Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police


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It was and has always been a stupid slogan that had hardly any real world support for. Used more by Faux News that anyone else.
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Well well. Welcome to the club Joe. For two years you’ve been calling for the police funds to be directed away from the police. DEFUNDING THE POLICE.

Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police​

Biden also said police forces don’t need surplus military equipment because it makes them look like 'the enemy' in communities​

From the guy who literally puts an army around himself.

Biden said there are things that the police are doing today that they shouldn't be doing... Police are acting like Social Workers, Child Welfare, Addiction services..... Police themselves have complained that this is not there jobs but cuts in other areas has meant that these problems end up on their lap.
It was and has always been a stupid slogan that had hardly any real world support for. Used more by Faux News that anyone else.
Agreed, Biden never said it really... He was about reducing the Police workload and make them more focused on law enforcement...

The GOP love cutting funding but the don't see that this creates problems and the Police have to catch everything that rolls to the bottom
Biden said there are things that the police are doing today that they shouldn't be doing... Police are acting like Social Workers, Child Welfare, Addiction services..... Police themselves have complained that this is not there jobs but cuts in other areas has meant that these problems end up on their lap.
Ah yes. Send in social workers instead of police. I think we’re up to two dead social workers as a result.

At Least 13 Cities Are Defunding Their Police Departments​

Budget cuts are not defunding. Remember Biden's stimulis package which provided funding to police dept's accross this Country to pay police officers? Trump & his asseaters such as Rafael Cruz & Graham bitched & pissed & moaned about it. In fact, just about every single one of those assholes voted against it.

I live in Jackson Ms where we have a greater black on black homocide rate that Chicago ( a city I love btw). Our local Black led cops set up roadblocks in crime ridden areas (based on citizen complaints) to check ,,, wink wink wink dr. license and insurance .....

The ACLU is suing. And yeah it's some black guy who looks about as hood as me.
I live in Jackson Ms where we have a greater black on black homocide rate that Chicago ( a city I love btw). Our local Black led cops set up roadblocks in crime ridden areas (based on citizen complaints) to check ,,, wink wink wink dr. license and insurance .....

The ACLU is suing. And yeah it's some black guy who looks about as hood as me.
Yeah these roadblocks have got to stop. We have so-called Citizenship checkpoints now. Some over 50 miles from any border. Reminiscent of Nazi Checkpoint Charlies. Show us your papers!!
Yeah these roadblocks have got to stop. We have so-called Citizenship checkpoints now. Some over 50 miles from any border. Reminiscent of Nazi Checkpoint Charlies. Show us your papers!!
oh we had them in Colo in the 80s. They really were to check for DUI, but it was license and (back then) safety check. I got no problem. I wouldn't mind them in my neighborhood, but the reality is that the criminals mainly come out after dark, when I'm home and armed.
oh we had them in Colo in the 80s. They really were to check for DUI, but it was license and (back then) safety check. I got no problem. I wouldn't mind them in my neighborhood, but the reality is that the criminals mainly come out after dark, when I'm home and armed.
Well I have a huge problem when American's 4th Amendment rights are being stomped on.
The moment democrat policies flop, democrats suddenly become republicans!!! You people will sell out any fucking belief you have. No integrity whatsoever. :laugh:
Talk about selling out? What is it that the entire GOP is doing in defense of a wannabe dictator? Your party is in lock step with the destruction of democracy.
The moment democrat policies flop, democrats suddenly become republicans!!! You people will sell out any fucking belief you have. No integrity whatsoever. :laugh:

The Left is in the wind, they really are. While we see a few people on here supporting Leftist policies, (and while I disagree with them, at least they are standing up for what they believe) most of the time, the Left runs on ISMS or ISTS, (like racISM, misogynISTS, you get the drift) because their policies suck to most Americans. They need to create hate!

This is exactly why Leftists can just change their stance on anything, at anytime. They have few, if any, core values. Did you hear Biden tell America he was going to secure the border! Just months ago, that was heresy if you were a Leftist. Leftist politicians do not really believe in anything but power, and they will say and do anything to get it; including reversing what they said a week ago. Like I core, or few core values. Most......not all.........of these Leftist politicians do not believe what they say. They only say it, because they believe that is what their followers want to hear.

So let me ask you people supporting defund of the police and treating illegals wonderfully as they cross the border-----> Now that Biden has reversed his position on both.......supposedly, you now against him, or rather are you saying.........he needs to lie to everyone so WE can hold power!
Budget cuts are not defunding. Remember Biden's stimulis package which provided funding to police dept's accross this Country to pay police officers? Trump & his asseaters such as Rafael Cruz & Graham bitched & pissed & moaned about it. In fact, just about every single one of those assholes voted against it.

Funcing police is a function of local government Why would we want to convert every local policing organization into a federal operation
Joe is an idiot. this ddue who puts america last. he wants to give illegas everythingh in cluding our jobs. and make more homeless. he wants to give free medical to illegas why hios opwn citizens are fighting to get affodabve care. he cares nothing for this country.
There's no 4th amend protection if you're driving in your car .. unless the cops want to search inside it .... or you.
Not true. To demand ID from someone in a car the police must have RAS Reasonable Articulable Suspicion that a crime or infraction has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur. Thank goodness we don't live in 1930's Germany, but we're getting there.
The Left is in the wind, they really are. While we see a few people on here supporting Leftist policies, (and while I disagree with them, at least they are standing up for what they believe) most of the time, the Left runs on ISMS or ISTS, (like racISM, misogynISTS, you get the drift) because their policies suck to most Americans. They need to create hate!

This is exactly why Leftists can just change their stance on anything, at anytime. They have few, if any, core values. Did you hear Biden tell America he was going to secure the border! Just months ago, that was heresy if you were a Leftist. Leftist politicians do not really believe in anything but power, and they will say and do anything to get it; including reversing what they said a week ago. Like I core, or few core values. Most......not all.........of these Leftist politicians do not believe what they say. They only say it, because they believe that is what their followers want to hear.

So let me ask you people supporting defund of the police and treating illegals wonderfully as they cross the border-----> Now that Biden has reversed his position on both.......supposedly, you now against him, or rather are you saying.........he needs to lie to everyone so WE can hold power!
That's quite a word salad. Just projecting like a good little sheep.

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