****Joe Biden State Of The Union Show Thread*****

Holy shit, I missed this:

Oooooooo. Marxist buzzwords. You must have written her boring ass speech. Ratings are in and no one made it through it without falling asleep.
No, Obama was a Marxist and he basically represents the Democrat party today. Joe Biden is just a senile, empty headed automaton posing for pomp and circumstance and getting a feel up of a little girls titties once in a while. He is told where to go, what to say, how to act, etc. Sara Huckabee gave a common sense speech and you call it 'boring.' Sara Huckabee is half Biden's age and twice as smart.
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The real State of the Union:

I had to take an important phone call so I missed the last of Biden's mumble jumble jumbo bullshit, but I'm still pretty sure that he didn't talk about ANY of this.

That's probably one of the biggest lies Biden told, but then again he's told so many whoppers that it's really difficult for me to keep track anymore.
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not only was he a MAGA republican, but he also repeated all the MAGA lies, that all fake news MAGA media feed everybody

A MAGA republican telling MAGA lies, and committing MAGA violence
He was an illegal Canadian who hung out with nudists in San Francisco, and has BLM and rainbow flags on his property.

Not to mention he is a gay prostitute employed by Nancy’s hubby.
Say do "influencers" pay all their taxes.....bet there's more money to be made there than chasing waitstaff

it happened, they have admitted it

China had 5 spy balloons during Trump's failed presidency, Biden has stopped it.
Trump failed and Biden won
Nonsense, never happened. No one 'admitted' anything you liar. 'They' said in retrospect they suspect several Chinese balloons MAY have flown over the U.S. during the Trump administration. Fake news dude. Biden didn't stop the balloon while it was flying over the U.S. he shot it down over the ocean after it had already gathered all the intel it could.
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Also about Joe Biden's comment about the oil. I think he might possibly be hinting of getting rid of fossil fuels. Although it's highly possible that he was just being his old idiotic self too.
No, Obama was a Marxist and he basically represents the Democrat party today. Joe Biden is just a senile, empty headed automaton posing for pomp and circumstance and getting a feel up of a little girls titties once in a while. He is told where to go, what to say, how to act, etc. Sara Huckabee gave a common sense speech and you call it 'boring.' Sara Huckabee is half Biden's age and twice as smart.
Remind me what you think a Marxist is?
Also about Joe Biden's comment about the oil. I think he might possibly be hinting of getting rid of fossil fuels. Although it's highly possible that he was just being his old idiotic self too.
Everyone laughed. IMO half were laughing at him and the other half thought he was consciously making a joke. 10 years??? Yeah right.
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Everyone laughed. IMO half were laughing at him and the other half thought he was consciously making a joke. 20 years??? Yeah right.

Yeah, but what if he was serious? All I'm saying is I'm laughing on the inside, but I wouldn't put it past his administration that this was a line used to say that we're eventually going to be rid of fossil fuels. If it wasn't for all of the oil shortages and high gas prices then I would totally be thinking that that was hilarious.
Remind me what you think a Marxist is?

President Obama has emulated Lenin in striving to increase state control over such “commanding heights” of our economy as energy, health care, finance, and education, with smaller forays into food, transportation and undoubtedly some areas I am overlooking.

Besides mimicking some of Lenin’s policy strategies, Obama also has adopted Karl Marx’s strategies for gradually socializing an economy.
12 million new jobs !!!!!

Biden is the best job creating president in US history !!!!
What a brilliant business model….tell 12 million they can’t go to work…pay them to smoke weed, drink 40’s and make babies….then cut off their free shit, tell them to get back to work and then claim you “created” their job….FUCKING BRILLIANT!

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