Joe was bad, Trump was worse

For Trump, I thought he did well

The format helped him to behave on stage and there were no outbursts. He seemed in control of himself and he seemed to enjoy having Biden on the ropes
He did as well as Trump can do - which is pretty bad.
He didn't answer any questions, he just kept doing what Trump does - exaggerate.

But Biden looked so old and feeble, performed so poorly - that in contrast - it made Trump look good.
Jeebus just stop. Biden's finished

Hundreds of thousands of people are dying at the Southern Border. I didn't have sex with a porn star. I spoke to Putin after the invasion. It was his dream.

What would you do about the child care. Illegal immigrants!!!
What would you do help opoid addicts. Illegal immigrants!!!
What would do about Social Security. Illegal immigrants!!!!
BS. Biden kicked Trumps ass.

All this hand-wringing about replacing him is smoke and mirrors - sophomoric political theater, lowering expectations for the next time.
Hundreds of thousands of people are dying at the Southern Border. I didn't have sex with a porn star. I spoke to Putin after the invasion. It was his dream.

What would you do about the child care. Illegal immigrants!!!
What would you do help opoid addicts. Illegal immigrants!!!
What would do about Social Security. Illegal immigrants!!!!
The country is fed the fuck up with open borders, and drug smuggling. That’s a fact.

Child care is not on the top of the list of things your puppet screwed up.

SS is an issue for congress to fix.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

Guy, I've been on board with Biden all along, but he looked weak last night.

I still firmly believe most Americans reject Trump and his hatred. (Far too many embrace it, and far too many people who know better are willing to go along with it for tax cuts or some such nonsense.

But if Biden can't effectively challenge Trump's blatant lies, he's ineffective.
Trump looked and sounded better. And despite the claims that people who think stolen election theories are nutjob conspiracy theorists....there is actually evidence of collusion and conspiracy in many of the key crossover states elections.

Joe looked and acted like a tired old man incapable of understanding complex subjects or when to dig deeper to understand when what he is being told is crap.

Trump hammered and hammered at Joe. Rightfully so. Things are NOT going well. Sure the stock market is climbing and everyone makes a little more money....but inflation has cut our buying power in half. Negating any effect that the increases have had and actually we are buying and spending less.

Back pocket politics plays heaviest in elections....and between unrestricted borders, increased illegal alien crime, low employment and job opportunities, and disgusting inflation....JOE HAS NO CHANCE....I don't think Trump will make things better....but that's not what matters.

Joe barely eeeked out his election last time....and it appears that it was due to rampant cheating....Trump's base is highly energized. Biden's is not.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.
Both of them simply underscored who they are. Untruthful and incapable and sadly most people will line up and vote for one or the other.
The country is fed the fuck up with open borders, and drug smuggling. That’s a fact.

Child care is not on the top of the list of things your puppet screwed up.

SS is an issue for congress to fix.
I don't know, I pay over 8K a year for my G-Grandson but I can afford it and I'm glad to help out.

That said everything the .gov touches turns to shit so I say keep making the sacrifice till your kid is out of private school.....Enjoy life later.
I don't know, I pay over 8K a year for my G-Grandson but I can afford it and I'm glad to help out.

That said everything the .gov touches turns to shit so I say keep making the sacrifice till your kid is out of private school.....Enjoy life later.
I know it’s high, but the top issues are immigration, inflation, and national security…
I don't know, I pay over 8K a year for my G-Grandson but I can afford it and I'm glad to help out.

That said everything the .gov touches turns to shit so I say keep making the sacrifice till your kid is out of private school.....Enjoy life later.

That's fantastic.

I was disappointed Trump didn't address child care and got sidetracked. People can't afford a one income home with this inflation and also cannot afford childcare. It's terrible.
That depends on the standards. Trump has eliminated all standards. He can lie, insult, and behave like an eight year old. Half the country just doesn't fucking care enough to vote against that. I think that's been proven.

This was a referendum on Biden. He is, unfair as it is, held to standards, and he just doesn't have it. He looked bad on teevee, and in America, that's a mortal sin. That's fatal.
He was very composed. He was calm. He spit facts. You call them lies. Biden was a Trainwreck. It was a great debate!

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