Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police

I'll to an uninformed individual who looks at white wing blogs instead of reality.

Your bloggers tell you most democrats want to defund the police. And you believe them. Because you have to stay agitated.
Not that Republicans are any better at calling out there own, but the irony is that every.single.person who called for defunding police came from the left. Democrat Governors/Mayors/Councilmen/Spokespersons... left media on and on and for the Democrats to applaud this rather than speaking out about it WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING... that is irony.
I didn't see Biden saying this when he ran for President... oh wait... he said yes some of the funding should go to other sources. I didn't see Pelosi berating her Californication elected officials for saying it.... nope.
Not that Republicans are any better at calling out there own, but the irony is that every.single.person who called for defunding police came from the left. Democrat Governors/Mayors/Councilmen/Spokespersons... left media on and on and for the Democrats to applaud this rather than speaking out about it WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING... that is irony.
I didn't see Biden saying this when he ran for President... oh wait... he said yes some of the funding should go to other sources. I didn't see Pelosi berating her Californication elected officials for saying it.... nope.
Gaslighting has become the political norm.
Maybe he's thinking about another bill like the Clinton Crime Bill (which HE wrote), where he can lock blacks up in record numbers again.....

Then Kneepads can hold them past their release date and work them as slave labor (like she did in Commiefornia)!!!!
I favor long sentences, no matter who gets locked up, the longer, the better. You know, people could just decide to not do crime for a living. Violent crime is common enough, they do not seem to let long sentences interfere with their desire for easy money or just doing as they please. Long sentences keeps them off the streets and not a threat to you and me.
I am also not in favor of police in military tactical armored vehicles on streets, as if rolling into Kyiv facing their enemies.

I agree with you. But at the same token, Democrat cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit (just to name a few), they need police in military gear if they are going after the ruthless gangs. The gangs don't care either way. But I rather use excessive force when necessary. Either that, send in the National Guard.

Yes they do.

You phrased this as though you were trying to make a backhanded comment. Perhaps I am just reading to far into it though...
Thanks. I musta been good at it for a change.
Of course she wants to defund law enforcement, she's a Dim!

Congresswoman Cori Bush hit back at President Joe Biden's call for more police funding during his first State of the Union address.

"With all due respect, Mr. President. You didn't mention saving Black lives once in this speech," Bush, a progressive representing Missouri's 1st congressional district, wrote on Twitter after the speech ended. "All our country has done is given more funding to police. The result? 2021 set a record for fatal police shootings. Defund the police. Invest in our communities."

Not that Republicans are any better at calling out there own, but the irony is that every.single.person who called for defunding police came from the left. Democrat Governors/Mayors/Councilmen/Spokespersons... left media on and on and for the Democrats to applaud this rather than speaking out about it WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING... that is irony.
I didn't see Biden saying this when he ran for President... oh wait... he said yes some of the funding should go to other sources. I didn't see Pelosi berating her Californication elected officials for saying it.... nope.
That's where a simpleton stops and does his little peacock prance and preen.

A normal, rational person would then wonder what proportion of democrats and democratic politicians actually want to defund the police.

A normal, rational person would observe that Candidate Biden made it very clear he opposed defunding the police, and not only won his party's nomination, but then mopped the floor with the orange shitstain in the 2020 election.
Funding police won't help if the violent criminals don't get arrested, charged, prosecuted & jailed.

And that's exactly the problem in Portland! Police here know that the far left DA is not going to charge or prosecute many of the criminals here that are allowed to do as they please!
I agree with you. But at the same token, Democrat cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit (just to name a few), they need police in military gear if they are going after the ruthless gangs. The gangs don't care either way. But I rather use excessive force when necessary. Either that, send in the National Guard.

Send in the Guard? Been there, done that, armed to the teeth, all the live rounds I could carry and still drive a jeep with an m-60 mounted on the pedestal and multiple cans of 7.62, just in case. Got to admit, you pull a platoon of gun jeeps in and start slapping belts into receivers, a noisy situation where shots have been fired before you got there gets real fkn quiet, real fkn quick. It wasn't that long after Kent state. Nobody trusted the guard not to light their ass up.
Do the dems really think we are stupid?...or that we weren't paying attention to them?....
They will never make this lie stick...too many videos out there of them calling to not only defund but abolish the police...remember they wanted the people to police their own communities.....
Name a municipality in this Country that has defunded it's police force.

Make it fast, Sunshine. I ain't got all night.
Send in the Guard? Been there, done that, armed to the teeth, all the live rounds I could carry and still drive a jeep with an m-60 mounted on the pedestal and multiple cans of 7.62, just in case. Got to admit, you pull a platoon of gun jeeps in and start slapping belts into receivers, a noisy situation where shots have been fired before you got there gets real fkn quiet, real fkn quick. It wasn't that long after Kent state. Nobody trusted the guard not to light their ass up.

Well, that is true! Any suggestions then?

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