Joe Biden's Covid death toll passes 400,000

Wrong. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to get vaccinated than Republicans.

That's statistically impossible if the 72% number in your link is correct.

What you need to do is stop spreading Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. It's killing people.
It is really no one's business what a person decides on their own personal health. I vaccinated however if a restaurant or event wants me to show my papers then I simply won't go there. I consider it an invasion of my privacy. I don't and will never carry my card. You and they can go to hell.

This is the proper way to handle it. Much better than demanding they change their policy to accommodate you.
Speaking as a leftist who soaks in victim roles for all they're worth and more, the fact as many have died already on my President's watch than Trump's increases my blood pressure, especially after we blamed Trump for it and then elected Biden.
Conservatives always step in their own shit. He wants brown skinned Latinos to show papers, but he won’t show his.

Lol, conservatives.
The Gestapo demands we all wear masks and be vaccinated as US citizens. I think we have a right to know why that same edict does not exist for illegal invaders. Right commie??
trump set the fire and now Joe has to put it out.

He's 11 months in, and he's proving to be every bit inept as every intelligent person in this country knew he would be.

He asked for this job. He almost demanded it be given to him.

And he got it.

And now he's an proven himself only to be an unqualified failure at it...

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