Joe Biden just made life easy for Republican in this election.

If the dems lose the Senate by a filibuster proof majority..that will be my worse fears.

I think the Dems will keep the Senate.

It won't be filibuster proof, but I say 54-46 republican majority.

It won't be filibuster proof, but I say 54-46 republican majority.

Filibuster proof will not happen this time, but it may very well happen in 24. When the GOP starts putting forth legislation that will lower energy prices, thus inflation, and Biden vetoes it while the 46, 48, Dem senators scream, the case will then be made that the only way to get this through, is a GOP President, and a filibuster proof Senate.

This means the Left will take it on the chops from both directions. 1. Their fault things are bad, and 2. their fault nothing can get better because they are blocking.

I do believe in 24, the Democrats have far more seats up then the GOP in the Senate, which is also a bad sign for them.

Also, remember this------->this trend if you take out Trumps loss, has now been going on for 2 cycles if the GOP pulls this off next week. That is not expected in 2 cycles, and anybody who knows anything about politics should see this as a trend because it is 2 cycles in a row for congress, and not an aberration! The Left is far more unpopular than the GOP, just slightly more popular than Trump if you say the last election was on the up and up. No matter how hard they try, the Left can not say Trump is on the ballot this time around, which is why IF they get hosed as it appears they will, it is because they believed they could make him the bogeyman for this cycle, and they failed miserably.
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Filibuster proof will not happen this time, but it may very well happen in 24. When the GOP starts putting forth legislation that will lower energy prices, thus inflation, and Biden vetoes it while the 46, 48, Dem senators scream, the case will then be made that the only way to get this through, is a GOP President, and a filibuster proof Senate.

This means the Left will take it on the chops from both directions. 1. Their fault things are bad, and 2. their fault nothing can get better because they are blocking.

I do believe in 24, the Democrats have far more seats up then the GOP in the Senate, which is also a bad sign for them.

Also, remember this------->this trend if you take out Trumps loss, has now been going on for 2 cycles if the GOP pulls this off next week. That is not expected in 2 cycles, and anybody who knows anything about politics should see this as a trend because it is 2 cycles in a row for congress, and not an aberration! The Left is far more unpopular than the GOP, just slightly more popular than Trump if you say the last election was on the up and up. No matter how hard they try, the Left can not say Trump is on the ballot this time around, which is why IF they get hosed as it appears they will, it is because they believed they could make him the bogeyman for this cycle, and they failed miserably.
The dems have NOTHING to run on. Their mantra is to just repeat Trump bad, while the world collapses around them. Brings to mind Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
His instincts stink.

Going on national TV and accusing half the country of trying to "overturn Democracy" and promote violence isn't going to play well with anyone but his mindless Cultist followers.
I have known a few blind people in my days who can see way more than these idiots.

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