Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police

The far left & far right say a lot of not well thought out or smart things. Could we use some improvement in our police training Yes. Could the police use some trained back up dealing with mental health, Yes
And yet that video features several in leadership and important position in the democrat party.

Right back to gaslighting.
That's where a simpleton stops and does his little peacock prance and preen.

A normal, rational person would then wonder what proportion of democrats and democratic politicians actually want to defund the police.

A normal, rational person would observe that Candidate Biden made it very clear he opposed defunding the police, and not only won his party's nomination, but then mopped the floor with the orange shitstain in the 2020 election.
Yeah, about that...
Name a municipality in this Country that has defunded it's police force.

Make it fast, Sunshine. I ain't got all night.
Well, since you begged.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore and a dozen other cities have all also reduced police spending. And some of these cities are now demonstrating the impacts of their new budgets.

It's a lie. Democrats don't want to defund police.
Come on now, you're just messing with us, right? Next, you're going to say that it is the Republicans that want to cut funding to police, right? You son of a gun you! :D
I saw that last night. Gawd, that woman looks like warmed over death.
This is terrible BUT, can you imagine rolling over and seeing that first thing in the morning, without the wig and makeup? What's the suicide hotline number?
Well, since you begged.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore and a dozen other cities have all also reduced police spending. And some of these cities are now demonstrating the impacts of their new budgets.

It's not just the monetary cutbacks, it's the perception by the police that the local governments don't have their back, and the perception by the criminals that they won't be prosecuted, or incarcerated, or even arrested for certain crimes. That doesn't include the mentally ill and drug addled that are left to their own devices, and given more opportunities to negatively interact with normal people. And guess what? In public transportation in a place like NYC, the majority of people taking said mass transit aren't white, and thus minorities are more likely to be victims in these situations.
I guess those low poll numbers told him to stop saying defund the police.
Their internal polls must be horrendous. They dropped masks, dropped the "Build Back Better" theme, did a 180 on defunding police. The list goes on. Least memorable SOTU speech ever.

Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police​

Biden is a liar

democrat city leaders are defunding the police all across America
This is terrible BUT, can you imagine rolling over and seeing that first thing in the morning, without the wig and makeup? What's the suicide hotline number?
No. Cannot imagine. I refuse. I have to get some sleep later.
It's not just the monetary cutbacks, it's the perception by the police that the local governments don't have their back, and the perception by the criminals that they won't be prosecuted, or incarcerated, or even arrested for certain crimes. That doesn't include the mentally ill and drug addled that are left to their own devices, and given more opportunities to negatively interact with normal people. And guess what? In public transportation in a place like NYC, the majority of people taking said mass transit aren't white, and thus minorities are more likely to be victims in these situations.

There is no legal basis for police, they are always abusive and going to always get worse.
We did much better before 1900 when there essentially were no daytime police.
Tyrants always use police to take over, and the police always do that.
That is because they always work for the wealthy elite who sign their paychecks, not us.

For example, we have the highest % incarcerated in the world, illegal laws like the War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
Police should be partially defunded to provide services for the mentally ill and homeless because cops are not qualified nor trained to deal with those situations. But first we need sweeping reforms of law enforcement and training. We need to end Qualified Immunity. We need to close up shop on Internal Affairs Depts. We need to amend training to include extensive training on the Bill of Rights. Too many cops are clueless of what those rights are and violate them on a regular basis. We can't continue the practice of sending Revenue Rangers out to steal money from the public. We need body cams that cannot be turned down or off. We need to end speed traps, DUI check stations, citizenship check stations and driver license check stations. And that's only the beginning.

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