Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police

pelple empty head biden is saying what ever sricks; you really think he will cure cancer? come on,. he isnt going tio dan thing. a week frail sickly old fool who should not have been put it office.
Obama and Biden supported law enforcement. Have you forgotten the taskforce to restore respect for and confidence in US law enforcement?
Change????? Just because he said it dosen't mean that he believes it.
It is a non-issue at the presidential level, good for meaningless partisan political points only. Has anybody on this board or anywhere else living, seen a president show up at a city council meeting, take it over and change the policy of the local elected officials as to how they allocate their budget and fund what are supposed to be their priorities? NO.
You score no points with me on non-issues. Maybe that is another benefit of being a rational Independent. Good luck with handling your local social issues.
The far left & far right say a lot of not well thought out or smart things. Could we use some improvement in our police training Yes. Could the police use some trained back up dealing with mental health, Yes
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Well well. Welcome to the club Joe. For two years you’ve been calling for the police funds to be directed away from the police. DEFUNDING THE POLICE.

Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police​

Biden also said police forces don’t need surplus military equipment because it makes them look like 'the enemy' in communities​

From the guy who literally puts an army around himself.

I guess those low poll numbers told him to stop saying defund the police.
The far left is as fkd up as the far right. Partisan extremists, suck, don't they?
The Saul Alinsky everyone is the same act. In what world do you see rural areas burning down their towns with the politicians' blessings? Just to start.
Not really. He is trying to hoodwink the moderates. He is just blowing hot air.
You mean like every single president (Republican and Democrat) back to at least John F. Kennedy? How long has it been since you heard an important State of the Union address? A president blowing hot air? Heck, we just voted out Donny, the sole of hot air and now you think these speeches are significant? Get real. As SATU speeches go, it was alright and nothing unexpected.
Send in the Guard? Been there, done that, armed to the teeth, all the live rounds I could carry and still drive a jeep with an m-60 mounted on the pedestal and multiple cans of 7.62, just in case. Got to admit, you pull a platoon of gun jeeps in and start slapping belts into receivers, a noisy situation where shots have been fired before you got there gets real fkn quiet, real fkn quick. It wasn't that long after Kent state. Nobody trusted the guard not to light their ass up.
But today you are the ones in power.
You mean like every single president (Republican and Democrat) back to at least John F. Kennedy? How long has it been since you heard an important State of the Union address? A president blowing hot air? Heck, we just voted out Donny, the sole of hot air and now you think these speeches are significant? Get real. As SATU speeches go, it was alright and nothing unexpected.
So you agree then. His promise to fund police is bullshit.
But today you are the ones in power.
Not me. I'm in Tennessee, eating a steak and baked potato at my desk. He doesn't check in. Heck, I don't even check in. Last politician I corresponded back and forth with was Lamar Alexander (a Great Tennessean, good Senator and damn good Governor) and he did not always do as I wanted either.
People on here have expectations far beyond reality, so only normal that are going to be disappointed. That is unless they are partisans from the opposing party. Then, if they just tickled sh#tless to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.
Tell you what. Joe is pissing me off with some things too. If you will come up with a candidate that will guarrantee not to encourage or allow his assholes to try to take over any elections (even if they lose, big dog style), won't reallocate money from the treasury, signed int law by him and congress for a legislated purpose to his pet project that would not be funded by either house, and one that does not want to come to office with a political enemy list and would never ever make a move or give and interview or tweet just for the sole purpose of pissing people off, I will consider voting Republican, as I have many times before. Of course, if it has to be trump or a trumper, you can forget it. I'm not giving up the vote and having it count, for short term benefit and long term destruction of the republic.

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