Joe Biden's unprecedented $6.2T spending plan

A Democrat is in office, so it's now permissable for Republicans to lie and pretend they care about deficits.

They don't, of course. Not one little bit. Trump and Bush proved that.

It is hypocrisy that defines those who hate all liberals, Democrats and especially progressive Democrats. They are the racists, misogynists, bigots and despise anyone who is not a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and belief dumb Donald's damn lies that the election last was stolen.
Biden's Spending Plan Speech Tonight: The American Families Plan ($1.8 trillion) follows Biden's American Jobs Plan ($2.5 trillion) and his American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion, already passed) -- the three of which, combined, would total an estimated $6.2 trillion.

The Dems always give their scams great sounding names like "The American Families Plan" LMAO
The Democrats are Looters and Liars.
They do not care how much burden that they load on the backs of the taxpayers.
There will be trillions in kick-back deals hidden in their looting plan.
They don't care if they bankrupt our country like Venezuela.
They just want their kick-backs deals.

In His First Hundred Days, Biden Calls for $6.2 Trillion in Taxpayer Spending | CNSNews
have we passed a budget yet.....,
All that leftist bullshit is over an above a budget.
Biden's Spending Plan Speech Tonight: The American Families Plan ($1.8 trillion) follows Biden's American Jobs Plan ($2.5 trillion) and his American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion, already passed) -- the three of which, combined, would total an estimated $6.2 trillion.

The Dems always give their scams great sounding names like "The American Families Plan" LMAO
The Democrats are Looters and Liars.
They do not care how much burden that they load on the backs of the taxpayers.
There will be trillions in kick-back deals hidden in their looting plan.
They don't care if they bankrupt our country like Venezuela.
They just want their kick-backs deals.

In His First Hundred Days, Biden Calls for $6.2 Trillion in Taxpayer Spending | CNSNews
have we passed a budget yet.....,
All that leftist bullshit is over an above a budget.
So we'll be well over 10 trillion in one yr.....what could possibly go wrong
Biden's Spending Plan Speech Tonight: The American Families Plan ($1.8 trillion) follows Biden's American Jobs Plan ($2.5 trillion) and his American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion, already passed) -- the three of which, combined, would total an estimated $6.2 trillion.

I don't think he's done yet either. Soon to come: Biden's American Steal/Buy Votes Plan, followed by Biden's American Green New Deal Plan, followed by Biden's American Amnesty Plan, and somewhere in there will be Biden's American Bailout Blue Cities and States Plan.

Look, I'll give you that Trump wasn't as fiscally responsible as he should have been, nor the GOP. But this shit from Biden and the democrats is fucking ridiculous. Curious to see what he wants to do that I forgot about. Whatever it is, it'll be chock full of democrat gimmes.

I can't wait for Bi-Dung's Zimbabwe hyper-super-dooper-ultra inflation plan.
A Democrat is in office, so it's now permissable for Republicans to lie and pretend they care about deficits.

They don't, of course. Not one little bit. Trump and Bush proved that.

I don't vote for Republican or Democrats as they both love to spend trillions we don't have.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
Biden's Spending Plan Speech Tonight: The American Families Plan ($1.8 trillion) follows Biden's American Jobs Plan ($2.5 trillion) and his American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion, already passed) -- the three of which, combined, would total an estimated $6.2 trillion.

The Dems always give their scams great sounding names like "The American Families Plan" LMAO
The Democrats are Looters and Liars.
They do not care how much burden that they load on the backs of the taxpayers.
There will be trillions in kick-back deals hidden in their looting plan.
They don't care if they bankrupt our country like Venezuela.
They just want their kick-backs deals.

