Joe Biden’s Military Can’t Reach Recruiting Quota – Then This Video Emerges

Not surprising. The good economy gives people great opportunity outside the Military.

The great news is that the people who are joining are more left leaning while the RW types avoid the military because they are afraid of minorities. You know, the reason you personally never joined.

And if you were honest you would admit this is nothing new.

It happened under Republicans.

But hey. Let’s see who also missed goals. Why it was Trump. And why? He can’t resist badmouthing the military.

Joining the military whether you like it or not (a percentage do not) and completing your enlistment can lead to a better life when discharged.
Okay. Let's get something straight. I served 23 years in the military and I can tell you this, when you sign on the dotted line and swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution (and its Bill of Rights) against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, you also lose some of those rights. It's expected and logical. The military isn't a democracy. It MUST remain unit cohesiveness and obedience.
Anytime personnel are going to be sent to parts of the world that require certain inoculations and medications to be taken to prevent becoming a victim of any number of diseases and/or parasites, those personnel are "required" to take such medications that can give some protection against those diseases/parasites. A good example is if personnel are being transferred to a malaria prone region. You can't say," I'd prefer not to take the medication sir." Unless you have a verifiable allergy to the medication or vaccine, you're taking it. If you do have an allergy, you will be reassigned to a different location.
You are correct to say that the military has s legal tight to demand that soldiers take the jab

But the chain of command is wrong to exercise that power the way it did in the video by physically forcing the service member to take the shot

He should have been given an honorable discharge
You are correct to say that the military has s legal tight to demand that soldiers take the jab

But the chain of command is wrong to exercise that power the way it did in the video by physically forcing the service member to take the shot

He should have been given an honorable discharge

You expect better from a Salad In Chief who idolizes Hitler?

I agree with you, but the mRNA is not a vaccine. Nearly everyone who is fit enough to serve should have easily beaten COVID without much trouble.
mRNA was new and "the government" felt it was safe enough for the troops and to ensure troop readiness, "the government" authorized its use on said troops. In the case of the military, "government approval" is all that was necessary. Thus, if you refused to take the "authorized" preventative measure, you're discharged.
mRNA was new and "the government" felt it was safe enough for the troops and to ensure troop readiness, "the government" authorized its use on said troops. In the case of the military, "government approval" is all that was necessary. Thus, if you refused to take the "authorized" preventative measure, you're discharged.

Big difference between "discharged" and "held down by six guys and forcefully injected with a dangerous experimental "medical" treatment".

Even if the choice was either DD or this, I'd prefer being given the choice.


This video completely blows the leftist lie of "nobody was forced to take the 'vaccine' " out of the water, doesn't it?

I agree with you, but the mRNA is not a vaccine. Nearly everyone who is fit enough to serve should have easily beaten COVID without much trouble.
Well except those that died of COVID before there was a vaccine! Remember the aircraft carrier that was literally kept in port because COVID ran wild through the crew?

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