Joe Rogan Moving to Texas

California is screwed by the fact they lack TRUE diversity. Instead they want say Somalians that can't read a bus schedule or speak English drive a god damn bus. The Democrats push out competency and real diversity for superficial bullshit. That is why California is lost.
As with Elon Musk, they are done with the utopia. Before seething with rage that a other anti-American has moved to the American turf, it is at least calming to know that Joe Rogan will be voting for the American president Trump.

Personally I'm getting tired of people moving here from LA.
Conservative or not.
They drive up property values when they sell their shack in LA for 2mil and over pay for land here in Texas.
Better a conservative than a liberal I guess.

"I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom," he explained.

"Also I think that um, where we live right here in Los Angeles is overcrowded. And I think, most of the time that's not a problem. But I think it's exposing the fact that it's a real issue, when you look at the number of people that uh, are catching COVID because of this overpopulation issue," Rogan continued.

California is about to lose A shitload of taxes from this move.

Way to go, dumb fucking liberal shitheads running that POS State.

"I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom," he explained.

"Also I think that um, where we live right here in Los Angeles is overcrowded. And I think, most of the time that's not a problem. But I think it's exposing the fact that it's a real issue, when you look at the number of people that uh, are catching COVID because of this overpopulation issue," Rogan continued.

California is about to lose A shitload of taxes from this move.

Way to go, dumb fucking liberal shitheads running that POS State.
California IS too crowded....glad to see some leave. If enough leave, our freeways might be driveable again.

"I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom," he explained.

"Also I think that um, where we live right here in Los Angeles is overcrowded. And I think, most of the time that's not a problem. But I think it's exposing the fact that it's a real issue, when you look at the number of people that uh, are catching COVID because of this overpopulation issue," Rogan continued.

California is about to lose A shitload of taxes from this move.

Way to go, dumb fucking liberal shitheads running that POS State.
Name me one state that isn't losing taxes over COVID-19.

"I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom," he explained.

"Also I think that um, where we live right here in Los Angeles is overcrowded. And I think, most of the time that's not a problem. But I think it's exposing the fact that it's a real issue, when you look at the number of people that uh, are catching COVID because of this overpopulation issue," Rogan continued.

California is about to lose A shitload of taxes from this move.

Way to go, dumb fucking liberal shitheads running that POS State.
Name me one state that isn't losing taxes over COVID-19.

You don't understand basic math and economics do you?
California is losing a lot more than Idaho
Everyone wants to be taxed at over 50%....especially multimillionaires like Rogan. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

His departure is indicative of what a fuckhole California is.

tent cities and human shit all over the streets and sidewalks.

Liberals are so fucking stupid, they fuck up everything they touch. They are like KingMidas of shit.

"I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom," he explained.

"Also I think that um, where we live right here in Los Angeles is overcrowded. And I think, most of the time that's not a problem. But I think it's exposing the fact that it's a real issue, when you look at the number of people that uh, are catching COVID because of this overpopulation issue," Rogan continued.

California is about to lose A shitload of taxes from this move.

Way to go, dumb fucking liberal shitheads running that POS State.

As long as they don't attempt to remake Texas into another Liberal Klaifornia..

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