John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

I love Trump because he has caused your side to lose it. And the more you show the people what you really are the more people leave you.

Not to mention I loved how he trolled the LYNG ASS MEDIA............Some cheap love it moments there.

Your party is now a cancer on this country............I simply don't care what you think of me.............Caring for you is OVER.

So let me get this straight.

Trump fumbles the response to Covid and a million people die.
He wrecked the economy and 65 million people lost their jobs.
265,000 businesses went under.
We had riots in the streets because he encouraged police misconduct to a point where even police chiefs denounced him.

But man, he owned the media and the libs!!!

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
Which part of they own the dang courts don't you understand?

Again..........look at the FISA article and give an honest answer for once in your life.

Trump spent four years stuffing the court with Federalist Society stooges.

The problem Durrrrrham had was that his case was bullshit. Not telling the FBI he worked for Hillary when everyone knew he worked for Hillary? Come on.

The Jury didn't even stay for lunch.
It's just like elections. Flood the pool with activist democrats and then claim you had a free and fair election or trial.

Letting people vote is "Flooding", how does that work?
I think you want people to vote. People voting is a good thing.

The problem here is that the case was bullshit. Everyone knew Trump was in with the Russians. Remember that press conference when he said he believed Putin before his own intelligence agencies?
You mean other than the lies that were told to the FBI and the FISA Court?

The FBI has opened investigations on far less than what they had on Trump.

Not to mention that a bunch of Trump associates WERE convicted of dealing with the Russians. That's why Trump had to hand out a bunch of pardons on the way out the door.

Or the money that was paid by the Clinton Campaign to foreign agents in order to smear a political opponent?

Compared to Trump shaking down Zelensky to get dirt on Biden?

Foreign Agents? You mean Steele, a British guy? Yup, those sneaky Brits, you can't trust them with their tea time and driving on the wrong side of the road!!!
Yeah, those drunk driving cases must be overloaded with jurors who are biased in favor of drunk driving,

You;re such a dumbfuck.

Drunk driving cases almost never go to a jury... they are adjudicated with probation and treatment programs.

The problem with special prosecutors is that they spend millions of dollars investigating things, they usually don't find anything important, and they end up prosecuting bit players for process crimes. Unlike regular prosecutors, who realize that while they could charge someone with a crime like perjury, they have limited resources to work with and save their powder for real crimes.

The supposed Crime was lying about a connection between Alfa Bank, the Trump Organization, and the Kremlin. Except Durrrr-ham didn't charge for that. He couldn't. Because Trump has kept all his tax returns and financial dealings secret, so we don't really know if there was a back channel.

So instead, he went for the "process crime" of his claiming to be acting as an independent actor instead on behalf of Hillary. But everyone already knew he worked for Hillary. So you're splitting a pretty fine hair of did he bring this to the FBI of his own volition, or did he follow Hillary's orders to do so. Either way, it's really not that big of a deal.
Hey dumbass, the very fact that 4 Hillary supporters were on the jury was a massive conflict of interest and justice that should have never been allowed. You would know this if you didn't have your head so far up your own, Hillaey's, and the Democrat Party' ass ... and if you weren't so triggered right now.
So the other 8 jurors were Trump supporters? That's unfair! :lol:
Letting people vote is "Flooding", how does that work?
I think you want people to vote. People voting is a good thing
Not when we have no way to verify that only legal, eligible voters are doing so an doing so only once each election cycle.

You really can't be this dense, it has to be an act.
Drunk driving cases almost never go to a jury... they are adjudicated with probation and treatment programs.

The problem with special prosecutors is that they spend millions of dollars investigating things, they usually don't find anything important, and they end up prosecuting bit players for process crimes. Unlike regular prosecutors, who realize that while they could charge someone with a crime like perjury, they have limited resources to work with and save their powder for real crimes.

The supposed Crime was lying about a connection between Alfa Bank, the Trump Organization, and the Kremlin. Except Durrrr-ham didn't charge for that. He couldn't. Because Trump has kept all his tax returns and financial dealings secret, so we don't really know if there was a back channel.

So instead, he went for the "process crime" of his claiming to be acting as an independent actor instead on behalf of Hillary. But everyone already knew he worked for Hillary. So you're splitting a pretty fine hair of did he bring this to the FBI of his own volition, or did he follow Hillary's orders to do so. Either way, it's really not that big of a deal.
No, he was charged with lying to the FBI not for acting as a go between.
Jury of Moon Bats. All filthy ass Democrats. The scum of America. No justice.
Not when we have no way to verify that only legal, eligible voters are doing so an doing so only once each election cycle.

You really can't be this dense, it has to be an act.

Except you guys have been making these claims about "illegal" voters since 2000 (The first time you foisted a bad president on the country after the voters rejected him). And 20 years of looking, you maybe find a handful of resident aliens who didn't understand the rules.

Bullshit, there was no probable cause any crime had been committed.

This is a national security matter, they really didn't need to prove a crime had been committed.

No, he was charged with lying to the FBI not for acting as a go between.
Which was bullshit because everyone knew he worked for the Democrats.

No, only her lawyer - who received Hillary's 'green light' to take the Russian propaganda to Baker and the FBI (according to Hillary's campaign manager), who billed Hillary for the hour he met with Baker and for the 2 USB drives he bought, filled with Russian Bank Connection BS Hillary knew about, and gave to Baker.

Seriously, do you snowflakes stop and think before you post this unintelligible dribble?
You are the ones who are unintelligible. It was one person's word against another. There were no independent notes taken of the meeting. There is no way you get beyond a reasonable doubt from that. Not guilty was the only possible verdict and I knew it would happen if it came down to that.
Except you guys have been making these claims about "illegal" voters since 2000 (The first time you foisted a bad president on the country after the voters rejected him). And 20 years of looking, you maybe find a handful of resident aliens who didn't understand the rules.
More BS. We've found numerous citizens voting multiple times and after losing their voting rights as well as dead people and people who have moved out of districts still voting in them even though they haven't for years when contacted.

The problem now is that with the way the system is set up it's all but impossible to catch the most egregious offenders.

That's why we need reforms like "Real ID" compliant Voter ID, and Biometric verification at the polls as well as a way for each voter to check and see if their votes were recorded and counted properly.
You are the ones who are unintelligible. It was one person's word against another. There were no independent notes taken of the meeting. There is no way you get beyond a reasonable doubt from that. Not guilty was the only possible verdict and I knew it would happen if it came down to that.
There have been a whole lot of cases where the defendant was convicted solely on the word of a witness.
OMG...someone claiming Hillary didn't do it? People like you make me shake my head in sheer disbelief. There is ZERO doubt of what Hillary's campaign DID!

Nah, you're just lying again. Not even Durham, who's been knee deep in this investigation for years now, has uttered such an allegation. A pity you rightards are so disconnected from reality.

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