John Boehner, "I Got 98% Of What I Wanted"

Lol, what a moron you are.

He said he got 98% in the debt limit deal, not the sequestration you simpleton.

Boehner is a spineless prick. He knew he caved and he knew we'd be pissed (we were), so he claims to have gotten almost what he wanted. It's just to try to take pressure off himself.

The sequestration was the obama administration's deal. They wanted the debt ceiling raised and the GOP wanted cuts in spending. The obama administration offered the sequestration, automatic cuts, as a conmpromise to the GOP. It was obama's idea 100%.

It's his deal and no amount of spin will change that.

Go ahead and ask the American people who the sequestration belongs to. The GOP will get another nail in their coffin if they allow it to go forth...Count On It!

Rush and his pals on right wing radio, and cons in the media, have been preparing the talking points for when/if the sequester goes through

"It's not so's a Democratic scare tactic"...all the while completely ignoring their past comments on sequestration.

This is THE worst tact they could chose. The problem with it is if they feel its working they press it harded. As time passes the cuts get felt more. What you end up with is an ever increasing backlash. It is like someone telling you you are not getting wet more and more as it continues to rain harder and harder.

As far as the message right now seems Congress has gone radio silent. Obama's message is ringing in people's ear. I did see a couple "not so bad", I didn't see any "Obama's idea", but I have been busy. Not sure what happens next. I sure hope this doesn't go until the 27th.
The problem is that the people Boehner was supposed to be representing got absolutely nothing.

They don't want education. They don't want to build up the American infrastructure. They don't want a clean environment. They don't want health care.

The only thing they seem to want is LESS than the minimum wage.

We are already educated. We understand that education is not a power we delegated to the Federal government, but something we reserved for the state and local governments.

We realize we don't need to continually rebuild infrastructure that already exists, and that you don't really care about building it anyway.

We realize that restricting the market doesn't fix the environment, unleasing the market does.

We want health care. We just dont want some bureaucrat in Washington telling us what insurance we need or what we should do with our body. Funny, you guys pretend to care about that too.
So was he lying THEN or is he lying NOW?

Take your pick.

I think I already did. I said it was puffery.

He got a shit deal and claimed that he had gotten more in order to try to sell it to his highly dissatisfied and disaffected base.

His base is dissatisfied and disaffected because his base is the Confederate South and they simply can't stand having a black president. Racism goes hand in hand with ignorance. The same people who hate this president say education is for snobs and are willing to vote for a man who said he would cut teachers here and bring over immigrants who already have degrees. How ignorant is that?

What happened to Bush is starting/started to happen to the rest of the Republicans. Many people bought into the "kinder, gentler" 2000 campaign, then God Bless America let's go find terrorists, then Katrina. People started asking, "Is this what Jesus would do?" When that started happening the bottom feel out on Bush. The "pickup Republican" not willing to vote for more taxes on the rich when there losing their jobs and their futures and their pickups is taking the bottom out from the Republicans. Obama standing in a shipyard must wake Republicans up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat screaming.
The problem is that the people Boehner was supposed to be representing got absolutely nothing.

They don't want education. They don't want to build up the American infrastructure. They don't want a clean environment. They don't want health care.

The only thing they seem to want is LESS than the minimum wage.

We are already educated. We understand that education is not a power we delegated to the Federal government, but something we reserved for the state and local governments.

We realize we don't need to continually rebuild infrastructure that already exists, and that you don't really care about building it anyway.

We realize that restricting the market doesn't fix the environment, unleasing the market does.

We want health care. We just dont want some bureaucrat in Washington telling us what insurance we need or what we should do with our body. Funny, you guys pretend to care about that too.

  • You going to pay for that too? New York pays for Alabama's schools.
  • You have never washed your socks, have you?
  • Imagine a country started by Walmart (or any other company for that matter), now imagine a country started by the Founding Fathers.
  • (Sorry, don't know how to dumb that one down far enough.)
Go ahead and ask the American people who the sequestration belongs to. The GOP will get another nail in their coffin if they allow it to go forth...Count On It!

Rush and his pals on right wing radio, and cons in the media, have been preparing the talking points for when/if the sequester goes through

"It's not so's a Democratic scare tactic"...all the while completely ignoring their past comments on sequestration.

This is THE worst tact they could chose. The problem with it is if they feel its working they press it harded. As time passes the cuts get felt more. What you end up with is an ever increasing backlash. It is like someone telling you you are not getting wet more and more as it continues to rain harder and harder.

As far as the message right now seems Congress has gone radio silent. Obama's message is ringing in people's ear. I did see a couple "not so bad", I didn't see any "Obama's idea", but I have been busy. Not sure what happens next. I sure hope this doesn't go until the 27th.

In reality it is all about the 27th. Good for you for paying such close attention to detail and not spin :clap2:
Rush and his pals on right wing radio, and cons in the media, have been preparing the talking points for when/if the sequester goes through

"It's not so's a Democratic scare tactic"...all the while completely ignoring their past comments on sequestration.

This is THE worst tact they could chose. The problem with it is if they feel its working they press it harded. As time passes the cuts get felt more. What you end up with is an ever increasing backlash. It is like someone telling you you are not getting wet more and more as it continues to rain harder and harder.

As far as the message right now seems Congress has gone radio silent. Obama's message is ringing in people's ear. I did see a couple "not so bad", I didn't see any "Obama's idea", but I have been busy. Not sure what happens next. I sure hope this doesn't go until the 27th.

In reality it is all about the 27th. Good for you for paying such close attention to detail and not spin :clap2:

As much as I hate (not really :D) to disagree with such nice words I must. The problem is that sooner or later people, such as the DoD, has to pull the trigger. Putting of the sequester three month gave the DoD extra time but no extra money. Whereas first of the year it was a 10% cut in some departments it is now 15% (numbers are off some but not by much.)

DoD might not wait, may not be able to, another 27 days for this to maybe work out because the percentage goes up every day. Sooner or later they have to say, "Fuck this damn game tell a thousand people not to show up for work tomorrow." Same for every other department under the meat cleaver. Then what do they do the 27th or any other random day of the month or the year? "Work Monday and Tuesday, maybe Wednesday, definitely not Thursday or Friday. Oh, and that might change in the next few of hours." This is more screwed up that I think anyone outside someone directly having to deal with this realizes. If they don't do something tomorrow, well I will think of something to say tomorrow.
They don't want education. They don't want to build up the American infrastructure. They don't want a clean environment. They don't want health care.

The only thing they seem to want is LESS than the minimum wage.

We are already educated. We understand that education is not a power we delegated to the Federal government, but something we reserved for the state and local governments.

We realize we don't need to continually rebuild infrastructure that already exists, and that you don't really care about building it anyway.

We realize that restricting the market doesn't fix the environment, unleasing the market does.

We want health care. We just dont want some bureaucrat in Washington telling us what insurance we need or what we should do with our body. Funny, you guys pretend to care about that too.

  • You going to pay for that too? New York pays for Alabama's schools.
  • You have never washed your socks, have you?
  • Imagine a country started by Walmart (or any other company for that matter), now imagine a country started by the Founding Fathers.
  • (Sorry, don't know how to dumb that one down far enough.)

Thank you for saying that much better than me.

But I tend to think, "We realize that restricting the market doesn't fix the environment, unleasing the market does." was the most dumb.

How companies "manage" the environment:


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