Joe Claims That the Democrats Don't Support Defunding the Police

Tell that story to the Floyd family. Or the Aubury family, Or the 3 assholes who stood by while asshole number four knelt on the neck of a man saying he couldn't breath. Like I said, the fish rots from the head and there is a nationwide stench right now.
Thats 3 incidents in about 5 years and only two involved cops

which is a pretty good record considering how many criminals infected with the Black Brain Disease they have to deal with each year
Tell that story to the Floyd family.

Tell WHAT to the fucking Floyd Family? That their son died resisting arrest in the commission of a felony and would be alive today still robbing people if he had not been living a life of crime? Or that he would be alive today had he cooperated with the police and just gotten into their cop car instead of fighting to lay on the street?

THAT PIGSHIT GOT WHAT HE DESERVED but the family is doing fine, they got FILTHY RICH off donations and now have tens of millions of dollars.

Attention: welfare: you can stop sending the SNAP cards to mom and dad now.

Choking to death from his own criminal actions was the ONE GOOD THING Floyd ever did in his life. His family and the world all thank him.
Thats 3 incidents in about 5 years and only two involved cops

which is a pretty good record considering how many criminals infected with the Black Brain Disease they have to deal with each year
You are about 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.
Tell WHAT to the fucking Floyd Family? That their son died resisting arrest in the commission of a felony and would be alive today still robbing people if he had not been living a life of crime? Or that he would be alive today had he cooperated with the police and just gotten into their cop car instead of fighting to lay on the street?

THAT PIGSHIT GOT WHAT HE DESERVED but the family is doing fine, they got FILTHY RICH off donations and now have tens of millions of dollars.

Attention: welfare: you can stop sending the SNAP cards to mom and dad now.

Choking to death from his own criminal actions was the ONE GOOD THING Floyd ever did in his life. His family and the world all thank him.
Not much to say about that tirade except stay the fuck off of my lawn with that cross there Mr Duke.
Do the dems really think we are stupid?...or that we weren't paying attention to them?....
They will never make this lie stick...too many videos out there of them calling to not only defund but abolish the police...remember they wanted the people to police their own communities.....
Abolish the police????

Show where any dem politician said that.
You are about 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.
I have ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE PERCENT chance of being killed by a cop cause I dont run the street and live on the edge of the law

but if the .0001% should happen and I am falsely accused I wont battle it out on the street with fists, knives or guns, because I dont have the Black Brain Disease

I’ll take my chances in court
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Abolish the police????

Show where any dem politician said that.

On Sunday night, a majority of the Minneapolis City Council agreed to dismantle the city's police department.

In an interview with NBC News, Councilman Jeremiah Ellison said the council would work to disband the department in its "current iteration."

"The plan has to start somewhere," he said. "We are not going to hit the eject button without a plan, so today was the announcement of the formulation of that plan."
You are about 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.
Bullshit. I've never once ever been concerned by any cop I've met. I'm most likely to be killed by one of the government terrorists now working for the DNC---- the same people with the audacity to de-platform a sitting president while he was trying to expose their corruption and now illegally detain innocent people denying them the cornerstone of our very democracy they claim to hold dear and say they are fighting to protect.

Which makes you more stupid than a smashed bug on my windshield.

On Sunday night, a majority of the Minneapolis City Council agreed to dismantle the city's police department.

In an interview with NBC News, Councilman Jeremiah Ellison said the council would work to disband the department in its "current iteration."

"The plan has to start somewhere," he said. "We are not going to hit the eject button without a plan, so today was the announcement of the formulation of that plan."
I can't see where it say Biden supported abolishing the police perhaps you could high lite it.
I did see where suggestion about some nut wanting to disband the department but no mention of Biden.
I can't see where it say Biden supported abolishing the police perhaps you could high lite it.
I did see where suggestion about some nut wanting to disband the department but no mention of Biden.
Here is your words:

“Abolish the police????

Show where any dem politician said that.”
I have ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE PERCENT chance of being killed by a cop cause I dont run the street and live on the edge of the law

but if the .0001% should happen and I am falsely accused I wont battle it out on the street with fists, knives or guns, because I dont have the Black Brain Disease

I’ll take my chances in court
Nah, you've got the Orange Trump disease. No brain involved.
Bullshit. I've never once ever been concerned by any cop I've met. I'm most likely to be killed by one of the government terrorists now working for the DNC---- the same people with the audacity to de-platform a sitting president while he was trying to expose their corruption and now illegally detain innocent people denying them the cornerstone of our very democracy they claim to hold dear and say they are fighting to protect.

Which makes you more stupid than a smashed bug on my windshield.
Bug here. What innocent people?
Nah, that's desperate, whiny, cultist fantasy.
You're a clueless moron. Biden certainly has substantial brain damage, yet idiots like you still vote for him. Call it solidarity with fellow idiots.

Prior to holding the Vice Presidency, Biden served several terms as a senator representing the State of Delaware. It was during his time as a senator that he required surgery for not one, but two brain aneurysms.

Yes dumbass, like you, Quid Pro Joe Biden is seriously brain damaged.

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