John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

I have served on several juries and never once saw a judge disqualify a potential juror
I don't think I've ever served on a jury that didn't have someone excused by the judge. I was quite often excused because my father was a Fire Chief and many of his friends were Police Officers.
Why is it that every time Trump makes up shit about the Clinton's, it's proven to be false. Dunham presented his case, and nobody bought it. When you file a bullshit case hours before that SOL runs out, it's a desperation play.

She's certainly the smartest criminal in the history of the world. They've never found any evidence of these crimes. No witnesses. They've offered immunity from prosecution, and lots of goodies to all their employees and associates but no one has ever flipped. She's so smart, they can't even find the crimes Republicans say she committed.

And she does it all without dangling pardons, threatening witnesses or refusing to be interviewed. She's published her tax returns every year for the past 30 years, and the Clinton Foundation is one of the highest rated and most respected private charities, in the world. Instead of using their fundraising abilities and speaker's fees for private enrichment, they've provided AIDS Drugs to children and to adults in Third World countries, schools for girls in Muslim countries.

The trial tried and failed to make a case that the Democrats are corrupt. Every time Republicans try to prove Democrats are corrupt, the only thing they succeed in proving is that Republicans are lying about Democrats being criminals.
Go clean up your shithole country.
I have served on several juries and never once saw a judge disqualify a potential juror
Yeah, those drunk driving cases must be overloaded with jurors who are biased in favor of drunk driving,

You;re such a dumbfuck.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Expected, not at all unbelievable.

He stood no chance of a conviction in a DC court in a city where over 90% of voters are democrats.
The irony is that the jury was presented with all the facts. ALL THE FACTS.
And they voted unanimously that Sussmann was not guilty.

And did so in record time.
You LIE like a retarded leftist.

The facts were WITHHELD from the jury.

The jury was specifically instructed to disregard the facts

Fucking lying leftist scum.

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