John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Yeah, there was. The judge allowed shrilary donors on the jury. The judge said the primary evidence couldn't be used.


Stop lying. She is a fucking criminal. Just admit it.

You'll be able to sleep at night again.
And where are the indictments? Where are the con-victions? :heehee:
Yeah, there was. The judge allowed shrilary donors on the jury. The judge said the primary evidence couldn't be used.


Stop lying. She is a fucking criminal. Just admit it.

You'll be able to sleep at night again.
It's not a crime to turn over to the FBI, nefarious doings you think you've found. It's up to the FBI, whether they think a tip, is worth following or investigating.

See something, say something!
Yes, let's blame Hillary because Trump got help from Russia. Let's blame Hillary because Trump is corrupt. It's all Hillary's fault that Trump was involved with the Russians and he got caught.
Link us up to Trump's involvement with Russians.

Tens of millions has been spent investigating that and determined it was bullshit. But I'm sure some single digit IQ KKKanadian halfwit has proof nobody else besides Pencil Dick Adumb Shifferbrains has seen.

Bring it, Canuck Moron.
AND guess who attended the retards inauguration?

Guess who didn't attend his predecessor's.

The same loser who wanted a military sendoff.

President Donald Trump is planning an "elaborate, military-style sendoff" for himself before President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, according to ABC News.

Trump hopes to walk down a red carpet while a military band plays, sources familiar with the plans told the broadcaster.

He's even discussed a flypast by US Air Force fighter jets, ABC News said.

It has also been reported that Trump has asked about the possibility of a 21-gun salute, according to the Associated Press.
Thus, the insecurity produces a plethora of personal vendettas wreaking havoc with progress in the GOP.

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"Rudy once failed to call it 'Air Force One',

and I whacked him!"

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Then Durham wasn't doing his job.
The prosecutor and defense can object to any juror, even a change of venue.

The grifters got grifted.....................unfortunately, it was the taxpayer, paying the price......................again.
For Trump and his cult's delusions.
Um, he requested a change of venue and objected to jurors, but was shot down by the hack judge who should have recused.
My country is consistently at the top of the “Best Places in the World to Live”. Your country is the one that’s in the toilet with the waters swirling.

Why don’t YOU have a job FuckBoi? 11 million jobs available, and you’re here night and day, posting lies Donald Trump tells you.
Nobody is sneaking into your shithole Dictator run country. Millions are sneaking into the USA, Dumbass.

Your country locks people up and seizes their property if they disagree with your cuck Dictator. That's called a Third World Shithole.
That's why Paul Manafort's first trial was held in Virginia. So he could get a Republican jury. They still convicted him.

When you file a bullshit charge, and fail to make your case, your case gets tossed. Republicans keep investing FOX News lies and Republicans rumours and then express shock when the charges are tossed or the investigations find nothing.

25+ investigations of the Clintons have taught you NOTHING. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. Stop believing Republican lies about Democrats in general and Republicans in particular.

Republicans need to wait until a REAL crime is committed before making up shit about the Clintons, and then holding investigations to find evidence of their imaginary crimes. Democrats wait until a REAL crime is committed - like January 6th, and THEN they investigate.
Manfort's crimes were committed a decade before Trump ran for office, and had no connection to Trump, Dumbass.
Because he was not guilty. That's a no wonder you predicted....................
Nope. Because the fix was in from the jump, Dipshit.

A judge who should have recused, 3 HItlery donors on the jury, one AOC Donor on the jury, an admitted Trump hater on the Jury, and a woman whose daughter plays high school sports and is friends with the defendants daughter.

But hey it was a fair trial, right? Moron.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, there was. The judge allowed shrilary donors on the jury. The judge said the primary evidence couldn't be used.


Stop lying. She is a fucking criminal. Just admit it.

You'll be able to sleep at night again.

You do realize it's constitutional to have "Shillary donors" sit on a jury, right?

And again, Durham lost because he couldn't prove in court that Sussmann lied.

