John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Here's what comical. Both sides will continue to worship and defend their ilk. It's hysterical. And they say independents hurt the nation..
I firmly believe that the only reason Dunham filed this case at all was to keep those Special Prosecutor pay checks coming in. Grifters gotta grift.
I thought the statute of limitations had run, but apparently Durham had to use what little he had in order to get in under the wire.
I'm not surprised by this verdict! not at all.

There is no Justice in America.
That an impartial jury would quickly and unanimously dismiss a single frivolous charge is entirely believable if one is even remotely as unbiased as the jury.

Durham had been charged by Trump and Barr with investigating the FBI and determining if Trump's paranoia regarding the intelligence agency was justified.

Durham, after a long, arduous, painstaking, and utterly futile attempt to find something, anything, in that regard, ended up contriving a single, feeble charge that someone lied to the FBI.

Durham hung his tenuous shot in the dark on the testimony of one witness, based entirely on his recollection of a conversation about which he was foggy on many specifics concerning his interactions with Sussmann, and he even testified that he couldn’t remember if he knew who Sussmann was working for.

Obviously, Sussman had to be exonerated, but the more significant verdict was the FBI being acquitted when Durham could not fling a single piece of Trump stuff anywhere near his designated target.

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"Durham won the case in a Landslide!"

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"Oh, poo poo!
Looks like we're back to waiting for his investigators
to return from Hawaii
with all that
unbelievable stuff they're finding!"
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Well apparently both the judge and the jury were too stupid to see it too. Only YOU, the idiot FuckBoi, can see the truth.

Everybody is stupid except YOU. Everyone is lying except Trump.

You truly are too stupid to be one person.
I never expect you to actually be able to use your brain and look at the facts, Halfwit.

All you can do is post Dimtard talking points.

Why don’t you worry about your shithole KKKanada where people are locked up and their property seized for disagreeing with your cuck Dictator.
This investigation resulted in ONE, guilty plea, for editing an e-mail.

What happened to all the explosive revelations Durham was supposed to expose?
He hasn’t closed up shop yet. Still at least one trial to go.
I never expect you to actually be able to use your brain and look at the facts, Halfwit.

All you can do is post Dimtard talking points.

Why don’t you worry about your shithole KKKanada where people are locked up and their property seized for disagreeing with your cuck Dictator.
The irony is that the jury was presented with all the facts. ALL THE FACTS.
And they voted unanimously that Sussmann was not guilty.

And did so in record time.
Poor kid. Still spewing the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA long ago debunked bullshit.
I'm laughing at you missy.
The Russia Russia Russia is not observed by you RWI as a obvious failed attempt to see trumps failures.

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