Joe Manchin: NRA Is Lying And Has ‘Lost Its Way’

Here's a bigger irony:


Yeah, it might be "irony" - if true.

Alright, prove me wrong little lady! I'm more than willing to hear how she isn't trying to strip every law abiding gun owner of their rights to bear arms.

Let's go! Step to it!

Id like to know how she isnt being completely open and honest about it.
Here's a bigger irony:


Yeah, it might be "irony" - if true.

What she didn't say that? Because she definitely wants that.

Please provide "credible" proof that she said that or wants that.

First of all, Dianne Feinstein does not represent the views of even most "reasonable" hunters and gun owners. Personally, I consider her a flake. However, she does have a rather aggressive list of guns she'd like to ban:

Here's the List of 158 Guns That Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban in 2013 - J.K. Trotter - The Atlantic Wire
Yeah, it might be "irony" - if true.

What she didn't say that? Because she definitely wants that.

Please provide "credible" proof that she said that or wants that.

First of all, Dianne Feinstein does not represent the views of even most "reasonable" hunters and gun owners. Personally, I consider her a flake. However, she does have a rather aggressive list of guns she'd like to ban:

Here's the List of 158 Guns That Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban in 2013 - J.K. Trotter - The Atlantic Wire

Why are you asking me for information you already have?
Yeah, it might be "irony" - if true.

What she didn't say that? Because she definitely wants that.

Please provide "credible" proof that she said that or wants that.

First of all, Dianne Feinstein does not represent the views of even most "reasonable" hunters and gun owners. Personally, I consider her a flake. However, she does have a rather aggressive list of guns she'd like to ban:

Here's the List of 158 Guns That Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban in 2013 - J.K. Trotter - The Atlantic Wire

Oh wow. First off, you may not lecture me about "credible", and second, you're so far left that you think even Dianne Feinstein is a flake? Holy Moses!

Feinstein told CNN, “When you come from where I’ve come from and what you’ve seen, when you found a dead body and put your finger in bullet holes, you really realize the impact of weapons.” She claimed to have drawn from the experience of putting her fingers in the bullet wounds of slain Homosexual activist Harvey Milk.

The words are there, the actions are even louder.
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Here's a bigger irony:


Yeah, it might be "irony" - if true.

What she didn't say that? Because she definitely wants that.

Actually she did say that. Here's a quote form a 60 Minutes interview.

Also worthy of note is Dianne Feinstein’s previous quotes on the news program 60 Minutes several years ago. During her interview with Mike Wallace about the 1994 to 2004 Clinton Era “Assault Weapons Ban” , where Feinstein lamented the fact she felt the law didn’t go far enough and stated “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”

Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) shot back at a National Rifle Association ad in which the gun industry lobby slammed him for being on the same side as President Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on background checks for gun purchases.

"Unfortunately, the NRA leadership in Washington has lost its way and is more concerned about political power than gun rights and gun safety," he said. "I am the same proud gun owner and NRA member that I have always been and I believe that criminal and mental background checks are a commonsense approach to protect our neighbors and children without infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights. I think most NRA members agree with me."

More: Joe Manchin: NRA Is Lying And Has 'Lost Its Way' | TPM LiveWire, by SAHIL KAPUR

Aside from the stated reasons, why would the NRA attack Manchin? He's an avid hunter and gun enthusiast. Unreasonable attacks like this will backfire - even in West Virginia.

Besides, the Manchin-Toomey Background Check Bill: S-649 was too watered down. Hopefully, the next bill won't be.

oh good, another POLITICAN you can hero worship over..and it's touching how you care about the peoples rights in this country..
but you are a zoo monkey
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there is that fucking word, "commonsense" , i just wish liarberals would try using it on themselves and see how well it works.., to me, commonsense gun laws/control is this: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

any questions ??
Appearing on CBS News' Face the Nation on April 14, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Newtown families have told him they know the bill he and Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) have crafted would not have prevented the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary.


Then why are the Newtown families still fighting?

Gun control fight not over, Newtown families vow as anniversary nears -

because they are ignorant tools for the demonic demoRAT party. :up:
I was an NRA member for many years - until it became a radical organ of the gun industry.

got proof ?? other wise, it never happened :up:

he's a liar you can see that with the left wing talking point..they became a radical organ of the gun industry...
just like he was for the for the Washington redskins name until some person at the dailybest ranted about the owner
take nothing from this person as truth.
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there is that fucking word, "commonsense" , i just wish liarberals would try using it on themselves and see how well it works.., to me, commonsense gun laws/control is this: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

any questions ??

Sparky, are you aware that state and federal courts and legislatures have already "infringed" the hell out of it? The 2nd Amendment is nothing more than a fossil. It's obsolete. It no longer means what it originally said.

So You Think You Know the Second Amendment? : The New Yorker

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