It's not a crime to turn over to the FBI, nefarious doings you think you've found. It's up to the FBI, whether they think a tip, is worth following or investigating.

See something, say something!

It is when YOU MAKE THEM! How mindless are you?
Um, that article makes you look like the idiot you are.

Go read it, because you obviously have not so far, Dumbass.

Aww, you poor thing...

On falsity, the government must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that an untrue statement was made. Here, although prosecutors had a text message – a statement, directly from Sussmann, in which he falsely claimed he was not representing any client in purveying to the FBI derogatory information about Donald Trump. But that is not how the case was indicted.

Special counsel John Durham did not have the text message when the charge was filed in September 2021, flush up against the statute of limitations. Consequently, in March 2022, when he obtained a copy of the text from James Baker (the FBI’s former general counsel who received the text from Sussmann), Durham could not go back to the grand jury to add a new charge or substantially change the indictment.

That meant the jury could not rely on the text itself to find the false statement. Instead, it had to find what was charged in the indictment, namely, that Sussmann had made the false statement at the meeting with Baker the day after the text message.
You do realize it's constitutional to have "Shillary donors" sit on a jury, right?

And again, Durham lost because he couldn't prove in court that Sussmann lied.

You do realize that once that happened there was no way he was going to be convicted. Right?

We get it. Laws are for the serfs, but the ruling elite are above the law.

And now we have the xiden admin saying "let them eat cake" as people can't afford fuel and food.

What happened the last time a government was this out of touch with its people?

Can you remind me again?
Aww, you poor thing...

On falsity, the government must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that an untrue statement was made. Here, although prosecutors had a text message – a statement, directly from Sussmann, in which he falsely claimed he was not representing any client in purveying to the FBI derogatory information about Donald Trump. But that is not how the case was indicted.
Special counsel John Durham did not have the text message when the charge was filed in September 2021, flush up against the statute of limitations. Consequently, in March 2022, when he obtained a copy of the text from James Baker (the FBI’s former general counsel who received the text from Sussmann), Durham could not go back to the grand jury to add a new charge or substantially change the indictment.
That meant the jury could not rely on the text itself to find the false statement. Instead, it had to find what was charged in the indictment, namely, that Sussmann had made the false statement at the meeting with Baker the day after the text message.

Yep, the key piece of evidence confirming beyond any doubt Sussman lied to the FBI wasn't allowed in court. That doesn't change the fact he lied to the FBI.

Oh, and there is all this as well. Barry Hussein's FBI ran with information they new was false, and lied about where it came from. So Durham once again exposed the Barry Hussein Regime as the corrupt asshats they were.

The text message before the meeting, coupled with the notes of FBI officials with whom Baker spoke immediately after the meeting, were evidence that Sussmann probably denied during the meeting that he was representing a client.

significant evidence that the FBI knew (a) Sussmann was a top Democratic lawyer, and (b) if he was peddling anti-Trump information just six weeks before Election Day, he was doing so out of partisan motivations.

This was illustrated by the fact that FBI headquarters concealed Sussmann’s identity as the source of the information – i.e., the Internet data conveyed to Baker, which was falsely claimed to prove that then-candidate Donald Trump had established a communications back channel with the Kremlin through servers at Russia’s Alfa Bank. This was deeply frustrating to the Chicago cybercrime agents. Any good investigator wants to know where information comes from; the motivation of the source is often a good barometer of the reliability of information.

In addition, FBI headquarters directed that agents should open a counterintelligence investigation based on the Alfa Bank information, even though the agents had quickly determined there was no validity to the back communications channel claim.

Even worse, the FBI itself inserted a false statement in its investigation-opening documentations, ludicrously asserting that the information about Alfa Bank had come, not from Sussmann, but from the Department of Justice.

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.
There ya go. Let that racist shitposting soothe your raging butthurt, loser.
What have I said that is either racist or unfactual? The fact is, when you allow uneducated ghetto obese partisan colored welfare recipients to decide important matters, whether it be elections, criminal cases, or public policy, you can be 100% certain of bad results.

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