John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

My country is consistently at the top of the “Best Places in the World to Live”. Your country is the one that’s in the toilet with the waters swirling.

Why don’t YOU have a job FuckBoi? 11 million jobs available, and you’re here night and day, posting lies Donald Trump tells you.
"Best places to live' as identified by the leftwing environment whack standards. Not any real standards of prosperity. And we were greatly prosperous under President Trump. It was the leftwing governors who shut their huge states down that started this whole problem; one that should never have been.
"Best places to live' as identified by the leftwing environment whack standards. Not any real standards of prosperity. And we were greatly prosperous under President Trump. It was the leftwing governors who shut their huge states down that started this whole problem; one that should never have been.
I never stopped being prosperous during any president or economic condition, why were you affected so greatly?
Colored leftwing jury. Same as with OJ. They need to get this out of DC

That's why Paul Manafort's first trial was held in Virginia. So he could get a Republican jury. They still convicted him.

When you file a bullshit charge, and fail to make your case, your case gets tossed. Republicans keep investing FOX News lies and Republicans rumours and then express shock when the charges are tossed or the investigations find nothing.

25+ investigations of the Clintons have taught you NOTHING. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. Stop believing Republican lies about Democrats in general and Republicans in particular.

Republicans need to wait until a REAL crime is committed before making up shit about the Clintons, and then holding investigations to find evidence of their imaginary crimes. Democrats wait until a REAL crime is committed - like January 6th, and THEN they investigate.
Uneducated colored welfare recipients are not honest jurors. Didn't we learn anything from OJ?

How do you know what each of their respective educations are?

And OJ's jury made the right call.
That's why Paul Manafort's first trial was held in Virginia. So he could get a Republican jury. They still convicted him.

When you file a bullshit charge, and fail to make your case, your case gets tossed. Republicans keep investing FOX News lies and Republicans rumours and then express shock when the charges are tossed or the investigations find nothing.

25+ investigations of the Clintons have taught you NOTHING. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. Stop believing Republican lies about Democrats in general and Republicans in particular.

Republicans need to wait until a REAL crime is committed before making up shit about the Clintons, and then holding investigations to find evidence of their imaginary crimes. Democrats wait until a REAL crime is committed - like January 6th, and THEN they investigate.
It was held in the Eastern District of VA, which is a left wing district, because where the crimes took place...which was NOVA, a left wing Mecca.

This trial wasn't about the Clintons....what it did highlight though was she was personally involved with spreading the Russian hoax propaganda campaign against Trump.....half a decade long investigations of Trump, and you all still got nothing, why? Because they were hoax created by Clinton and the DNC.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Yup. The fix was in. Add to that the allowance of Hillary donors and there was no way he would be convicted.

"Laws for thee, but not for me" means there IS no law.

Act accordingly.
Yup. The fix was in. Add to that the allowance of Hillary donors and there was no way he would be convicted.

"Laws for thee, but not for me" means there IS no law.

Act accordingly.

Dumbfuck, there was no "fix." Sussmann prevailed because Durham fucked up and couldn't show the jury key evidence to convince the jury that Sussmann lied...

So let me get this straight.

Trump fumbles the response to Covid and a million people die.
He wrecked the economy and 65 million people lost their jobs.
265,000 businesses went under.
We had riots in the streets because he encouraged police misconduct to a point where even police chiefs denounced him.

But man, he owned the media and the libs!!!

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
Amazingly, you didn't get any of that straight.

Oh wait, not so amazing after all considering the source.
Actually it was proven that Hillary approved of the whole mess.
HItlery paid for the Russian propaganda, hired Sussman to feed it to the FBI, Sussman lied about her hiring her, and the FBI ran with what they knew within hours was a bullshit story and put the country thru 4 years of chaos and wasted $35 million.
Actually it was proven that Hillary approved of the whole mess.
Nope! It was proved that when her staff told her they were going to leak the info they had acquired on Alpha Bank and the Trump Org servers were communicating with each other to Slate Magazine, she okayed it.

That was to the press.

No where, was it shown she was aware or ordered, Sussmann to deliver the info to the FBI.
Dumbfuck, there was no "fix." Sussmann prevailed because Durham fucked up and couldn't show the jury key evidence to convince the jury that Sussmann lied...

Yeah, there was. The judge allowed shrilary donors on the jury. The judge said the primary evidence couldn't be used.

Nope! It was proved that when her staff told her they were going to leak the info they had acquired on Alpha Bank and the Trump Org servers were communicating with each other to Slate Magazine, she okayed it.

That was to the press.

No where, was it shown she was aware or ordered, Sussmann to deliver the info to the FBI.

Stop lying. She is a fucking criminal. Just admit it.

You'll be able to sleep at night again.

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