC are saying that he has done the sums and doesnt feel that he needsto placate the maga crowd any more.
He must feel that the "fascist" demographic is not strong enough to defeat him. That may change dependant on who the GOP bring in to replace the failing Trump.
Biden was the perfect Josef Goebbels last nite. I can see why you worship him.

Hopefully after telling 70 million Americans that they are a threat to the nation, they will be energized to get out and vote the fucking Dimocrats out!

The BBC are saying that he has done the sums and doesnt feel that he needsto placate the maga crowd any more.
He must feel that the "fascist" demographic is not strong enough to defeat him. That may change dependant on who the GOP bring in to replace the failing Trump.
President Biden is correct.

The BBC are saying that he has done the sums and doesnt feel that he needsto placate the maga crowd any more.
He must feel that the "fascist" demographic is not strong enough to defeat him. That may change dependant on who the GOP bring in to replace the failing Trump.
McCarthy has gone with being all offended...

We know exactly what he is, a coward.
Billions of people all around the world were uplifted by Bidens historic speech! At no point did anyone think, "this senile old fuck is a god damn retard". Biden is basically a combination of Ghandi and Hercules.
"this senile old fuck is a god damn retard" - That is more accurate description of Trump...
Trump goes off in the rants of slightly racist and full of wrong facts, he takes stuff that doesn't belong to him & he forgets stuff he does all the time...
Once he remembers people dancing during 911...

The real problem is there are fools that follow the old retard..
"this senile old fuck is a god damn retard" - That is more accurate description of Trump...
Trump goes off in the rants of slightly racist and full of wrong facts, he takes stuff that doesn't belong to him & he forgets stuff he does all the time...
Once he remembers people dancing during 911...

The real problem is there are fools that follow the old retard..
So, what do you plan to do with your leaders inspirational words last night?
From what I’ve heard of the clown last night, all I can say is very disappointing….To have an American President debase himself like that should be concerning to ALL Americans….

Despite his assertions to the contrary during the campaign, Joe Biden has no interest in bringing this country together. His intent is to divide us and to destroy a once great nation.

He has proven that he is an enemy of the state and, as such, he must be stopped...

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