****Joe Biden State Of The Union Show Thread*****

Polls are coming in.
President Obama has emulated Lenin in striving to increase state control over such “commanding heights” of our economy as energy, health care, finance, and education, with smaller forays into food, transportation and undoubtedly some areas I am overlooking.

Besides mimicking some of Lenin’s policy strategies, Obama also has adopted Karl Marx’s strategies for gradually socializing an economy.
so you can’t answer. You had to google? Biden doesn’t want to socialize the economy you nit wit. You all sound stupid when you talk about Marxist. You really have no idea it just sounds scary to you. I wish you were more educated so you could discuss it.
Who is the tall guy Jill smooched on the lips when she came in?
I didn't watch the entrance - it would make me physically ILL.

Didn't watch the "speech" either. We all know what he's going to say. Yuk.

Biden relies on support from blacks who blindly support him, illegal aliens who rely on his lawlessness, and notoriously lying to low intellect people.
Sad state of affairs for this country. :(
Yeah, but what if he was serious? All I'm saying is I'm laughing on the inside, but I wouldn't put it past his administration that this was a line used to say that we're eventually going to be rid of fossil fuels. If it wasn't for all of the oil shortages and high gas prices then I would totally be thinking that that was hilarious.
Biden will be room temperature inside of 10 years and the Democrat party will drop this issue.
Once I got the full transcript, I read ahead and then went to the gym.

Full of spin and lies and bullshit.
Polls are coming in.

so you can’t answer. You had to google? Biden doesn’t want to socialize the economy you nit wit. You all sound stupid when you talk about Marxist. You really have no idea it just sounds scary to you. I wish you were more educated so you could discuss it
I did answer and a gave you a link that showed what Marxist was (Obama) who actually styled himself after Lenin and Karl Marx. BTW, I don't use Google because it is now run by radical leftists. You probably do use it because I find your depth of knowledge shallow-left.
Polls are coming in.

so you can’t answer. You had to google? Biden doesn’t want to socialize the economy you nit wit. You all sound stupid when you talk about Marxist. You really have no idea it just sounds scary to you. I wish you were more educated so you could discuss it.

I already answered you. I provided a link showing Obama styled himself after Lenin and Karl Marx. I don't use Google because it limits search results to the political left.
I didn't watch the entrance - it would make me physically ILL.

Didn't watch the "speech" either. We all know what he's going to say. Yuk.

Biden relies on support from blacks who blindly support him, illegal aliens who rely on his lawlessness, and notoriously lying to low intellect people.
Sad state of affairs for this country. :(

So you didn't watch, don't know what went on, but felt the need to post your like you know anything at all.

So typical of know it all Republicans.
So you didn't watch, don't know what went on, but felt the need to post your like you know anything at all.

So typical of know it all Republicans.
No need to watch. Nothing to watch. Biden is 100% predictable. A senile robot, who yammers lies that we've all heard before. >>

Inflation was bad when he took over (it was 1.4%). Economy was bad when he took over (it had just risen to 35.2% GDP growth-highest in US history) More jobs created than ever before (they were workers returning to work after the pandemic)
Ho hum. yawn****
Polls are coming in.

so you can’t answer. You had to google? Biden doesn’t want to socialize the economy you nit wit. You all sound stupid when you talk about Marxist. You really have no idea it just sounds scary to you. I wish you were more educated so you could discuss it.
Whether for it or against it, you Progs keep denying it.
I already answered you. I provided a link showing Obama styled himself after Lenin and Karl Marx. I don't use Google because it limits search results to the political left.
That’s insane. Your link is bullshit and you didn’t answer the question. You googled and posted whatever came up.
this SOTU was completely littered with just boneheaded lines completely making the white house ans xiden look worse

like was he just begging for the “secure the border” line? it’s amazing how disconnected they are
Um... it's up under Biden.
haha it was 63.3 percent in Jan 2020…now is the highest under xiden and it’s 62 percent…while it’s great most people have returned to the jobs trump created since covid…xiden hasn’t gotten. us back…add to that his inflation policies…we are much worse off…the majority of america knows that too
haha it was 63.3 percent in Jan 2020…now is the highest under xiden and it’s 62 percent…while it’s great most people have returned to the jobs trump created since covid…xiden hasn’t gotten. us back…add to that his inflation policies…we are much worse off…the majority of america knows that too


You poor, moron, Biden didn't become president in January, 2020. :cuckoo:

When he did become president, it was 61.3%. Now it's 62.4%.

And for you math-addled rightards -- 62.4% is up from 61.3%.
And wow it looks so good to have an unsmiling and pretty much emotionless McCarthy back there instead of a Pelosi who can yank my chain just by grimacing.
I love it. Kevin looked like he had a giant pole up his butt all speech. Probably because he knows no matter which way he goes...he's screwed and the House goes back to Democrats in 2024. :auiqs.jpg:
Back to the MTG-Q's getting rolled:

Those exchanges had a Brit House of Commons vibe with the noisy back'n'forth.
And Joe sucker-punched 'em.
They bit on his gambit. And they got spanked for it.

Much....I gotta admit......to my surprise.

Roped the dope. Bazinga!
Joe's LIE didn't fly.
Joe backpedaled, duh.

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