Joe was bad, Trump was worse

There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

No, sadly, I believe you to be wrong about that.

Joe sank down to Donny's level quite frequently last night, and burned-up far too much time trying to out-Trump Trump.

It didn't work for him.

And his better-than-Trump focus on foreign policy was unfortunately overshadowed by his painfully obvious frailties.

I wish I could bring myself to agree with your position here but, sadly, and to be honest, I think you're wrong about that.
Trump wasn't great. His responses to Biden were far better than his answers.

However, the fact that all I hear is "can Biden confront Trump" is the reason the West is in trouble. Just as in 2020, the media and Establish care about POWER, at all costs, NOT policies and how they impact America.

Americans and the West need good policies not a Party to win. Who gives a flying F about ANY Party, we need America to win. Open borders, I.R.A and Paris Accord are not winning policies. Russia, China and Iran know this, in fact, they encourage these policies.

THAT is the greatest danger and nobody gives a damn, they just want to know "can we beat their candidate? Once we do, we will govern as we please".
Well in this case Job #1 is getting shed of dems in the WH and hopefully taking back all of congress.....Nothing good can even start till then. Dems are the enemies of the Republic and they won't stop till all vestiges of our Republic are erased.
The leaders of the D Party had to know Genocide Joe couldn’t do a debate. They know he’s demented.

Could it be this debate was a set up by the powers that be to remove Biden and insert a candidate of their choice? Very possible.
We live in such a paranoid and cynical nation now that it is plausible.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

Come on sillybator....nobody is listening to your Reichbabble anymore.
He did as well as Trump can do - which is pretty bad.
He didn't answer any questions, he just kept doing what Trump does - exaggerate.

But Biden looked so old and feeble, performed so poorly - that in contrast - it made Trump look good.
When you are up against pure evil, making perfect answeres is really not that important now is it?
Being able to eat, drive back and forth to work, and not get murdered or infected by illegals is answer enough for

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