****Joe Biden State Of The Union Show Thread*****

You are claiming NORAD told Trump 3 times that a Chinese balloon was over the US, and he did nothing.…yet you claim he is an aggressive madman who was going to start WWIII by fucking with NOKO?


Only 37% of Dems want Trump to run in 2024. Are you part of the 37%?
Trump is running in 2024. He will destroy all his challengers and be the Republican party's nominee. Last man standing on the Republican side.

And then lose spectacularly in the general election. He is a cancer and a blight on the Republican party.

Of course I want him to run. :auiqs.jpg:
Which makes it all the more embarrassing for Trump. It happened. So one of two things were the reason they never told Trump (supposedly).

1) Trump's incompetence. He really didn't know more than the generals and didn't have the right people in place to notify him.
2) Trump ignorance. They didn't want to bother a man who couldn't be bothered with details that were longer than a 15 second soundbite.

Either way, it looks bad for Trump. :)
Trump could cure cancer and solve world hunger. It wouldn't matter to the snowflakes of the left.....because he is so mean.
Trump is running in 2024. He will destroy all his challengers and be the Republican party's nominee. Last man standing on the Republican side.

And then lose spectacularly in the general election. He is a cancer and a blight on the Republican party.

Of course I want him to run. :auiqs.jpg:

Why do you think 63% of Dems do not want Biden to run?
Trump could cure cancer and solve world hunger. It wouldn't matter to the snowflakes of the left.....because he is so mean.
Well, he's done none of those things. His entire life has been one hall of smoke and mirrors but by God, you and the rest of Alt-Right Nation would drag your privates over broken glass to die on that hill for him. Publicly pledging your loyalty, fealty, and devotion. Support for him no matter what he did...or didn't do.

Sane people, wonder why. :)
Of course they are going to deny it. It's HIGHLY EMBARRASSING. And a breach of national security. But it happened. Not surprising the three amigos would deny it. They had nothing to say about much..until it was time to sell their books.
More Bullshit. If they didn't detect them, how do they know it happened? No one saw them. No photos. No sightings. More fake news.

From your link:
“I will tell you that we did not detect those [previous] threats. And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out.”

We didn't see them, period.
More Bullshit. If they didn't detect them, how do they know it happened? No one saw them. No photos. No sightings. More fake news.

From your link:
“I will tell you that we did not detect those [previous] threats. And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out.”

We didn't see them, period.
Sorry, "domain awareness" doesn't cut it. It's still HIGHLY EMBARRASSING. It looks like the Trump administration was asleep at the wheel.

It happened. Deal with it and move on.
Letting a Chinese spy balloon fly across the US is whats embarrassing. Traitorous. Impeachable.
A balloon. You get your panties in a wad....over a ballon.
Again, it happened three times in the last guy's administration...and wasn't picked up because of "domain awareness"???
That what we're sticking with? Embarrassing. :auiqs.jpg:
Let the fun begin.

No fun here. I watched just enough of it to realize ONE THING:
That if Donald Trump is a bit of an egocentric playboy billionaire New York Real Estate and resort developer, that Joe Biden is one motherfucker of a crazy old dangerous, senile kook, more so that despite even the wishes of 68% of his own party, that he intends to run again, go much farther, and win. Also proving once again that our elections are nothing but a game, and a lie. A friend of mine tried to tell me that years ago and I wouldn't believe him.​

I tried to watch Joe Biden up to the point where:
  • Joe told us of how he had assured the oil industry that they should still keep reinvesting in drilling and refining because the USA would need oil "for at least another ten years!" For one thing, that tells us that Joe Biden has driven the vital oil industry to STOP reinvesting in drilling and refining! After all, we are being lead by a madman who thinks that after ten years from now, we will no longer need clothing, fuels, cleansers, tools, plastics, sports equipment, safety gear, medicines, electronics, toiletries, construction materials, home furnishings, computers, toilet seats, plungers, greases, lubricants, bathtubs, shower stalls and curtains, plastic pipes, laundry baskets, linoleum, caulking, computer chips, aspirin, bandages, cortisone, antihistamines, rubber, nylon, plastic soda and food container bottles, trash bags, tires, delrin gears, toys, and 6,000 other things!
  • That is when I started to really get sick. But the breaker where I had to turn the lying bastard off was when he started railing about the rich "paying their fair share" and not paying enough taxes! TO THE VERY ROOM OF PEOPLE WHO WRITE THE FUCKING TAX CODE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHICH THE RICH (like them) ARE ONLY FOLLOWING TO THE LETTER OF THE LAW WHICH THEY WRITE. Worse, the democrat fucking useless lying party has controlled the congress for years and years and years and never lifted a finger about it. Because it SUITS THEM.
Fuck the old asshole.
50/50 at the moment.

I am about there as well.

I just cannot see him running a robust campaign, but the Dem nemch is limited. Harris is not an option. They really only have Newsom. He will get 75 million votes just because of the (D), but if you look at California, he really does not have a good track record of prosperity under his goverance. San Fran is a mess.

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