In His First Hundred Days, Biden Calls for $6.2 Trillion in Taxpayer Spending | CNSNews
Charging taxpayers for "jobs" is just more welfare except someone may have to hold up a sign to get it.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

My point is neither is anyone else. If you are part of either party you have no right to talk fiscal responsibility. Listening to Biden last night it looks like the Dems need to shut up about Trump's spending. The partisan BS has gotten us into a lot of trouble, when do we quit blaming and start taking responsibility?
Biden's Spending Plan Speech Tonight: The American Families Plan ($1.8 trillion) follows Biden's American Jobs Plan ($2.5 trillion) and his American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion, already passed) -- the three of which, combined, would total an estimated $6.2 trillion.

The Dems always give their scams great sounding names like "The American Families Plan" LMAO
The Democrats are Looters and Liars.
They do not care how much burden that they load on the backs of the taxpayers.
There will be trillions in kick-back deals hidden in their looting plan.
They don't care if they bankrupt our country like Venezuela.
They just want their kick-backs deals.

In His First Hundred Days, Biden Calls for $6.2 Trillion in Taxpayer Spending | CNSNews
Of which he has at least partially paid for with tax adjustments..

How much is partially paid for?
A Democrat is in office, so it's now permissable for Republicans to lie and pretend they care about deficits.

They don't, of course. Not one little bit. Trump and Bush proved that.

It is hypocrisy that defines those who hate all liberals, Democrats and especially progressive Democrats. They are the racists, misogynists, bigots and despise anyone who is not a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and belief dumb Donald's damn lies that the election last was stolen.

It wasn't okay for Trump to spend and it is not okay for Biden to spend. I don't hate real liberals, in fact I align with them more than I do with Republicans. The issue is there are not that many real conservatives or real liberals anymore. Disgusting that politics has morphed away from liberals and conservatives.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

My point is neither is anyone else. If you are part of either party you have no right to talk fiscal responsibility. Listening to Biden last night it looks like the Dems need to shut up about Trump's spending. The partisan BS has gotten us into a lot of trouble, when do we quit blaming and start taking responsibility?
Well, that's the problem with virtually all of our major issues, on both ends.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

Then maybe we should put aside fiscal responsibility and move to what the money is being spent on.

Under Trump and the Republican Congress we spent money to beef up our military and job creation. This was good for all Americans. While we didn't spend money for jobs, we lowered taxes for our job creators, and most working people did see a tax decrease.

When Covid hit the commies were in charge of the House. Their Covid spending had little to do with Covid itself, and Trump had little choice but to pass their pork bills to get aid to the American people who needed it.

So here we are once again, this time looking at 6 trillion more in spending. This is not during two terms of a presidency, one term of a presidency, this could very well happen in just a few months. In this so called family spending bill, Biden wants to allocate 200 billion dollars of that to preschool which is a nice thank you to the teachers unions by shifting money away from daycare centers to early indoctrination.

We are going to spend more money for political paybacks, government expansion and government dependency. Then we have the infrastructure pork bill where only a part of the money goes to roads and bridges. Most of the money will be spent on green, another political payback to their environmentalist supporters. Of course that will greatly increase energy costs from coast to coast.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

My point is neither is anyone else. If you are part of either party you have no right to talk fiscal responsibility. Listening to Biden last night it looks like the Dems need to shut up about Trump's spending. The partisan BS has gotten us into a lot of trouble, when do we quit blaming and start taking responsibility?
Well, that's the problem with virtually all of our major issues, on both ends.

So why blame one side or the other? I agree, they are both responsible.

So trillions more in spending is okay because the last guy in office changed his mind?

The worst thing we can do is keep justifying spending money we don't have. One day this spending is going to comeback and bite us hard and we will only have ourselves to blame for high interest rates, less income and more taxes. We are all fools for allowing this BS.
My point is that Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible.

My point is neither is anyone else. If you are part of either party you have no right to talk fiscal responsibility. Listening to Biden last night it looks like the Dems need to shut up about Trump's spending. The partisan BS has gotten us into a lot of trouble, when do we quit blaming and start taking responsibility?
Well, that's the problem with virtually all of our major issues, on both ends.

So why blame one side or the other? I agree, they are both responsible.
Because it was the context of the thread.

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