John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Except you guys have been making these claims about "illegal" voters since 2000 (The first time you foisted a bad president on the country after the voters rejected him). And 20 years of looking, you maybe find a handful of resident aliens who didn't understand the rules.

This is a national security matter, they really didn't need to prove a crime had been committed.

Which was bullshit because everyone knew he worked for the Democrats.

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Joe in 2000 Gore and the dems claimed there were illegal votes and tried to keep thousands of mail in votes not counted because they came from the military.

They took their case to the courts. They tried to get Congress. it to certify electors

This was a great change in America, where the dems started to overturn every presidential election they lost, but only got more violent in 2016
Nah, you're just lying again. Not even Durham, who's been knee deep in this investigation for years now, has uttered such an allegation. A pity you rightards are so disconnected from reality.
Actually it was proven that Hillary approved of the whole mess.
More BS. We've found numerous citizens voting multiple times and after losing their voting rights as well as dead people and people who have moved out of districts still voting in them even though they haven't for years when contacted.

The problem now is that with the way the system is set up it's all but impossible to catch the most egregious offenders.

That's why we need reforms like "Real ID" compliant Voter ID, and Biometric verification at the polls as well as a way for each voter to check and see if their votes were recorded and counted properly.
What we FOUND...almost exclusively...were Trumpers who voted twice
You are the ones who are unintelligible. It was one person's word against another. There were no independent notes taken of the meeting. There is no way you get beyond a reasonable doubt from that. Not guilty was the only possible verdict and I knew it would happen if it came down to that.
Way to skip over all the facts and the evidence and teztimony to create your own altetnate reality narrative, snowflake.
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It figures.
Trump and his cult thought the 3 year-long Durham investigation was going to put down Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Biden.
Based on the testimony of ONE witness, ZERO charged and self-proclaimed, "conservatives" wasted millions of taxpayer $$$..............again.

Of course, the Mueller 2 year-long investigation was a "witch-hunt".

Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison.
Of course, their dear leader pardoned 7 of them.

Republicans love their criminals..................since 1974.
What was proven was she ok'd releasing dirt on Trump to the press. What was not proven was she asked Sussmann to collect that specific dirt.
Wrong again, the check went from his hand to the supplier.

They were never going to get a fair trial by an unbiased jury and judge in DC, we knew that going in.
It figures.
Trump and his cult thought the 3 year-long Durham investigation was going to put down Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Biden.
Based on the testimony of ONE witness, ZERO charged and self-proclaimed, "conservatives" wasted millions of taxpayer $$$..............again.

Of course, the Mueller 2 year-long investigation was a "witch-hunt".

Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison.
Of course, their dear leader pardoned 7 of them.

Republicans love their criminals..................since 1974.

Exactly right. I recall many on the right celebrating with glee as they rubbed their hands in anticipation when Durham was picked to investigate this. Now they cry like babies over 3 jurors being Clinton donors, as though that's a crime.
Wrong again, the check went from his hand to the supplier.

They were never going to get a fair trial by an unbiased jury and judge in DC, we knew that going in.

Again, Durham has not said Hillary was involved in Sussmann's activities in collecting that data. You're making up shit that was never discovered in his investigation.

Sad really.

As far as Sussmann's acquittal, I just posted a news article explaining why. The key evidence was a text with Baker but Durham couldn't show that to the jury.
OMG...someone claiming Hillary didn't do it? People like you make me shake my head in sheer disbelief. There is ZERO doubt of what Hillary's campaign DID!

Yes, let's blame Hillary because Trump got help from Russia. Let's blame Hillary because Trump is corrupt. It's all Hillary's fault that Trump was involved with the Russians and he got caught.
Wrong again, the check went from his hand to the supplier.

They were never going to get a fair trial by an unbiased jury and judge in DC, we knew that going in.
Then Durham wasn't doing his job.
The prosecutor and defense can object to any juror, even a change of venue.

The grifters got grifted.....................unfortunately, it was the taxpayer, paying the price......................again.
For Trump and his cult's delusions.
Wrong again, the check went from his hand to the supplier.

They were never going to get a fair trial by an unbiased jury and judge in DC, we knew that going in.

Bulllshit. We said from the beginning that this charge would be dismissed. This was desperation by Dunham to show something. That his 3 years weren't a waste of time and money.

One of the jurors said the trial was a waste of time, and that the lawyer should never have been charged.

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