Joe Hunter Biden discharged from naval reserve for cocaine use

oh how mature, let's use the son to attack the dad. Grow up

Gotta laugh when Democrats who love to attack Governor Palin through her children get all uppity when they discover that wot goes around comes around. Let the weeping begin!

I'm not a Democrat you fool, and it's equally disgusting when someone uses Palin's kids to attack her.
oh how mature, let's use the son to attack the dad. Grow up

Gotta laugh when Democrats who love to attack Governor Palin through her children get all uppity when they discover that wot goes around comes around. Let the weeping begin!

I'm not a Democrat you fool, and it's equally disgusting when someone uses Palin's kids to attack her.

I agree, how many times have you mentioned that fact on a Palin thread?
No quarrel with that. Howsumever note that I said Democrats (in the plural) this was not targeted at you though I did left open the option that if the shoe fit it might be worn proudly. Since it did not then stick around and give 'em a few minutes to lash out at the children of non-Democrats.

They will.
oh how mature, let's use the son to attack the dad. Grow up

Gotta laugh when Democrats who love to attack Governor Palin through her children get all uppity when they discover that wot goes around comes around. Let the weeping begin!

I'm not a Democrat you fool, and it's equally disgusting when someone uses Palin's kids to attack her.

I agree, how many times have you mentioned that fact on a Palin thread?

To my knowledge I haven't been in a Palin thread. She's an idiot who holds no elected position and never will and thus of no interest to me, that however doesn't mean I'd condone attacking her children.
See, you're innocent. Best stop protesting so much lest you become suspect.

Read any Palin thread and see how much hate is expressed toward and through children and even infant grandchildren.

I used to be very much against attacking children of politicians in places like this but learned that it's SOP for the left so why in hell not throw it back at 'em. I know, it's "not nice" but "nice", together with about two Obamabucks MIGHT get you a cup of coffee. Together with. On its own? Nada.
oh how mature, let's use the son to attack the dad. Grow up

Gotta laugh when Democrats who love to attack Governor Palin through her children get all uppity when they discover that wot goes around comes around. Let the weeping begin!

I don't think anyone is going to make excuses for Hunter Biden like you guys make constant excuses for the Palin Clan.
Henry, don't you feel any shame over using Trig Palin as a poltical pawn?

Probably not. Sociopaths aren't capable of shame. If there's a depth you won't stoop to, we haven't found it yet.

Once more, moral high ground to the liberals. But with Henry proudly building a fortress on the moral low ground, it's more or less impossible for anyone not be on higher ground.
Henry, don't you feel any shame over using Trig Palin as a poltical pawn?

Probably not. Sociopaths aren't capable of shame. If there's a depth you won't stoop to, we haven't found it yet.

All children of politicians are now pawns. You have taught us well.

What you leftists brought around has come around; suck it up.
We really should forgive the wee laddie - he has so much family history to put behind him his alleged use of mind-altering drugs might well be a necessity!
The poor kid should be given some slack. He'll have enough problems to cope with when he's running for Senator in Delaware.
The nitwit is 44 years-old, not 17. I think he long ago started making his own choices in life regarding illegal drugs. Biden is enough of a shipwreck without blaming his middle age son's antics on him. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night all sweaty, horror-struck and screaming, "No! No! No!" after I have a nightmare about Biden becoming president. He's next in line, after all. God, we have enough to worry about without THAT looming possibility.
Not sure if Hunter took cocaine recreationally or is self medicating a mental issue. Sad for him and his family.

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