Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

Most of our public education system is a joke - I don't think either side has a plan that will fix it. Throwing all the money in the world at NCLB wouldn't fix that ludicrous legislation, but boy will they try to throw more and more money at education just hoping that the problem will go away.

Exactly, but least Obama is against NCLB being good thus far. I give him credit for that.

McCain is still delusional thinking it has done well for the education system.

And awesome point by Biden on Cheney.
The joke is that in Texas they administer the TAKS test which takes away from the educational system as a whole because you only learn what will be own those test and you do not get a broad spectrum of the education in which our youth deserves.
She really shouldn't talk about her "experience" when standing next to Joe Biden.

Go Joe... the idea of the vice president being part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion....

I love him.
I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with MC. Now I'm going to kill myself.

I didn't start it personally, the Bush Administration did.

We can "fix" it all we want but we'll be there for a very LONG time. As in many many years.

If we never let the Iraqi Gov't have control and run their own country then they will never learn so once we do leave all that hard work will collapse.
"Some people say my biggest fault is that I have too much passion."

BARF!!! A bit like people in job interviews saying that one of their negative qualities is that they're such a perfectionist.
Joe Biden bringing in his own personal story on all this. And he relates so well to the average American because he really is when you get down to it.
Lieberman, Guiliani, and Romney? All diverse backgrounds and Mavericks?

Wow she lost any credibility she had left.
Still not making sense. Have another drink and try again.

Let me explain darling you are an american.

BUSHTEAM invaded Iraq ..because they needed fake wars to justify huge defence spending...also other military/industrial complex profit reasons...but dont want to confuse you. Suffice to was a fake war....totally unprovoked...illegal and the act of terrorists.

So seeing as the US public supported this fake war and real terrorism... you should stay there until it is fixed.

No charge,

Joe's story is touching....but no one who has been in Washington for as long as he has is "one of us" anymore, I'm sorry.

He's been a US Senator since he was 29 years old...he's as out-of-touch with mainstream America as they come.

I'm not saying that Sarah the Moosehunter is down-to-earth and one of us...but Biden certainly isn't either.

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